31 августа 2019

Кофейное дерево

Род вечнозеленых деревьев и кустарников. Около 50 видов кофейного дерева растет в тропиках Африки, на острове Мадагаскаре и Маскарен-ских островах.

Наибольшее значение имеет кофе аравийский (дико растет в горных речных долинах Северо-Восточной Африки — Абиссинии). В египетских кофейнях живет арабская легенда: «Один пастух заметил, что козы, поев ягод с кофейного куста, не спят, а всю ночь резвятся. Он рассказал об этом мулле, который решил на себе испытать действие ягод, чтобы не засыпать в мечети. Пастух оказался прав». В Европе впервые узнали о кофе в 1591 г. от итальянского врача Проспера Альпинуса, который, сопровождая венециан- ское посольство в Египет, привез оттуда рассказы о кофе и дал первый рецепт применения его как медицинского средства: пить кофейный настой для укрепления желудка. Распространению кофе содействовали кофейни. Первая была открыта в Лондоне в 1652 г., через несколько лет их насчитывалось уже около 3 тысяч. Кофейни стали излюбленным местом сборищ: здесь узнавали последние новости(тогда газет не было), обсуждали вопросы политики, литературы, искусства, давали советы врачи и адвокаты, заключались торговые сделки. Разыскивая кого-либо, спрашивали, не где живет этот человек, а в какую кофейню он ходит. Женщины кофеен не посещали. Первые фонари, освещающие улицы, также были поставлены у дверей кофеен. В настоящее время крупнейшим поставщиком кофе на мировом рынке является Бразилия. Но она только производит этот ценный продукт, а скупают и торгуют им США. Чтобы задержать падение цен на кофе, 65% урожая уничтожается. В последнее время из «излишков» кофе делают пластмассу — кофе-лит.

Кофе аравийский культивируется как пищевое растение всюду в тропиках. Перед употреблением семена поджаривают и измельчают. Из сырых получают до 2,5% кофеина, который применяют в медицине как возбуждающее центральную нервную систему и сосудорасширяющее средство при усталости, заболеваниях сердца и др. Кофейное дерево хорошо растет в комнате, достигая 1,5—2 м высоты. Ветви его располагаются по стволу ярусами в горизонтальном направлении. Листья супротивные, простые, цельные, продолговато-овальные, заостренные, темно-зеленые, края слегка волнистые, кожистые, длиной 10—16, шириной 4—7 см. В хороших условиях цветет обильно, белыми, очень ароматными цветками. Цветы обоеполые, образуются в пазухах листьев. Венчик 5-лепестковый, у основания сросшиеся лепестки образуют трубочку длиной 0,5—1 см. Диаметр цветка 2,5—3,5 см. Тычинок 5, прикреплены они к краю лепестка. Единственный пестик оканчивается 2-лопастным рыльцем, завязь нижняя, 2-гнездная. Плоды темно-красные, почти бордовые, по форме и величине похожи на вишню, в каждом по 2 зерна. Цветет кофейное дерево в конце лета в течение 4—5 дней. Плоды созревают на следующий год.

Выращивают кофе из семян, так как черенкование положительных результатов не дает. Высеянные семена дают всходы через 30— 40 дней, всхожесть 95—98%. Сеянцы высаживают в 7-сантиметровые горшочки с равными частями дерновой, листовой, перегнойной земли и небольшим количеством песка. После посадки растения устанавливают на 12 дней в затененное место, но потом кофейному деревцу требуется светлое местоположение и свежий воздух. Летом поливка обильная, зимой — умеренная. Лучше растет при температуре 16—18°С. Летом можно 2 раза в месяц вносить удобрения из роговой муки, что способствует лучшему росту и цветению. В комнатных условиях деревце 1,5 м дает до 300 г зерен в год.

Костус огненный

Костус огненный естественно произрастает в лесах Южной Бразилии.

Травянистый корневищный многолетник высотой до 50 см. Листья темно-зеленые, удлиненно-яйцевидные, заостренные на верхушке, сидячие, с хорошо развитым влагалищем. На прямостоячих, с возрастом полегающих побегах они располагаются спирально, к верхушке междоузлия укорачиваются, и образуется крупная мутовка. В августе — ноябре из пазухи каждого верхушечного листа поочередно начинают появляться ярко-оранжевые цветки диаметром 6—7 см. Сросшиеся, слегка гофрированные лепестки у основания образуют длинную трубку. Семена хорошего качества.

Это малоизвестное пока растение культивируют в слегка затененных помещениях при температуре 18—24°С и при умеренном поливе в зимний период. Летом, наоборот, полива- ют обильно и опрыскивают, с мая по сентябрь подкармливают органическим или полным минеральным удобрением 2 раза в месяц. Размножают семенами, которые высевают в листовую землю после созревания почти не заделывая. Кроме того, в пазухах верхушечных листьев образуются так называемые буль-биллы, которые иногда прорастают и развиваются прямо в пазухе листа. Их так же, как верхушечные и стеблевые черенки, укореняют в песке в конце февраля — апреле в условиях повышенной влажности при температуре 20—24°С. Укоренившиеся растения высаживают в смесь листовой земли и верхового торфа с добавлением песка. Костус отличается сильно развитой корневой системой, поэтому в августе возникает необходимость в перевалке.

Костус невосприимчив к болезням, повреждается мучнистым червецом, который концентрируется в пазухах листьев. Вести борьбу с ним очень сложно, в этом случае наиболее эффективна короткая обрезка побегов.

Растение необыкновенно декоративно благодаря ярко-оранжевым пылающим цветкам на фоне листьев темно-зеленого цвета. Ценность их в том, что цветет осенью, когда мало других цветов. Пригодно для домашних коллекций, тепличек, витрин, зимних садов, небольших служебных помещений. Костус огненный используется как одиночно, так и в сочетании с другими лиственно-декоративными растениями.

Кливия матово-красная

Родина — Южная Африка.

Кливия —травянистое растение с крупным коротким корневищем и толстыми, белыми, мясистыми корнями.

От корневища двусторонним пучком отходят красиво изогнутые, плотные, ремневидные листья темно-зеленого цвета. Каждый год образуется А—5 новых листьев, которые держатся по нескольку лет.

Цветет в феврале — мае, образуя прямую, плоскую цветочную стрелку, оканчивающуюся зонтиком, несущим 12 и более цветков. Цветки прямостоячие, воронковидной формы, как у амариллиса, но меньших размеров. Окраска оранжевая, различных оттенков. Цветки в соцветии распускаются постепенно, поэтому цветение длится несколько недель. При искусственном опылении через 9—10 месяцев созревают плоды — яркие оранжево-красные ягоды.

Выведен ряд сортов, отличающихся друг от друга высотой растений, размером и цветом листьев, окраской цветков (от лимонно-желтой до красновато-оранжевой). Одно из неприхотливых комнатных растений. Теневыносливое, мирится с сухостью воздуха, может расти как в прохладных, так и в теплых помещениях. Во время цветения необходимы обильная поливка и подкормки. После цветения пересаживают в смесь, состоящую из 2 частей дерновой земли и по 1 части перегнойной, торфяной и песка. Старые экземпляры пересаживают через 2—3 года, молодые —ежегодно. Размножают семенами и корневыми отпрысками. Растения, выращенные из отпрысков, зацветают на 2—3-й год, из семян — через 5—6 лет.
Кливия декоративна не только во время цветения, но и в период созревания плодов, имеющих ярко-красную окраску и длительный период удерживающихся на цветоносе.

Кливия, как обильно и красочноцветущее растение, не требующее сложного ухода, может успешно выращиваться в комнатах. При озеленении интерьеров общественных помещений ее можно располагать в стационарных и передвижных контейнерах, при создании зимних садов использовать для одиночных и групповых посадок.

Камелия японская

Родина — Япония, Китай.

Вечнозеленое деревце, достигающее в комнатных условиях 4 м высоты. Листья плотные, темно-зеленые, глянцевые, как бы лакированные, овальной формы, с заостренной верхушкой и мелкопильчатым краем. Листорасположение очередное. Зимой на концах молодых побегов распускаются очень красивые красные, розовые или белые цветки: лепестки их плотные, похожи на восковые. Цветки махровых сортов очень напоминают розы, но лишены запаха. Цветение продолжительное.

Камелия — одно из самых требовательных растений. Хорошо растет и цветет лишь в светлых и прохладных помещениях: наиболее благоприятная температура зимнего содержания — не выше 12°С. Летом его лучше выставлять на открытый воздух, затеняя от ярких лучей солнца. Важен равномерный полив мягкой водой: ни избытка влаги, ни пересушки земляного кома растение не выносит. Летом нужны подкормки. В очень теплых и сухих комнатах камелию выращивать не рекомендуется — она сбрасывает не только бутоны, но и листья.

Пересаживают после окончания роста в землю, составленную из 1 части дерновой, 2 частей торфяной, 2 частей вересковой или листовой земли и 1 части песка. Перед пересадкой обрезают и используют черенки для размножения. Их сажают в чистый песок или смесь, состоящую из равных частей торфяной земли и песка, температура субстрата поддерживается в пределах 22—25°С. Укоренение происходит через 1,5—2 мес. Растение обладает прекрасными декоративными качествами, но высокая требовательность к условиям содержания позволяет выращивать его только опытным цветоводам.

Колерия боготская

Родина — Колумбия.

Травянистый многолетник высотой около 20 см. Растение имеет прямые, неветвящиеся, опушенные побеги. Супротивно расположенные листья также опушены, широкоовальные, заостренные на верхушке, слегка зубчатые по краю, коричневато-зеленого цвета, вдоль жилок более светлые, бархатные по фактуре; цветки трубчатые, малиново-красные с белым точечным и штриховатым рисунком на лепестках и в зеве, поникающие, на длинных опущенных цветоножках. Располагаются в пазухах верхушечных листьев по одному-два, одновременно на растении развивается до 15 цветков. Цветет в июле — сентябре.

Колерию выращивают в теплых, светлых, но защищенных от прямых солнечных лучей помещениях. Так же, как глоксиния и рехштейннерия, зимой впадает в состояние покоя. В период активного роста обильно поливают. При ежегодных пересадках подкормки необязательны. С осени полив постепенно сокращают и после сбрасывания листьев сводят к минимуму. Растение перезимовывает в виде удлиненных чешуйчатых корневищ, которые содержат в темном месте при температуре 16—20°С, время от времени увлажняя. В конце февраля — марте корневища извлекают из горшка и сажают в смесь из листовой земли, верхового торфа, песка с добавлением измельченного сухого коровяка. По мере необходимости во время пересадки их размножают путем отделения корневищ. Пересаженные растения размещают в светлом помещении, постепенно увеличивают полив.

Цветки и бутоны могут повреждаться оранжерейной тлей. Избыточная влажность почвы и воздуха при низких температурах стимулирует появление всевозможных видов гнили.
Рекомендуется для домашних коллекций, витрин, небольших служебных помещений.

Импатиенс или бальзамин, или недотрога

Род насчитывает свыше 400 видов, распространенных в основном в тропиках и субтропиках Азии и Африки.

В комнатах обычно выращивают бальзамин Валлера, или бальзамин султанский (Impatienswalleriana, или Impatienssultanii). Это многолетнее травянистое растение со светло-зеленым, хрупким, сочным, сильноветвящимся стеблем. Стебли со вздутыми узлами, прозрачные, внутри хорошо видны проводящие пучки. Листья светло-зеленые, яйцевидной формы, с зубчатым краем, расположены очередно. В течение всего лета обильно цветет ярко-розовыми цветками, которые сидят по одному в пазухе листа. Цветки с тонкими, длинными, дуговидными шпорцами. За яркую окраску цветков растение повсеместно называют «огоньком». Имеются сорта с белыми и красными цветками. При искусственном опылении образуются плоды. Название «недотрога» дано растению за то, что плоды при прикосновении к ним растрескиваются и с силой разбрасывают семена.

Бальзамин —одно из самых неприхотливых растений. Хорошо растет в светлых теплых помещениях. Летом требуются опрыски-вание и обильный полив, зимой полив умеренный. Растение быстрорастущее и обильноцветущее, поэтому для него необходимы подкормки и питательная почва.

С трехлетнего возраста или ранее бальзамины следует заменять молодыми растениями, выращенными из черенков, так как старые кусты теряют свою декоративность — имеют мало листьев и плохо цветут. Черенки очень легко укореняются и после посадки в почву быстро растут и зацветают. Для получения пышных кустов в каждый горшок высаживают по несколько черенков.

Это неприхотливое растение успешно выращивается даже начинающими цветоводами-любителями. Бальзамин может широко использоваться для декорирования витрин и светлых помещений. Особенно эффектны групповые контейнерные посадки, в которых растения образуют сплошной ковер яркой сочной зелени, украшенной огненно-красными цветами.

Евпатория темно-красная

Родина — Мексика.

Названа по имени понтийского царя Мит-ридата VI Евпатора, который употреблял это растение при лечении печени. Мало распространена. Декоративна, высотой до 2 м. Стебель ветвистый, прямостоячий, твердый, ко-роткоопушенный, особенно вверху. Ветви, черешки и жилки листа темно-красные. Листья супротивные, на коротких, около 3—5 см, черешках. Пластинка листа длиной 12—15 см, шириной до 7—10 см, яйцевидной формы, кверху немного заостренная, цельнокрайняя, шероховатая от очень коротких прижатых волосков.

Цветки мелкие, 0,8—1 см в диаметре, многочисленные, собранные в сложные густые соцветия — щитки из корзинок, обоеполые, сузковоронковидным 5-зубчатым венчиком, сиреневатые, с медовым запахом. Цветет с февраля до апреля. Размножают евпаторию в феврале в основном черенками, которые укореняются через 10—15 дней. К весне следующего года зацветает.
Летом растения требуют затенения. Пересаживают весной в смесь из дерновой, листовой, торфяной земли и песка (2:2:2:1). В период роста с марта по сентябрь необходимы минеральные удобрения в виде водных растворов раз в декаду, зимой — умеренное тепло (16—18°С) и светлое местоположение.

Датура древовидная

Родина — Перу, Чили.

Необыкновенно пышное, вечнозеленое, полуодревесневшее декоративное растение, имеет другое научное название — бругман-зия душистая.

Листья продолговато-яйцевидные, светло-зеленые. Цветет со второй половины лета и до глубокой осени крупными белыми воронкообразными цветами, очень душистыми, особенно вечером. Продолжает еще долго цвести даже убранная осенью в светлое прохладное помещение. Крупные листья датуры испаряют много влаги, поэтому днем растение необходимо обильно поливать. Летом раз в декаду полезно внести минеральное удобрение. После цветения ее ставят в светлое прохладное помещение, редко поливают (лишь бы не пересохли стебли и корни).

Зимой некоторая часть листьев опадает. Пересаживают в феврале — марте до начала роста, укорачивая побеги. Земля парниковая, глинисто-дерновая и крупнозернистый песок (2:4:1). Размножается очень хорошо черенками, которые укореняются через 10—12 дней.
Датура мало распространена, ее можно отнести к редким, красивоцветущим, душистым растениям. Старые экземпляры принимают вид большого куста или деревца высотой 1,5—2 м; их культивируют, обычно в кадках. Весьма уместна на балконах, террасах, в качестве украшения жилых помещений, подъездов, лестниц.

Гидрангия садовая, или гортензия

Родовое название переводится как «тоскующая по воде» (греческое hydor — вода; латинское angor — тоска; hortis— сад).

В настоящее время выращиваются многочисленные сорта садовой гидрангии, исходной формой которых является гидрангия крупнолистная, завезенная из Китая в Европу в 1789г.

Гортензия — многолетний полукустарник с крупными морщинистыми листьями, расположенными супротивно. Листья овальной формы, по краю с острыми или тупыми зубцами. Цветки белые, розовые или голубые, собранные в крупные полушаровидные соцветия, расположенные на верхушках побегов. Цветки имеют сильно разросшиеся чашелистики, которые сначала бывают зеленоватыми, а при распускании становятся белыми, розовыми или голубыми. Венчик цветка недоразвит. Он имеет вид маленького шарика, расположенного в центре цветка, состоит из 4—5 плотно сомкнутых лепестков, внутри которых находится пестик и 8—10 тычинок. Цвет чашелистиков можно изменить, если перед цветением поливать гортензию раствором алюминиевых или аммиачных квасцов (2—2,5 г на литр воды). При этом белые цветки окрашиваются в голубой, а розовые — в сиреневый цвет. Если внести в почву соли железа, цветки будут синие. Цветет весной и летом.

Осенью гортензия теряет большую часть листьев и переходит в состояние покоя (60—75 дней). Ее переносят в сухие подвалы или ставят в комнатах на окна ближе к стеклу. Зимой поливают умеренно, чтобы не вызвать загнивание корней. Растение влаголюбивое. После весеннего пробуждения по мере развития поливку увеличивают, а во время роста поливают обильно и вносят подкормки. После цветения гортензию обрезают: корневую поросль, мелкие боковые побеги удаляют, оставляя 3— 4 самых сильных корневых побега для замещения.

Гортензия хорошо растет на кислых почвах при рН, равной 4—5. Состав земляной смеси: 2 части дерновой, по 1 части листовой, торфяной земли, 0,5 части песка. Перегнойная почва не добавляется, так как может вызвать заболевание хлорозом. Пересаживают после отцветания. Если растения выращивают для осеннего цветения, удлиняя период покоя, пересадку проводят весной. Размножают весенними черенками, взятыми с боковых или прикорневых побегов.
Гортензия имеет пышное продолжительное цветение. При хорошем уходе цветет с апреля по октябрь. Ее можно выращивать в горшках, используя для украшения комнат, а в интерьерах общественных помещений — для одиночных и композиционных посадок. Высаживая в кадку несколько старых горшечных растений, можно получить крупные, богато цветущие экземпляры для украшения холлов, лестниц, коридоров. Растение требует довольно сложного ухода, поэтому его рекомендуется выращивать в тех случаях, когда можно обеспечить надлежащие условия.

Глориоза пышная

Естественно произрастает во влажных тропических лесах Африки и Азии.

Многолетнее травянистое растение с клубневидным корневищем. Побеги вьющиеся, с возрастом разветвляющиеся. Листья сидячие, светло-зеленые, заостренно-ланцетные с цепким усиком на верхушке. Цветки лилиеподоб-ные, пазушные, одиночные, на длинных цветоножках, в начале цветения зеленые, затем окрашиваются в шарлахово-красный и желтый цвета. Лепестки по краю волнистые. Цветете июня по август.

Растение имеет четко выраженный период покоя. В феврале — марте корневище высаживают в смесь дерновой, листовой земли, верхового торфа и ставят в теплое затененное место. С момента отрастания молодых побегов переносят в светлое помещение и возобновляют полив. Во время активного роста и цветения подкармливают раствором органического удобрения дважды в месяц. Отрастающие побеги нуждаются в опоре, за которую они цепляются усикообразно заканчивающимися листьями. После цветения побеги желтеют и отмирают. Соответственно уменьшается полив до полного прекращения. Корневища хранят в прохладных сухих помещениях до будущей весны. Размножают корневищами и семенами — семена завязываются при искусственном опылении. Сеянцы обычно зацветают через два года.
Болезнями и вредителями не повреждается.

Глориоза эффектна яркими, напоминающими огромную бабочку цветками. Используется в домашних коллекциях, зимних садах.

Гибискус китайский, или китайская роза

Родина — Юго-Восточная Азия.

Сильноветвистый кустарник или деревце до 3 м высоты. Листья черешковые, блестящие, темно-зеленые, яйцевидной формы, с крупными зубцами по краям, расположены на стебле очередно. Цветки крупные, воронко-видные, с многочисленными желтыми тычинками, сросшимися тычиночными нитями в трубку, окружающую пестик. В зависимости от сорта они могут быть простыми, махровыми, полумахровыми, а их окраска—белой, розовой, темно-красной, желтой, пурпурной. Цветение обильное и продолжительное — с ранней весны до поздней осени.

Китайская роза — светолюбивое растение: хорошо растет и пышно цветет лишь на освещенных местах. Летом требует обильной поливки, зимой умеренной, пересушка земляного кома недопустима. В период роста вносятся подкормки.

Пересадку производят в марте — апреле в смесь, состоящую из 2 частей перегнойной земли, по 1 части листовой, дерновой земли и песка. После пересадки делают обрезку ветвей, что способствует сильному росту молодых побегов, на которых образуются цветки.

Легко размножается черенками, которые берут в марте — апреле или июле — августе. Для этого срезают полуодревесневшие побеги с 2—3 междоузлиями, нижний лист укорачивают и черенки укореняют в воде или почве, накрывая посуду стеклом. При благоприятной температуре (24—25°С) черенки укореняются через 25—30 дней. Через год к осени молодые растения уже зацветают.

Китайская роза — быстрорастущее крупное растение, поэтому может выращиваться лишь в просторных жилых комнатах. Является прекрасным украшением интерьеров общественных зданий, где может быть использована для одиночных посадок и создания высоких групп в зимних садах.

Растение ценно неприхотливостью в культуре, густой раскидистой кроной, ярким и продолжительным цветением. Путем обрезки можно придать любую форму, в том числе и штамбовую.

Гардения жасминовидная

Происходит из субтропических лесов Китая.

Вечнозеленый кустарник высотой около 1 м. У молодых растений листья удлиненно-яйцевидной формы, заостренные на верхушке, с возрастом становятся более округлыми, окраска их ярко- или темно-зеленая, кожистые, глянцевитые, располагаются супротивно или мутовчато. Бутоны появляются обычно на концах хорошо вызревших побегов. Цветки одиночные, махровые, воскообразные, несколько напоминающие цветки камелии, с сильным приятным ароматом. В начале цветения окраска их чисто-белая, затем принимает желтоватый оттенок. Цветет в мае — августе.

Выращивают гардению в светлых, теплых или умеренно теплых помещениях со слегка повышенной влажностью. Во время активной вегетации и цветения необходим обильный полив и опрыскивание, а также подкормка полным минеральным или органическим удобрением 2—3 раза в месяц. Растение относится к разряду сложных в культуре видов. Успешному выращиванию способствует стабильный без перепадов температурный режим, теплый —летом, умеренный —зимой, а также умеренный полив в зимнее время. Очень чувствительна к недостатку железа в почве, по этой причине листья между жилками приобретают белесый оттенок. Чтобы избежать хлороз-ныхявлений, необходимо 3— 4 раза в год вносить в почву растворы микроэлементов. Размножают гардению полуодревесневшими черенками весной или летом. Для черенков используют также материал, полученный в результате обрезки растений после цветения. Укореняют в песке в условиях повышенной влажности воздуха. Молодые растения высаживают в легкую смесь из листовой, дерновой,хвойной земли, верхового торфа и песка. На первых порах притеняют от ярких солнечных лучей, часто опрыскивают, цветение наступает через 1,5—2 года. С возрастом земляную смесь несколько утяжеляют, добавляя дерновую и перегной. Пересаживают по мере надобности, незначительно увеличивая размеры посуды.

В культуре распространены махровые формы гардении: flore pleno и flore veitchii. Гардения часто поражается паутинным клещиком, щитовками, тлей.

Растение является одним из самых благоухающих. Цветки его, как и жасмина самбак, используют для ароматизации чая, варенья. Рекомендуется для домашних коллекций, зимних садов.

Вриезия блестящая

Естественно произрастает во влажных тропических лесах Гвианы. Многолетнее травянистое эпифитное или наземное растение с сильно укороченным стеблем высотой около 35см. Темно-зеленые, широколанцетовидные листья с поперечными коричневато-красными полосами и пятнами собраны в плотную чашевидную розетку. Соцветие колосовидное, на длинном ярко-красном цветоносе. Цветки желтые, прицветники ярко-красные, глянцевитые. Цветет в июле — августе. Нуждается в искусственном опылении.

Выращивают в светлых или слегка затененных помещениях при температуре 15—28°С и повышенной влажности воздуха. В весенне-летний период нуждается в обильном поливе и опрыскивании, а также в подкормках органическим или полным минеральным удобрением дважды в месяц. Осенью и зимой полив умеренный. Размножают в основном семенами. Субстрат для выращивания должен быть рыхлым, легким, питательным и иметь рН 4,0—5,5. Смесь составляют из верхового торфа, листовой земли с добавлением мелкорубленого сфагнума, кусочков древесной коры и угля, мелкого керамзита, песка.
Растение устойчиво к болезням и вредителям.

Рекомендуется для использования в зимних садах, домашних коллекциях, небольших служебных помещениях, при оформлении витрин, «эпифитных деревьев».

Брунфельзия широколистная

Родина — Бразилия.

Вечнозеленый декоративный кустарник с очередными продолговато-овальными цель-нокрайними листьями на коротких черешках. Цветки стойкой трубкой венчика втрое длиннее чашечки, с широкими округлыми лопастями и плоским отгибом, крупные (до 4 см в диаметре), очень душистые, голубые с белым глазком, к концу цветения белые. Цветет в феврале — марте, каждый цветок (они образуются на концах побегов) держится 4—5 дней.
Брунфельзия принадлежит к редким малоизвестным комнатным растениям. Но за душистые цветки и зимнее цветение заслуживает широкого разведения. В культуре встречаются виды с бледно-голубыми, белыми, фиолетовыми, пурпурными и другими цветками.

Растение размножают семенами и черенками. Семена высевают в песчанисто-листо- вую землю и содержат при температуре 25°С. Всходы появляются через 25—35 дней. Черенкуют в марте —апреле. Посуду с высаженными черенками желательно снизу подогревать.
Пересаживают горшечные экземпляры ежегодно, весной, после цветения, в питательную глинисто-дерновую, перегнойную, торфяную землю и песок (2:2:2:1). Для лучшего ветвления и формирования куста побеги укорачивают, подрезая их на 8—10 см. Летом рекомендуется обильный полив и опрыскивание. Подкармливают обычно дважды в месяц с марта по октябрь органическим или полным минеральным удобрением. Зимой необходимы хорошее освещение и умеренная поливка.

Брунфельзия является высокодекоративным, продолжительноцветущим растением, пригодным для оформления помещений различного функционального назначения.

Белоперона капельная

Родина — Южная Америка. Здесь их растет около 30 видов, большинство — кустарники.

Как горшечное растение впервые была продемонстрирована в 1932 г. в Ганновере за декоративность прицветников и обильное цветение. Разрастаясь, белоперона дает много тонких побегов, образующих очень красивый куст с причудливо наклоненными ветвями. Листья этого растения супротивные, яйцевидные, темно-зеленые, с гладкими краями, к вершине суженные. Цветки образуются на концах ветвей. Двугубый венчик состоит из двух наполовину сросшихся лепестков. На них розовые капли. Особенно привлекательны прицветники —от буровато-коричневых до ярко-оранжево-красных, и окраска их сохраняется круглый год. Размножается семенами и черенками. Семена высевают в марте— апреле в песчанисто-листовую землю. Черенкуют с февраля до мая. Для черенкования берут однолетние побеги длиной 8—10 см. Срезают черенок непосредственно под почкой.

Укореняется он через 12—15 дней. Пересаживают ежегодно в марте — апреле. Нужна смесь из листовой, торфяной, перегнойной, дерновой почвы и речного песка (2:1:1:2:1). Это малораспространенное растение. Зимой содержится как в теплых, так и умеренно теплых комнатах при хорошем освещении с умеренной поливкой. Мало поражается вредителями. Окраска бело-пероны не бросается в глаза, поэтому она хороша для витрин магазинов, в которых выставлены предметы ярких цветов, а также во всех просторных светлых помещениях.

Белокрыльник эфиопский, или калла

Родина —Ямайка.

Вечнозеленое неприхотливое комнатное растение. Стебли гладкие, красные, сочные. Листья большие, остроконечные, мясистые, длиной до 20 см, ярко-зеленые сверху, с небольшими сероватыми точками, красные снизу. Цветки в больших гроздьях, ярко-красные, роскошные. Хорошо размножается стеблевыми черенками. Любит светлое местоположение. Пересаживают бегонию Бисмарка ежегодно весной.

Цветет зимой и ранней весной. Мелкие цветки собраны в соцветие-початок, расположенный на длинной стрелке. У основания соцветия развивается крупный, трубчатый, расширяющийся сверху, белоснежный чехол, называемый покрывалом или крылом. С этой особенностью и связан термин «белокрыль-ник». Покрывало не только защищает соцветие, но и выполняет функцию яркого околоцветника, привлекающего насекомых.

Во время роста калла требует сильного увлажнения, которое достигается обильной поливкой и частым опрыскиванием. Горшок с растением лучше всего держать в поддоне с водой. Летом, когда наступает период покоя, полив ограничивают. В это время рост приостанавливается, листья желтеют. В конце лета, когда растение трогается в рост, его пересаживают в смесь, состоящую из равных частей листовой, торфяной, перегнойной земли и песка. При пересадке удаляют пожелтевшие листья и все детки, образующиеся около материнского растения. Вначале поливают умеренно, затем полив усиливают, доводя до обильного. Зимой содержат в прохладном помещении с оптимальной температурой 8—10°С. Размножается детками.
В жилых комнатах калла цветет не всегда. Регулярное цветение бывает лишь тогда, когда соблюдаются необходимые условия содержания: обязательный отдых, регулярные подкормки во время роста, прохладное помещение.

Калла отличается необычной экзотической красотой. Служит прекрасным украшением больших аквариумов, искусственных водоемов, фонтанов. Листья и соцветия устойчивы в срезке и широко используются при составлении букетов и композиций, придавая им необыкновенную изысканность и выразительность.

Бегония Бисмарка

Родина —Ямайка.

Вечнозеленое неприхотливое комнатное растение. Стебли гладкие, красные, сочные. Листья большие, остроконечные, мясистые, длиной до 20 см, ярко-зеленые сверху, с небольшими сероватыми точками, красные снизу. Цветки в больших гроздьях, ярко-красные, роскошные.

Хорошо размножается стеблевыми черенками. Любит светлое местоположение. Пересаживают бегонию Бисмарка ежегодно весной.

Бегония Креднера

Бегония Креднера — садовый гибрид, полученный скрещиванием бегонии Шарфи с бегонией металлической. Полукустарник с высокими, прямостоячими, ветвистыми, долго не полегающими стеблями. Листья кососердце-видные, сострой верхушкой, сверху зеленые, снизу красновато-бурые. Стебли и листья опушены многочисленными беловатыми волосками. Цветет летом мелкими розоватыми цветками, собранными в рыхлое соцветие. Светолюбива, требует умеренно теплого содержания, ежегодной пересадки и обрезки.

Растение неприхотливо, образует пышные кусты с оригинальной окраской листьев. Может широко использоваться при любых формах озеленения.

Бегония пятнистая

Родина — Бразилия.

Растение в виде красивого высокого куста с прямостоячими стеблями, достигающими 45—120 см высоты. Листья короткочерешковые, крупные (10—15 см длины, 3—5 см ширины), асимметричные, удлиненно-яйцевидной формы, цельнокрайние, голые. Сверху темно-зеленые, с многочисленными яркими, округлыми, серебристыми пятнами, снизу — розово-пурпурные.

Цветки довольно крупные, белые или розовые, собраны в крупные поникающие соцветия. При искусственном опылении из завязи пестичного цветка формируется плод-коробочка с очень мелкими семенами, их можно использовать для размножения. Но проще и быстрее размножать бегонию пятнистую весной стеблевыми черенками, которые легко укореняются в воде или почве. Необходима ежегодная весенняя пересадка и обрезка.

Бегония пятнистая — высокодекоративный вид, сочетающий в себе красоту листьев и декоративное цветение. В культуре имеется ряд форм и сортов. Все они с успехом могут использоваться в озеленении жилых и общественных помещений.

Бегония металлическая

Родина — Бразилия.

Полукустарник с высокими, прямостоячими, сильноветвящимися побегами. Листья крупные, с редкими острыми лопастями, у основания сердцевидные. Верхняя сторона оливково-зеленая, с металлическим отливом, по жилкам темнее, нижняя — красноватая. Стебли и листья покрыты многочисленными щетинистыми волосками.

Бегония металлическая обильно цветет с весны до осени некрупными розовыми цветками, собранными в многоцветковое соцветие. Лепестки снаружи опушены красноватыми волосками. Этому растению необходима ежегодная весенняя пересадка и обрезка.

Бегония металлическая — высокодекоративное растение, заслуживающее широкого использования при озеленении интерьеров различного назначения.

Бегония клубневая гибридная

Клубневые бегонии представлены огромным разнообразием сортов, полученных путем гибридизации. Еще в 1870 г. садоводам удалось получить много гибридов. Так, селекционер Вильморен в 1891 г. от 2-х диких видов получил бегонию, цветущую зимой.

Это Глюар де Лоррен (названа по имени известного художника). Современные сорта дают цветы 20—30 см в диаметре (сорт Эверест). По размерам они превышают цветки крупных хризантем и пионов. Общей особенностью этих растений является наличие клубневидно-утолщенного корневища.

Из почек корневища развивается от 1 до 5 невысоких побегов с травянистыми, полупрозрачными стеблями. Листья очередные, кососердцевидные, неравнобокие, с заостренной верхушкой, у некоторых сортов опушены тонкими редкими волосками. В пазухах листьев располагаются цветоносы, каждый из которых несет 2—5 цветков. Цветки в зависимости от сорта могут быть простыми, махровыми, полумахровыми, бахромчатыми, курчавыми нарциссоподобными. Окраска венчика самых разнообразных цветов и оттенков: белая, желтая, розовая, красная, оранжевая. Цветет все лето до поздней осени.

Летом клубневые бегонии содержат на хорошо освещаемых местах, обильно поливают и опрыскивают. Осенью, когда растения начинают переходить в состояние покоя, полив сокращают. После засыхания побегов клубни оставляют в тех же горшках и полив прекращают, но полного пересыхания земляного кома не допускают, изредка поливая с поддонника. Клубни хорошо зимуют в комнатных условиях, особенно при прохладном содержании.

Высаживают клубни, в зависимости от намечаемых сроков цветения, с февраля по май в почву, составленную из дерновой, перегнойной и листовой земли с примесью песка. Клубни помещают в почву таким образом, чтобы верхняя часть немного возвышалась над поверхностью земли. Клубни прорастают медленно, поэтому полив в этот период должен быть очень умеренным. Размножается семенами, черенками и клубнями.

Обильно и ярко цветущие клубневые бегонии —живописное украшение любого интерьера. Очень широко используются они и в наружном озеленении для оформления клумб, рабаток, солитеров и т. д.

Бегония вечноцветущая

Многолетнее вечнозеленое растение. Образует невысокие (20—40 см), пышно разветвленные кусты с сочными хрупкими стеблями, которые у старых растений при основании од-ревесневают. Листья некрупные, на коротких черешках, сочные, ярко-зеленые, блестящие, слегка кососердцевидные, по краю с мелкими зубцами, каждый из которых оканчивается мягким заострением. Имеются сорта с красивыми розоватыми, красноватыми или буро-коричневыми листьями.

Цветки бегонии вечноцветущей, в зависимости от сорта, могут быть белого, розового или красного цвета. Они располагаются по нескольку в пазухе листа. При опылении цветков образуются плоды-коробочки с мелкими семенами.

Свое название растение получило из-за обильного цветения, которое продолжается с весны до осени. Срок цветения можно удлинить, если весной растение коротко подрезать и содержать на светлых окнах, а летом обильно поливать и подкармливать. Легко размножается и черенками и семенами. Одна из самых распространенных бегоний, за время культуры которой выведены многочисленные сорта. Неприхотливость, легкость размножения, высокие декоративные качества позволяют использовать бегонию вечноцветущую при создании любых интерьеров. Широко применяется в наружном озеленении, при оформлении клумб, балконов.

Бегония Вельтона

Эта кустовая, красивоцветущая бегония получена путем гибридизации. Растение средней высоты с сочными ветвистыми стеблями, утолщенными у основания.

Листья мелкие, светло-зеленые, дважды-крупнозубчатые. Стебли, черешки листьев и жилки листовой пластинки красные. Обильно цветет с весны до поздней осени мелкими ярко-розовыми цветками.
Зимой часть побегов отмирает. Весной от основания утолщенных стеблей развиваются молодые побеги. Растение теневыносливое. Легко размножается черенками.

Бегония Вельтона имеет обильное и продолжительное цветение, а красные черешки и жилки листьев, выделяющиеся на фоне сочной светлой зелени, придают растению особую оригинальность. Высокие декоративные качества и неприхотливость позволяют широко использовать его во многих формах озеленения.


Обширный род бегоний объединяет до 1000 видов, большинство из которых обитает в тропических и субтропических областях Азии, Африки и Америки.

Название происходит от фамилии большого любителя и коллекционера растений М. Бетона, жившего в XVII в. в Сан-Доминго. В России бегонию знали давно. После бегства французов из Москвы в 1812 г. она получила название — «ухо Наполеона». И действительно, по очертанию и с нижней красной стороны лист бегонии похож на большое отмороженное ухо.

Среди видов имеются эпифиты и формы, цепляющиеся воздушными корнями.
Бегонии делятся на: многолетние с шишковатым корневищем, многолетние с ползучим корневищем и широкорослые кустарники с прямыми листоносными стеблями.

Почти все бегонии имеют травянистые сочные стебли, на которых поочередно располагаются асимметричные (неравнобокие) листья на длинных или коротких черешках, с двумя пленчатыми прилистниками при основании. Лишь некоторые виды бегоний имеют равно-бокие листья. Цветки чаще собраны в соцветие, иногда расположены по 2—3 в пазухе листа.
Окраска и размер цветков у различных видов и сортов неодинаковы. Цветки однополые, на одном растении развиваются как пестичные, так и тычиночные цветки. При искусственном опылении из завязи женского цветка образуется плод — трехгранная коробочка с многочисленными мелкими семенами. Большинство бегоний обильно цветет в течение всего лета, а при соответствующем уходе—осенью и зимой.

Бегонии неприхотливы и хорошо растут в комнатных условиях. Особенно пышно развиваются на освещенных местах, но прямых солнечных лучей не выносят, так как они вызывают ожоги листьев. Летом требуется обильная поливка, зимой поливают умеренно, помещают растения ближе к свету и содержат при температуре 16—18°С.

Бегонии размножаются семенным и вегетативным способом. Их отличительной особенностью является необыкновенно развитая способность к вегетативному размножению. Они могут легко размножаться листовыми и стеблевыми черенками, отрезками корневищ и даже частями листа. В лабораторных условиях новые растения удается вырастить из кусочков листа, состоящих всего из нескольких десятков клеток.

Бегонии были завезены в Европу в XVIII в. Неприхотливость, легкость размножения, разнообразие форм и необычная экзотическая красочность листьев, обильное продолжительное цветение—все это способствовало их быстрому распространению и широкой популярности, которая сохранилась до настоящего времени.

Благодаря гибридизации и селекции выведено огромное количество форм и сортов.

Афеляндра растопыренная, разновидность Луизы

Вечнозеленый низкорослый полукустарник, родом из Бразилии.

Растение имеет крепкие, мясистые, округлые побеги с супротивно-расположенными, ко-роткочерешковыми, темно-зелеными с серебристо-белым рисунком вдоль жилок листьями яйцевидно-эллиптической формы, заостренными на верхушке. Цветки трубчатые, двугубые, ярко-желтого цвета, собраны в верхушечные соцветия. Прицветники одного цвета с цветками. Цвететафеляндра растопыренная с мая — июня до ноября.

Светолюбивое растение, но в очень солнечные дни нуждается в притенении. Зимой содержится в теплых помещениях при температуре не ниже 18"С. С ноября по февраль находится в стадии относительного покоя. В этот период полив должен быть умеренным, подкормки исключаются. В конце января —начале февраля растение коротко обрезают, пересаживают.

Аризема Фаргеза

Травянистый многолетник высотой до 60 см с подземным стеблем в виде клубня, естественно произрастающий в Китае, Индии.

Растение развивает один крупный лист с трижды рассеченной пластинкой, коричневато-красный початок с покрывалом оригинальной формы и расцветки. В отличие от других ароидных покрывало у ариземы наклонено вперед и оканчивается довольно длинным оттянутым нитевидным образованием. В окраске покрывала — продольные чередующиеся полосы красновато-коричневого и серого цвета. В целом соцветие выглядит как изящный полосатый цветок. Цветет на протяжении трех недель в декабре—январе, семян не завязывает.

Растение имеет продолжительный период покоя: примерно с мая по октябрь. В это время клубни сохраняют в сухом помещении, изредка, один раз в месяц, поливая. Осенью клубень высаживают в смесь дерновой листовой земли и верхового торфа и помещают в умеренно теплые, хорошо освещенные помещения. Основной уход за растением сводится к поливу, который постепенно с момента отрастания становится более обильным, и, наоборот, к весне полив сокращают. При ежегодных пересадках в подкормках нет необходимости. Для большей декоративности клубни во время пересадки не отделяют—тогда в одном горшке можно иметь два-три соцветия с крупными листьями.

Устойчива к вредителям и возбудителям болезней.
Это растение пригодно для домашних коллекций.

Антуриум Шерцера

Многолетнее растение с укороченным стеблем высотой около 30 см из влажных тропических лесов Коста-Рики и Гватемалы.

Листья удлиненно-ланцетные на длинных черешках, темно-зеленые, кожистые. Соцветие —спирально закрученный початок оранжевого цвета с широкояйцевидным, блестящим, красным покрывалом. Цветет с февраля по декабрь, завязывает ярко-оранжевые плоды с 2—4 семенами.

Культивируют в теплых, не ниже 16°С, хорошо освещенных помещениях, защищая ранней весной и летом от палящих лучей солнца. В летнее время растение потребляет значительное количество влаги, нуждается в опрыскивании и ежедекадных подкормках раствором органического или полного минерального удобрения. При ежегодных пересадках подкормки не обязательны. Осенью и зимой полив в значительной мере сокращают. Выращивают антуриум в смеси листовой земли, верхового торфа с добавлением сфагнового мха, керамзита, древесного угля. Молодые растения пересаживают ежегодно, старые — через два года. При необходимости во время пересадки производят делениерастений. Размножают также и семенами, сеянцы зацветают обычно на 4-й год. Семена высевают свежесобранными в просеянную листовую землю, слегка заделывая. Проращивают при температуре 20— 22°С, с появлением второго листа пикируют. Частые пикировки стимулируют развитие сеянцев. Известно множество гибридов с различной окраской покрывала: розовой, белой, крапчатой.
Устойчив к болезням, молодые листья и покрывала поражаются тлей. Как и предыдущий вид, отрицательно реагирует на чрезмерный полив.

Рекомендуется в качестве красивоцветущей горшечной культуры для домашних коллекций, небольших служебных помещений. Соцветия используются для букетов, свежесть их сохраняется в течение трех недель.

Антуриум Андрэ

Многолетнее растение с коротким стеблем высотой около 0,7 м. Листья крупные, удлиненно-сердцевидные, блестящие, на круглых длинных черешках. Мелкие цветки собраны в початок с ярко-красным покрывалом. Цветет с февраля по ноябрь, плодоносит в течение года. Плоды ярко-оранжевые, с 1—2 семенами в каждом. Хорошо растет в светлых, слегка затененных помещениях при температуре 16—25°С, в период покоя с ноября по февраль — при 16—20°С.

Во время вегетации антуриум нуждается в обильном поливе и опрыскивании, но не переносит застоя влаги в почве. При переувлажнении на листьях появляются черные некротические пятна. Поэтому выращивать его необходимо в легкой рыхлой смеси из листовой земли, верхового торфа, измельченного коровяка, рубленого сфагнума. Размножая антуриум семенами, следует помнить, что они быстро теряют всхожесть, поэтому высевают их сразу после сбора, предварительно освободив от околоплодника. Посевы дважды пикируют, после чего высаживают на постоянное место. Зацветают сеянцы, как правило, через 3—4 года. Размножают и вегетативно — верхушкой стебля или дочерними особями, которые отделяют при пересадке в марте — августе. Вегетативно размноженные экземпляры зацветают на следующий год.

В настоящее время известно много сортов и гибридных форм, отличающихся окраской (от белых до темно-красных), размером и формой покрывала: «Ellrina», «Favorit», «IGA-Gold», «Porzellan». С целью сохранения признаков материнского растения их размножают вегетативно.

Молодые листья и соцветия антуриума поражаются тлей.

Как горшечное растение с успехом используют для оформления небольших служебных помещений, зимних садов, домашних коллекций. Один из немногих видов, используемых в качестве промышленной срезочной культуры.

Агапантус зонтичный, или африканская лилия

Родина — Южная Африка (Капская земля).

Многолетнее травянистое корневищное растение высотой до 70 см. Даже без цветов агапантус зонтичный обращает на себя внимание декоративностью густой розетки из ремневидных, гладких, темно-зеленых, желобчатых, суживающихся на концах листьев. В июне — июле из нее появляются стройные, круглые, необлиственные цветочные стрелки, оканчивающиеся большими соцветиями в виде зонтика. В соцветии до 150 колокольчиковидных цветков.
Околоцветник состоит из 6 лепестков, сросшихся у основания. Лепестки голубые, но бывают белые и кремовые. Цветет с середины лета до глубокой осени. Семена созревают через 35—40 дней.

Размножать можно семенами и делением куста. В марте семена высевают в песчанисто-листовую землю, слегка заделывают, потом опрыскивают, накрывают стеклом и все время поддерживают в умеренно влажном состоянии; 1—2 раза в день проветривают, снимая стекло с ящика или с плошки на 30—40 минут. Сеянцы с 3— 4 листочками высаживают в горшочки по 3—4 в каждый. Куст делят весной при пересадке. Для хорошего роста и обильного цветения агапанту-су необходима питательная смесь из глинисто-дерновой, перегнойной, листовой земли и песка (2:2:1:1). Посуда должна быть широкой, с хорошим дренажем. Крупные агапанту-сы высаживают в кадки и пересаживают через 2—3 года; горшечные—ежегодно.

Летом требует светлого помещения и обильной поливки. В период вегетации полезна подкормка минеральными и органическими удобрениями поочередно (через каждые 10 дней с апреля по октябрь). Зимует в светлом прохладном помещении (12—15°С).

Абутилон амазоский

Вечнозеленый кустарник со светло-зелеными зубчатыми листьями. Розовато-сиреневые колокольчатые цветки длиной до 4—5см.

Цветет абутилон амазонский обильно с весны до осени, иногда зимой. Содержат в светлом прохладном помещении при температуре не выше 15°С. Летом поливают часто, зимой — реже. Весной растение обрезают на 1/3, чтобы вызвать рост молодых побегов и обильное цветение. Пересаживают в смесь дерновой и листовой земли, перегноя, торфа и песка (2:1:1:1:0,5). Летом подкармливают полным минеральным или органическими удобрениями. Можно выставлять на балкон, защищая от прямых солнечных лучей.

Размножают весной черенками, укореняя их в песке или смеси торфа и песка (1:1), лучше в комнатной тепличке с подогревом почвы до 22—25°С. На черенки срезают молодые побеги, удаляя с них бутоны.

Абутилон, или комнатный клён

Родина — Южная Америка. Род абутилон насчитывает около 150 видов, среди которых встречаются травы и кустарники.

Красивое вечнозеленое деревце с мягкими, нежными лопастными листьями, похожими на листья клена, поэтому растение часто называют комнатным кленом. Листья опушены мягкими волосками, сидят на тонких длинных черешках, расположены очередно. Имеются сорта с желто-пестрой окраской листьев. Обильно цветет с весны до осени. Цветки поникшие, колокольчатые, с многочисленными желтыми тычинками, сросшимися тычиночными нитями в трубку, окружающую пестик. Расположены в пазухах листьев по 1, реже по 2 и по 3 вместе. Окраска цветков, в зависимости от сорта, может быть белой, золотистой, красной, бордовой. Наиболее декоративны следующие сорта: снежный шар (с белыми цветками), Перль Д'Ор (с золотистыми цветками), клен Томсона (с пестрыми листьями и махровыми цветками).
Абутилон — растение неприхотливое, поэтому уход за ним несложен. В благоприятных условиях за лето дает большой прирост. В это время растение следует обильно поливать, вносить подкормку и 2—3 раза переваливать.

Светолюбив, но очень плохо переносит резкий переход на яркий свет. Полезно выставлять его на открытый воздух в полутень. Зимой растение содержат в светлом прохладном помещении и поливают умеренно. Весной проводятся обрезка и пересадка в почву, состоящую из равных частей дерновой, листовой и перегнойной земли с добавлением песка. Для усиления ветвистости верхушки молодых побегов прищипывают. Легко размножается черенками, а также семенами.

Абутилон как быстрорастущее крупное растение требует свободного размещения, поэтому рекомендуется для выращивания в достаточно просторных помещениях. Это обильно и продолжительноцветущее деревце с нежной листвой может служить украшением любого интерьера.

28 августа 2019

Том 1



Birth and Family.--Early Life.--Desire to join the Army.--Enter the
Musketeers.--The Campaign Commences.--Camp of Gevries.--Siege of Namur.
--Dreadful Weather.--Gentlemen Carrying Corn.--Sufferings during the
Siege.--The Monks of Marlaigne.--Rival Couriers.--Naval Battle.--
Playing with Fire-arms.--A Prediction Verified.


The King's Natural Children.--Proposed Marriage of the Duc de Chartres.--
Influence of Dubois.--The Duke and the King.--An Apartment.--Announcement
of the Marriage.--Anger of Madame.--Household of the Duchess.--Villars
and Rochefort.--Friend of King's Mistresses.--The Marriage Ceremony.--
Toilette of the Duchess.--Son of Montbron.--Marriage of M. du Maine.--
Duchess of Hanover.--Duc de Choiseul.--La Grande Mademoiselle.


Death of My Father.--Anecdotes of Louis XIII.--The Cardinal de
Richelieu.--The Duc de Bellegarde.--Madame de Hautefort.--My Father's
Enemy.--His Services and Reward.--A Duel against Law.--An Answer to a
Libel.--M. de la Rochefoucauld.--My Father's Gratitude to Louis XIII.


Position of the Prince of Orange.--Strange Conduct of the King.--Surprise
and Indignation.--Battle of Neerwinden.--My Return to Paris.--Death of La
Vauguyon.--Symptoms of Madness.--Vauguyon at the Bastille.--Projects of
Marriage.--M. de Beauvilliers.--A Negotiation for a Wife.--My Failure.--
Visit to La Trappe.


M. de Luxembourg's Claim of Precedence.--Origin of the Claim.--Duc de
Piney.--Character of Harlay.--Progress of the Trial.--Luxembourg and
Richelieu.--Double-dealing of Harlay.--The Duc de Gesvres.--Return to the
Seat of War.--Divers Operations.--Origin of These Memoirs.


Quarrels of the Princesses.--Mademoiselle Choin.--A Disgraceful Affair.--
M. de Noyon.--Comic Scene at the Academie.--Anger and Forgiveness of
M. de Noyon.--M. de Noailles in Disgrace.--How He Gets into Favour Again.
--M. de Vendome in Command.--Character of M. de Luxembourg.-- The Trial
for Precedence Again.--An Insolent Lawyer.--Extraordinary Decree.


Harlay and the Dutch.--Death of the Princess of Orange.--Count
Koenigsmarck.--A New Proposal of Marriage.--My Marriage.--That of M. de
Lauzun.--Its Result.--La Fontaine and Mignard.--Illness of the Marechal
de Lorges.--Operations on the Rhine.--Village of Seckenheim.--An Episode
of War.--Cowardice of M. du Maine.--Despair of the King, Who Takes a
Knave in the Act.--Bon Mot of M. d'Elboeuf.


The Abbe de Fenelon.--The Jansenists and St. Sulpice.--Alliance with
Madame Guyon.--Preceptor of the Royal Children.--Acquaintance with Madame
de Maintenon.--Appointment to Cambrai.--Disclosure of Madame Guyon's
Doctrines.--Her Disgrace.--Bossuet and Fenelon.--Two Rival Books.--
Disgrace of Fenelon.


I was born on the night of the 15th of January, 1675, of Claude Duc de
Saint-Simon, Peer of France, and of his second wife Charlotte de
l'Aubepine.  I was the only child of that marriage.  By his first wife,
Diana de Budos, my father had had only a daughter.  He married her to the
Duc de Brissac, Peer of France, only brother of the Duchesse de Villeroy.
She died in 1684, without children,--having been long before separated
from a husband who was unworthy of her--leaving me heir of all her

I bore the name of the Vidame de Chartres; and was educated with great
care and attention.  My mother, who was remarkable for virtue,
perseverance, and sense, busied herself continually in forming my mind
and body.  She feared for me the usual fate of young men, who believe
their fortunes made, and who find themselves their own masters early in
life.  It was not likely that my father, born in 1606, would live long
enough to ward off from me this danger; and my mother repeatedly
impressed on, me how necessary it was for a young man, the son of the
favourite of a King long dead,--with no new friends at Court,--to acquire
some personal value of his own.  She succeeded in stimulating my courage;
and in exciting in me the desire to make the acquisitions she laid stress
on; but my aptitude for study and the sciences did not come up to my
desire to succeed in them.  However, I had an innate inclination for
reading, especially works of history; and thus was inspired with ambition
to emulate the examples presented to my imagination,--to do something and
become somebody, which partly made amends for my coldness for letters.
In fact, I have always thought that if I had been allowed to read history
more constantly, instead of losing my time in studies for which I had no
aptness, I might have made some figure in the world.

What I read of my own accord, of history, and, above all, of the personal
memoirs of the times since Francis I., bred in me the desire to write
down what I might myself see.  The hope of advancement, and of becoming
familiar with the affairs of my time, stirred me.  The annoyances I might
thus bring upon myself did not fail to present themselves to my mind; but
the firm resolution I made to keep my writings secret from everybody,
appeared to me to remedy all evils.  I commenced my memoirs then in July,
1694, being at that time colonel of a cavalry regiment bearing my name,
in the camp of Guinsheim, upon the old Rhine, in the army commanded by
the Marechal Duc de Lorges.

In 1691 I was studying my philosophy and beginning to learn to ride at an
academy at Rochefort, getting mightily tired of masters and books, and
anxious to join the army.  The siege of Mons, formed by the King in
person, at the commencement of the spring, had drawn away all the young
men of my age to commence their first campaign; and, what piqued me most,
the Duc de Chartres was there, too.  I had been, as it were, educated
with him.  I was younger than he by eight months; and if the expression
be allowed in speaking of young people, so unequal in position,
friendship had united us.  I made up my mind, therefore, to escape from
my leading-strings; but pass lightly over the artifices I used in order
to attain success.  I addressed myself to my mother.  I soon saw that she
trifled with me.  I had recourse to my father, whom I made believe that
the King, having led a great siege this year, would rest the next.
I said nothing of this to my mother, who did not discover my plot until
it was just upon the point, of execution.

The King had determined rigidly to adhere to a rule he had laid down--
namely, that none who entered the service, except his illegitimate
children, and the Princes of the blood royal, should be exempt from
serving for a year in one of his two companies of musketeers; and passing
afterwards through the ordeal of being private or subaltern in one of the
regiments of cavalry or infantry, before receiving permission to purchase
a regiment.  My father took me, therefore, to Versailles, where he had
not been for many years, and begged of the King admission for me into the
Musketeers.  It was on the day of St. Simon and St. Jude, at half-past
twelve, and just as his Majesty came out of the council.

The King did my father the honour of embracing him three times, and then
turned towards me.  Finding that I was little and of delicate appearance,
he said I was still very young; to which my father replied, that I should
be able in consequence to serve longer.  Thereupon the King demanded in
which of the two companies he wished to put me; and my father named that
commanded by Maupertuis, who was one of his friends.  The King relied
much upon the information given him by the captains of the two companies
of Musketeers, as to the young men who served in them.  I have reason for
believing, that I owe to Maupertuis the first good opinion that his
Majesty had of me.

Three months after entering the Musketeers, that is to say, in the March
of the following year, the King held a review of his guards, and of the
gendarmerie, at Compiegne, and I mounted guard once at the palace.
During this little journey there was talk of a much more important one.
My joy was extreme; but my father, who had not counted upon this,
repented of having believed me, when I told him that the King would no
doubt rest at Paris this year.  My mother, after a little vexation and
pouting at finding me enrolled by my father against her will, did not
fail to bring him to reason, and to make him provide me with an equipment
of thirty-five horses or mules, and means to live honourably.

A grievous annoyance happened in our house about three weeks before my
departure.  A steward of my father named Tesse, who had been with him
many years, disappeared all at once with fifty thousand francs due to
various tradesfolk.  He had written out false receipts from these people,
and put them in his accounts.  He was a little man, gentle, affable, and
clever; who had shown some probity, and who had many friends.

The King set out on the 10th of May, 1692, with the ladies; and I
performed the journey on horseback with the soldiers and all the
attendants, like the other Musketeers, and continued to do so through the
whole campaign.  I was accompanied by two gentlemen; the one had been my
tutor, the other was my mother's squire.  The King's army was formed at
the camp of Gevries; that of M. de Luxembourg almost joined it: The
ladies were at Mons, two leagues distant.  The King made them come into
his camp, where he entertained them; and then showed them, perhaps; the
most superb review which had ever been seen.  The two armies were ranged
in two lines, the right of M. de Luxembourg's touching the left of the
King's,--the whole extending over three leagues of ground.

After stopping ten days at Gevries, the two armies separated and marched.
Two days afterwards the seige of Namur was declared.  The King arrived
there in five days.  Monseigneur (son of the King); Monsieur (Duc
d'Orleans, brother of the King); M. le Prince (de Conde) and Marechal
d'Humieres; all four, the one under the other, commanded in the King's
army under the King himself.  The Duc de Luxembourg, sole general of his
own army, covered the siege operations, and observed the enemy.  The
ladies went away to Dinant.  On the third day of the march M. le Prince
went forward to invest the place.

The celebrated Vauban, the life and soul of all the sieges the King made,
was of opinion that the town should be attacked separately from the
castle; and his advice was acted upon.  The Baron de Bresse, however,
who had fortified the place, was for attacking town and castle together.
He was a humble down-looking man, whose physiognomy promised nothing, but
who soon acquired the confidence of the King, and the esteem of the army.

The Prince de Conde, Marechal d'Humieres, and the Marquis de Boufflers
each led an attack.  There was nothing worthy of note during the ten days
the siege lasted.  On the eleventh day, after the trenches had been
opened, a parley was beaten and a capitulation made almost as the
besieged desired it.  They withdrew to the castle; and it was agreed that
it should not be attacked from the town-side, and that the town was not
to be battered by it.  During the siege the King was almost always in his
tent; and the weather remained constantly warm and serene.  We lost
scarcely anybody of consequence.  The Comte de Toulouse received a slight
wound in the arm while quite close to the King, who from a prominent
place was witnessing the attack of a half-moon, which was carried in
broad daylight by a detachment of the oldest of the two companies of

The siege of the castle next commenced.  The position of the camp was
changed.  The King's tents and those of all the Court were pitched in a
beautiful meadow about five hundred paces from the monastery of
Marlaigne.  The fine weather changed to rain, which fell with an
abundance and perseverance never before known by any one in the army.
This circumstance increased the reputation of Saint Medard, whose fete
falls on the 8th of June.  It rained in torrents that day, and it is said
that when such is the case it will rain for forty days afterwards.  By
chance it happened so this year.  The soldiers in despair at this deluge
uttered many imprecations against the Saint; and looked for images of
him, burning and breaking as many as they could find.  The rains sadly
interfered with the progress of the siege.  The tents of the King could
only be communicated with by paths laid with fascines which required to
be renewed every day, as they sank down into the soil.  The camps and
quarters were no longer accessible; the trenches were full of mud and
water, and it took often three days to remove cannon from one battery to
another.  The waggons became useless, too, so that the transport of
bombs, shot, and so forth, could not be performed except upon the backs
of mules and of horses taken from the equipages of the Court and the
army.  The state of the roads deprived the Duc de Luxembourg of the use
of waggons and other vehicles.  His army was perishing for want of grain.
To remedy this inconvenience the King ordered all his household troops to
mount every day on horseback by detachments, and to take sacks of grain
upon their cruppers to a village where they were to be received and
counted by the officers of the Duc de Luxembourg.  Although the household
of the King had scarcely any repose during this siege, what with carrying
fascines, furnishing guards, and other daily services, this increase of
duty was given to it because the cavalry served continually also, and was
reduced almost entirely to leaves of trees for provender.

The household of the King, accustomed to all sorts of distinctions,
complained bitterly of this task.  But the King turned a deaf ear to
them, and would be obeyed.  On the first day some of the Gendarmes and of
the light horse of the guard arrived early in the morning at the depot of
the sacks, and commenced murmuring and exciting each other by their
discourses.  They threw down the sacks at last and flatly refused to
carry them.  I had been asked very politely if I would be of the
detachment for the sacks or of some other.  I decided for the sacks,
because I felt that I might thereby advance myself, the subject having
already made much noise.  I arrived with the detachment of the Musketeers
at the moment of the refusal of the others; and I loaded my sack before
their eyes.  Marin, a brigadier of cavalry and lieutenant of the body
guards, who was there to superintend the operation, noticed me, and full
of anger at the refusal he had just met with, exclaimed that as I did not
think such work beneath me, the rest would do well to imitate my example.
Without a word being spoken each took up his sack; and from that time
forward no further difficulty occurred in the matter.  As soon as the
detachment had gone, Marin went straight to the King and told him what
had occurred.  This was a service which procured for me several obliging
discourses from his Majesty, who during the rest of the siege always
sought to say something agreeable every time he met me.

The twenty-seventh day after opening the trenches, that is, the first of
July, 1692, a parley was sounded by the Prince de Barbanqon, governor of
the place,--a fortunate circumstance for the besiegers, who were worn
out with fatigue; and destitute of means, on account of the wretched
weather which still continued, and which had turned the whole country
round into a quagmire.  Even the horses of the King lived upon leaves,
and not a horse of all our numerous cavalry ever thoroughly recovered
from the effects of such sorry fare.  It is certain that without the
presence of the King the siege might never have been successful; but he
being there, everybody was stimulated.  Yet had the place held out ten
days longer, there is no saying what might have happened.  Before the end
of the siege the King was so much fatigued with his exertions, that a new
attack of gout came on, with more pain than ever, and compelled him to
keep his bed, where, however, he thought of everything, and laid out his
plans as though he had been at Versailles.

During the entire siege, the Prince of Orange (William III. of England)
had unavailingly used all his science to dislodge the Duc de Luxembourg;
but he had to do with a man who in matters of war was his superior, and
who continued so all his life.  Namur, which, by the surrender of the
castle, was now entirely in our power, was one of the strongest places in
the Low Countries, and had hitherto boasted of having never changed
masters.  The inhabitants could not restrain their tears of sorrow.  Even
the monks of Marlaigne were profoundly moved, so much so, that they could
not disguise their grief.  The King, feeling for the loss of their corn
that they had sent for safety into Namur, gave them double the quantity,
and abundant alms.  He incommoded them as little as possible, and would
not permit the passage of cannon across their park, until it was found
impossible to transport it by any other road.  Notwithstanding these acts
of goodness, they could scarcely look upon a Frenchman after the taking
of the place; and one actually refused to give a bottle of beer to an
usher of the King's antechamber, although offered a bottle of champagne
in exchange for it!

A circumstance happened just after the taking of Namur, which might have
led to the saddest results, under any other prince than the King.  Before
he entered the town, a strict examination of every place was made,
although by the capitulation all the mines, magazines, &c., had to be
shown.  At a visit paid to the Jesuits, they pretended to show
everything, expressing, however, surprise and something more, that their
bare word was not enough.  But on examining here and there, where they
did not expect search would be made, their cellars were found to be
stored with gunpowder, of which they had taken good care to say no word.
What they meant to do with it is uncertain.  It was carried away, and as
they were Jesuits nothing was done.

During the course of this siege, the King suffered a cruel
disappointment.  James II. of England, then a refugee in France, had
advised the King to give battle to the English fleet.  Joined to that of
Holland it was very superior to the sea forces of France.  Tourville, our
admiral, so famous for his valour and skill, pointed this circumstance
out to the King.  But it was all to no effect.  He was ordered to attack
the enemy.  He did so.  Many of his ships were burnt, and the victory was
won by the English.  A courier entrusted with this sad intelligence was
despatched to the King.  On his way he was joined by another courier, who
pressed him for his news.  The first courier knew that if he gave up his
news, the other, who was better mounted, would outstrip him, and be the
first to carry it to the King.  He told his companion, therefore, an idle
tale, very different indeed from the truth, for he changed the defeat
into a great victory.  Having gained this wonderful intelligence, the
second courier put spurs to his horse, and hurried away to the King's
camp, eager to be the bearer of good tidings.  He reached the camp first,
and was received with delight.  While his Majesty was still in great joy
at his happy victory, the other courier arrived with the real details.
The Court appeared prostrated.  The King was much afflicted.
Nevertheless he found means to appear to retain his self-possession, and
I saw, for the first time, that Courts are not long in affliction or
occupied with sadness.  I must mention that the (exiled) King of England
looked on at this naval battle from the shore; and was accused of
allowing expressions of partiality to escape him in favour of his
countrymen, although none had kept their promises to him.

Two days after the defeated garrison had marched out, the King went to
Dinant, to join the ladies, with whom he returned to Versailles.  I had
hoped that Monseigneur would finish the campaign, and that I should be
with him, and it was not without regret that I returned towards Paris.
On the way a little circumstance happened.  One of our halting-places was
Marienburgh, where we camped for the night.  I had become united in
friendship with Comte de Coetquen, who was in the same company with
myself.  He was well instructed and full of wit; was exceedingly rich,
and even more idle than rich.  That evening he had invited several of us
to supper in his tent.  I went there early, and found him stretched out
upon his bed, from which I dislodged him playfully and laid myself down
in his place, several of our officers standing by.  Coetquen, sporting
with me in return, took his gun, which he thought to be unloaded, and
pointed it at me.  But to our great surprise the weapon went off.
Fortunately for me, I was at that moment lying flat upon the bed.  Three
balls passed just above my head, and then just above the heads of our two
tutors, who were walking outside the tent.  Coetquen fainted at thought
of the mischief he might have done, and we had all the pains in the world
to bring him to himself again. Indeed, he did not thoroughly recover for
several days.  I relate this as a lesson which ought to teach us never
to play with fire-arms.

The poor lad,--to finish at once all that concerns him,--did not long
survive this incident.  He entered the King's regiment, and when just
upon the point of joining it in the following spring, came to me and said
he had had his fortune told by a woman named Du Perehoir, who practised
her trade secretly at Paris, and that she had predicted he would be soon
drowned.  I rated him soundly for indulging a curiosity so dangerous and
so foolish.  A few days after he set out for Amiens.  He found another
fortune-teller there, a man, who made the same prediction.  In marching
afterwards with the regiment of the King to join the army, he wished to
water his horse in the Escaut, and was drowned there, in the presence of
the whole regiment, without it being possible to give him any aid. I felt
extreme regret for his loss, which for his friends and his family was

But I must go back a little, and speak of two marriages that took place
at the commencement of this year the first (most extraordinary) on the
18th February the other a month after.


The King was very anxious to establish his illegitimate children, whom he
advanced day by day; and had married two of them, daughters, to Princes
of the blood.  One of these, the Princesse de Conti, only daughter of the
King and Madame de la Valliere, was a widow without children; the other,
eldest daughter of the King and Madame de Montespan, had married Monsieur
le Duc (Louis de Bourbon, eldest son of the Prince de Conde).  For some
time past Madame de Maintenon, even more than the King, had thought of
nothing else than how to raise the remaining illegitimate children, and
wished to marry Mademoiselle de Blois (second daughter of the King and of
Madame de Montespan) to Monsieur the Duc de Chartres.  The Duc de
Chartres was the sole nephew of the King, and was much above the Princes
of the blood by his rank of Grandson of France, and by the Court that
Monsieur his father kept up.

The marriages of the two Princes of the blood, of which I have just
spoken, had scandalised all the world.  The King was not ignorant of
this; and he could thus judge of the effect of a marriage even more
startling; such as was this proposed one.  But for four years he had
turned it over in his mind and had even taken the first steps to bring it
about.  It was the more difficult because the father of the Duc de
Chartres was infinitely proud of his rank, and the mother belonged to a
nation which abhorred illegitimacy and, misalliances, and was indeed of a
character to forbid all hope of her ever relishing this marriage.

In order to vanquish all these obstacles, the King applied to M. le Grand
(Louis de Lorraine).  This person was brother of the Chevalier de
Lorraine, the favourite, by disgraceful means, of Monsieur, father of the
Duc de Chartres.  The two brothers, unscrupulous and corrupt, entered
willingly into the scheme, but demanded as a reward, paid in advance, to
be made "Chevaliers of the Order."  This was done, although somewhat
against the inclination of the King, and success was promised.

The young Duc de Chartres had at that time for teacher Dubois (afterwards
the famous Cardinal Dubois), whose history was singular.  He had formerly
been a valet; but displaying unusual aptitude for learning, had been
instructed by his master in literature and history, and in due time
passed into the service of Saint Laurent, who was the Duc de Chartres'
first instructor.  He became so useful and showed so much skill, that
Saint Laurent made him become an abbe.  Thus raised in position, he
passed much time with the Duc de Chartres, assisting him to prepare his
lessons, to write his exercises, and to look out words in the dictionary.
I have seen him thus engaged over and over again, when I used to go and
play with the Duc de Chartres.  As Saint Laurent grew infirm, Dubois
little by little supplied his place; supplied it well too, and yet
pleased the young Duke.  When Saint Laurent died Dubois aspired to
succeed him.  He had paid his court to the Chevalier de Lorraine, by
whose influence he was much aided in obtaining his wish.  When at last
appointed successor to Saint Laurent, I never saw a man so glad, nor with
more reason.  The extreme obligation he was under to the Chevalier de
Lorraine, and still more the difficulty of maintaining himself in his new
position, attached him more and more to his protector.

It was, then, Dubois that the Chevalier de Lorraine made use of to gain
the consent of the young Duc de Chartres to the marriage proposed by the
King.  Dubois had, in fact, gained the Duke's confidence, which it was
easy to do at that age; had made him afraid of his father and of the
King; and, on the other hand, had filled him with fine hopes and
expectations.  All that Dubois could do, however, when he broke the
matter of the marriage to the young Duke, was to ward off a direct
refusal; but that was sufficient for the success of the enterprise.
Monsieur was already gained, and as soon as the King had a reply from
Dubois he hastened to broach the affair.  A day or two before this,
however, Madame (mother of the Duc de Chartres) had scent of what was
going on.  She spoke to her son of the indignity of this marriage with
that force in which she was never wanting, and drew from him a promise
that he would not consent to it.  Thus, he was feeble towards his
teacher, feeble towards his mother, and there was aversion on the one
hand and fear on the other, and great embarrassment on all sides.

One day early after dinner I saw M. de Chartres, with a very sad air,
come out of his apartment and enter the closet of the King.  He found his
Majesty alone with Monsieur.  The King spoke very obligingly to the Duc
de Chartres, said that he wished to see him married; that he offered him
his daughter, but that he did not intend to constrain him in the matter,
but left him quite at liberty.  This discourse, however, pronounced with
that terrifying majesty so natural to the King, and addressed to a timid
young prince, took away his voice, and quite unnerved him.  He, thought
to escape from his slippery position by throwing himself upon Monsieur
and Madame, and stammeringly replied that the King was master, but that a
son's will depended upon that of his parents.  "What you say is very
proper," replied the King; "but as soon as you consent to my proposition
your father and mother will not oppose it."  And then turning to Monsieur
he said, "Is this not true, my brother?  "Monsieur consented, as he had
already done, and the only person remaining to consult was Madame, who
was immediately sent for.

As soon as she came, the King, making her acquainted with his project,
said that he reckoned she would not oppose what her husband and her son
had already agreed to.  Madame, who had counted upon the refusal of her
son, was tongue-tied.  She threw two furious glances upon Monsieur and
upon the Duc de Chartres, and then said that, as they wished it, she had
nothing to say, made a slight reverence, and went away.  Her son
immediately followed her to explain his conduct; but railing against him,
with tears in her eyes, she would not listen, and drove him from her
room.  Her husband, who shortly afterwards joined her, met with almost
the same treatment.

That evening an "Apartment" was held at the palace, as was customary
three times a week during the winter; the other three evenings being set
apart for comedy, and the Sunday being free.  An Apartment as it was
called, was an assemblage of all the Court in the grand saloon, from
seven o'clock in the evening until ten, when the King sat down to table;
and, after ten, in one of the saloons at the end of the grand gallery
towards the tribune of the chapel.  In the first place there was some
music; then tables were placed all about for all kinds of gambling; there
was a 'lansquenet'; at which Monsieur and Monseigneur always played; also
a billiard-table; in a word, every one was free to play with every one,
and allowed to ask for fresh tables as all the others were occupied.
Beyond the billiards was a refreshment-room.  All was perfectly lighted.
At the outset, the King went to the "apartments" very often and played,
but lately he had ceased to do so.  He spent the evening with Madame de
Maintenon, working with different ministers one after the other.  But
still he wished his courtiers to attend assiduously.

This evening, directly after the music had finished, the King sent for
Monseigneur and Monsieur, who were already playing at 'lansquenet';
Madame, who scarcely looked at a, party of 'hombre' at which she had
seated herself; the Duc de Chartres, who, with a rueful visage, was
playing at chess; and Mademoiselle de Blois, who had scarcely begun to
appear in society, but who this evening was extraordinarily decked out,
and who, as yet, knew nothing and suspected nothing; and therefore, being
naturally very timid, and horribly afraid of the King, believed herself
sent for in order to be reprimanded, and trembled so that Madame de
Maintenon took her upon her knees, where she held her, but was scarcely
able to reassure her.  The fact of these royal persons being sent for by
the King at once made people think that a marriage was in contemplation.
In a few minutes they returned, and then the announcement was made
public.  I arrived at that moment.  I found everybody m clusters, and
great astonishment expressed upon every face.  Madame was walking in the
gallery with Chateauthiers--her favourite, and worthy of being so.
She took long strides, her handkerchief in her hand, weeping without
constraint, speaking pretty loudly, gesticulating; and looking like Ceres
after the rape of her daughter Proserpine, seeking her in fury, and
demanding her back from Jupiter.  Every one respectfully made way to let
her pass.  Monsieur, who had returned to 'lansquenet', seemed overwhelmed
with shame, and his son appeared in despair; and the bride-elect was
marvellously embarrassed and sad.  Though very young, and likely to be
dazzled by such a marriage, she understood what was passing, and feared
the consequences.  Most people appeared full of consternation.

The Apartment, which, however heavy in appearance, was full of interest
to, me, seemed quite short.  It finished by the supper of the King.  His
Majesty appeared quite at ease.  Madame's eyes were full of tears, which
fell from time to time as she looked into every face around, as if in
search of all our thoughts.  Her son, whose eyes too were red, she would
not give a glance to; nor to Monsieur: all three ate scarcely anything.
I remarked that the King offered Madame nearly all the dishes that were
before him, and that she refused with an air of rudeness which did not,
however, check his politeness.  It was furthermore noticeable that, after
leaving the table, he made to Madame a very marked and very low
reverence, during which she performed so complete a pirouette, that the
King on raising his head found nothing but her back before him, removed
about a step further towards the door.

On the morrow we went as usual to wait in the gallery for the breaking-up
of the council, and for the King's Mass.  Madame came there.  Her son
approached her, as he did every day, to kiss her hand.  At that very
moment she gave him a box on the ear, so sonorous that it was heard
several steps distant.  Such treatment in presence of all the Court
covered with confusion this unfortunate prince, and overwhelmed the
infinite number of spectators, of whom I was one, with prodigious

That day the immense dowry was declared; and on Sunday there was a grand
ball, that is, a ball opened by a 'branle' which settled the order of the
dancing throughout the evening.  Monseigneur the Duc de Bourgogne danced
on this occasion for the first time; and led off the 'branle' with
Mademoiselle.  I danced also for the first time at Court.  My partner was
Mademoiselle de Sourches, daughter of the Grand Prevot; she danced
excellently.  I had been that morning to wait on Madame, who could not
refrain from saying, in a sharp and angry voice, that I was doubtless
very glad of the promise of so many balls--that this was natural at my
age; but that, for her part, she was old, and wished they were well over.
A few days after, the contract of marriage was signed in the closet of
the King, and in the presence of all the Court.  The same day the
household of the future Duchesse de Chartres was declared.  The King gave
her a first gentleman usher and a Dame d'Atours, until then reserved to
the daughters of France, and a lady of honour, in order to carry out
completely so strange a novelty.  I must say something about the persons
who composed this household.

M. de Villars was gentleman usher; he was grandson of a recorder of
Coindrieu, and one of the best made men in France.  There was a great
deal of fighting in his young days, and he had acquired a reputation for
courage and skill.  To these qualities he owed his fortune.  M. de
Nemours was his first patron, and, in a duel which he had with M. de
Beaufort, took Villars for second.  M. de Nemours was killed; but Villars
was victorious against his adversary, anal passed into the service of the
Prince de Conti as one of his gentlemen.  He succeeded in gaining
confidence in his new employment; so much so, that the marriage which
afterwards took place between the Prince de Conti and the niece of
Cardinal Mazarin was brought about in part by his assistance.  He became
the confidant of the married pair, and their bond: of union with the
Cardinal.  His position gave him an opportunity of mixing in society much
above him; but on this he never presumed.  His face was his, passport
with the ladies: he was gallant, even discreet; and this means was not
unuseful to him.  He pleased Madame Scarron, who upon the throne never
forgot the friendships of this kind, so freely intimate, which she had
formed as a private person.  Villars was employed in diplomacy; and from
honour to honour, at last reached the order of the Saint Esprit, in 1698.
His wife was full of wit, and scandalously inclined.  Both were very
poor--and always dangled about the Court, where they had many powerful

The Marechale de Rochefort was lady of honour.  She was of the house of
Montmorency--a widow--handsome--sprightly; formed by nature to live at
Court--apt for gallantry and intrigues; full of worldly cleverness, from
living much in the world, with little cleverness of any other kind,
nearly enough for any post and any business.  M. de Louvois found her
suited to his taste, and she accommodated herself very well to his purse,
and to the display she made by this intimacy.  She always became the
friend of every new mistress of the King; and when he favoured Madame de
Soubise, it was at the Marechale's house that she waited, with closed
doors, for Bontems, the King's valet, who led her by private ways to his
Majesty.  The Marechale herself has related to me how one day she was
embarrassed to get rid of the people that Madame de Soubise (who had not
had time to announce her arrival) found at her house; and how she most
died of fright lest Bontems should return and the interview be broken off
if he arrived before the company had departed.  The Marechale de
Rochefort was in this way the friend of Mesdames de la Valliere, de
Montespan, and de Soubise; and she became the friend of Madame de
Maintenon, to whom she attached herself in proportion as she saw her
favour increase.  She had, at the marriage of Monseigneur, been made Dame
d'Atours to the new Dauphiness; and, if people were astonished at that,
they were also astonished to see her lady of honour to an "illegitimate
grand-daughter of France."

The Comtesse de Mailly was Dame d'Atours.  She was related to Madame de
Maintenon, to whose favour she owed her marriage with the Comte de
Mailly.  She had come to Paris with all her provincial awkwardness, and,
from want of wit, had never been able to get rid of it.  On the contrary,
she grafted thereon an immense conceit, caused by the favour of Madame de
Maintenon.  To complete the household, came M. de Fontaine-Martel, poor
and gouty, who was first master of the horse.

On the Monday before Shrove Tuesday, all the marriage party and the bride
and bridegroom, superbly dressed, repaired, a little before mid-day, to
the closet of the King, and afterwards to the chapel.  It was arranged,
as usual, for the Mass of the King, excepting that between his place and
the altar were two cushions for the bride and bridegroom, who turned
their backs to the King.  Cardinal de Bouillon, in full robes, married
them, and said Mass.  From the chapel all the company went to table: it
was of horse-shoe shape.  The Princes and Princesses of the blood were
placed at the right and at the left, according to their rank, terminated
by the two illegitimate children of the King, and, for the first time,
after them, the Duchesse de Verneuil; so that M. de Verneuil,
illegitimate son of Henry IV., became thus "Prince of the blood" so many
years after his death, without having ever suspected it.  The Duc d'Uzes
thought this so amusing that he marched in front of the Duchess, crying
out, as loud as he could--"Place, place for Madame Charlotte Seguier!"
In the afternoon the King and Queen of England came to Versailles with
their Court.  There was a great concert; and the play-tables were set
out.  The supper was similar to the dinner.  Afterwards the married
couple were led into the apartment of the new Duchesse de Chartres.  The
Queen of England gave the Duchess her chemise; and the shirt of the Duke
was given to him by the King, who had at first refused on the plea that
he was in too unhappy circumstances.  The benediction of the bed was
pronounced by the Cardinal de Bouillon, who kept us all waiting for a
quarter of an hour; which made people say that such airs little became a
man returned as he was from a long exile, to which he had been sent
because he had had the madness to refuse the nuptial benediction to
Madame la Duchesse unless admitted to the royal banquet.

On Shrove Tuesday, there was a grand toilette of the Duchesse de
Chartres, to which the King and all the Court came; and in the evening a
grand ball, similar to that which had just taken place, except that the
new Duchesse de Chartres was led out by the Duc de Bourgogne.  Every one
wore the same dress, and had the same partner as before.

I cannot pass over in silence a very ridiculous adventure which occurred
at both of these balls.  A son of Montbron, no more made to dance at
Court than his father was to be chevalier of the order (to which however,
he was promoted in 1688), was among the company.  He had been asked if he
danced well; and he had replied with a confidence which made every one
hope that the contrary was the case.  Every one was satisfied.  From the
very first bow, he became confused, and he lost step at once.  He tried
to divert attention from his mistake by affected attitudes, and carrying
his arms high; but this made him only more ridiculous, and excited bursts
of laughter, which, in despite of the respect due to the person of the
King (who likewise had great difficulty to hinder himself from laughing),
degenerated at length into regular hooting.  On the morrow, instead of
flying the Court or holding his tongue, he excused himself by saying that
the presence of the King had disconcerted him; and promised marvels for
the ball which was to follow.  He was one of my friends, and I felt for
him, I should even have warned him against a second attempt, if the very
indifferent success I had met with had not made me fear that my advice
would be taken in ill part.  As soon as he began to dance at the second
ball, those who were near stood up, those who were far off climbed
wherever they could get a sight; and the, shouts of laughter were mingled
with clapping of hands.  Every one, even the King himself, laughed
heartily, and most of us quite loud, so that I do not think any one was
ever treated so before.  Montbron disappeared immediately afterwards, and
did not show himself again for a long time, It was a pity he exposed
himself to this defeat, for he was an honourable and brave man.

Ash Wednesday put an end to all these sad rejoicings by command, and only
the expected rejoicings were spoken of.  M. du Maine wished to marry.
The King tried to turn him from it, and said frankly to him, that it was
not for such as he to make a lineage.  But pressed M. by Madame de
Maintenon, who had educated Maine; and who felt for him as a nurse the
King resolved to marry him to a daughter of the Prince de Conde.  The
Prince was greatly pleased at the project.  He had three daughters for
M. du Maine to choose from: all three were extremely little. An inch of
height, that the second had above the others, procured for her the
preference, much to the grief of the eldest, who was beautiful and
clever, and who dearly wished to escape from the slavery in which her
father kept her.  The dignity with which she bore her disappointment was
admired by every one, but it cost her an effort that ruined her health.
The marriage once arranged, was celebrated on the 19th of March; much in
the same manner as had been that of the Duc de Chartres.  Madame de
Saint-Vallery was appointed lady of honour to Madame du Maine, and M. de
Montchevreuil gentleman of the chamber.  This last had been one of the
friends of Madame de Maintenon when she was Madame Scarron.
Montchevreuil was a very honest man, modest, brave, but thick-headed.
His wife was a tall creature, meagre, and yellow, who laughed sillily,
and showed long and ugly teeth; who was extremely devout, of a compassed
mien, and who only wanted a broomstick to be a perfect witch.  Without
possessing any wit, she had so captivated Madame de Maintenon, that the
latter saw only with her eyes.  All the ladies of the Court were under
her surveillance: they depended upon her for their distinctions, and
often for their fortunes.  Everybody, from the ministers to the daughters
of the King, trembled before her.  The King himself showed her the most
marked consideration.  She was of all the Court journeys, and always with
Madame de Maintenon.

The marriage of M. du Maine caused a rupture between the Princess de
Conde and the Duchess of Hanover her sister, who had strongly desired
M. du Maine for one of her daughters, and who pretended that the Prince
de Conde had cut the grass from under her feet.  She lived in Paris,
making a display quite unsuited to her rank, and had even carried it so
far as to go about with two coaches and many liveried servants.  With
this state one day she met in the streets the coach of Madame de
Bouillon, which the servants of the German woman forced to give way to
their mistress's.  The Bouillons, piqued to excess, resolved to be
revenged.  One day, when they knew the Duchess was going to the play,
they went there attended by a numerous livery.  Their servants had orders
to pick a quarrel with those of the Duchess.  They executed these orders
completely; the servants of the Duchess were thoroughly thrashed--the
harness of her horses cut--her coaches maltreated.  The Duchess made a
great fuss, and complained to the King, but he would not mix himself in
the matter.  She was so outraged, that she resolved to retire into
Germany, and in a very few months did so.

My year of service in the Musketeers being over, the King, after a time,
gave me, without purchase, a company of cavalry in the Royal Roussillon,
in garrison at Mons, and just then very incomplete.  I thanked the King,
who replied to me very obligingly.  The company was entirely made up in a
fortnight.  This was towards the middle of April.

A little before, that is, on the 27th of March, the King made seven new
marechals of France.  They were the Comte de Choiseul, the Duc de
Villeroy, the Marquis de Joyeuse, Tourville, the Duc de Noailles, the
Marquis de Boufllers, and Catinat.  These promotions caused very great
discontent.  Complaint was more especially made that the Duc de Choiseul
had not been named.  The cause of his exclusion is curious.  His wife,
beautiful, with the form of a goddess--notorious for the number of her
gallantries--was very intimate with the Princess de Conti.  The King, not
liking such a companion for his daughter, gave the Duc de Choiseul to
understand that the public disorders of the Duchess offended him.  If the
Duke would send her into a convent, the Marechal's baton would be his.
The Duc de Choiseul, indignant that the reward of his services in the war
was attached to a domestic affair which concerned himself alone, refused
promotion on such terms.  He thus lost the baton; and, what was worse for
him, the Duchess soon after was driven from Court, and so misbehaved
herself, that at last he could endure her no longer, drove her away
himself, and separated from her for ever.

Mademoiselle la grande Mademoiselle, as she was called, to distinguish
her from the daughter of Monsieur--or to call her by her name,
Mademoiselle de Montpensier, died on Sunday the 5th of April, at her
palace in the Luxembourg, sixty-three years of age, and the richest
private princess in Europe.  She interested herself much in those who
were related to her, even to the lowest degree, and wore mourning for
them, however far removed.  It is well known, from all the memoirs of the
time, that she was greatly in love with M. de Lauzun, and that she
suffered much when the King withheld his permission to their marriage.
M. de Lauzun was so enraged, that he could not contain himself, and at
last went so far beyond bounds, that he was sent prisoner to Pignerol,
where he remained, extremely ill-treated, for ten years.  The affection
of Mademoiselle did not grow cold by separation.  The King profited by
it, to make M. de Lauzun buy his liberty at her expense, and thus
enriched M. du Maine.  He always gave out that he had married
Mademoiselle, and appeared before the King, after her death, in a long
cloak, which gave great displeasure.  He also assumed ever afterwards a
dark brown livery, as an external expression of his grief for
Mademoiselle, of whom he had portraits everywhere.  As for Mademoiselle,
the King never quite forgave her the day of Saint Antoine; and I heard
him once at supper reproach her in jest, for having fired the cannons of
the Bastille upon his troops.  She was a little embarrassed, but she got
out of the difficulty very well.

Her body was laid out with great state, watched for several days, two
hours at a time, by a duchess or a princess, and by two ladies of
quality.  The Comtesse de Soissons refused to take part in this watching,
and would not obey until the King threatened to dismiss her from the
Court.  A very ridiculous accident happened in the midst of this
ceremony.  The urn containing the entrails fell over, with a frightful
noise and a stink sudden and intolerable.  The ladies, the heralds, the
psalmodists, everybody present fled, in confusion.  Every one tried to
gain the door first.  The entrails had been badly embalmed, and it was
their fermentation which caused the accident.  They were soon perfumed
and put in order, and everybody laughed at this mishap.  These entrails
were in the end carried to the Celestins, the heart to Val de Grace, and
the body to the Cathedral of Saint Denis, followed by a numerous company.

On May 3d 1693, the King announced his intention of placing himself at
the head of his army in Flanders, and, having made certain alterations in
the rule of precedence of the marechale of France, soon after began the
campaign.  I have here, however, to draw attention to my private affairs,
for on the above-mentioned day, at ten o'clock in the morning, I had the
misfortune to lose my father.  He was eighty-seven years of age, and had
been in bad health for some time, with a touch of gout during the last
three weeks.  On the day in question he had dined as usual with his
friends, had retired to bed, and, while talking to those around him
there, all at once gave three violent sighs.  He was dead almost before
it was perceived that he was ill; there was no more oil in the lamp.

I learned this sad news after seeing the King to bed; his Majesty was to
purge himself on the morrow.  The night was given to the just sentiments
of nature; but the next day I went early to visit Bontems, and then the
Duc de Beauvilliers, who promised to ask the King, as soon as his
curtains were opened, to grant me the--offices my father had held.  The
King very graciously complied with his request, and in the afternoon said
many obliging things to me, particularly expressing his regret that my
father had not been able to receive the last sacraments.  I was able to
say that a very short time before, my father had retired for several days
to Saint Lazare, where was his confessor, and added something on the
piety of his life.  The King exhorted me to behave well, and promised to
take care of me.  When my father was first taken ill; several persons,
amongst others, D'Aubigne, brother of Madame de Maintenon, had asked for
the governorship of Blaye.  But the King refused them all, and said very
bluntly to D'Aubigne, "Is there not a son?"  He had, in fact, always
given my father to understand I should succeed him, although generally he
did not allow offices to descend from father to son.

Let me say a few words about my father.  Our family in my grandfather's
time had become impoverished; and my father was early sent to the Court
as page to Louis XIII.  It was very customary then for the sons of
reduced gentlemen to accept this occupation.  The King was passionately
fond of hunting, an amusement that was carried on with far less state,
without that abundance of dogs, and followers, and convenience of all
kinds which his successor introduced, and especially without roads
through the forests.  My father, who noticed the impatience of the King
at the delays that occurred in changing horses, thought of turning the
head of the horse he brought towards the crupper of that which the King
quitted.  By this means, without putting his feet to the ground, his
Majesty, who was active, jumped from one horse to another.  He was so
pleased that whenever he changed horses he asked for this same page.
From that time my father grew day by day in favour.  The King made him
Chief Ecuyer, and in course of years bestowed other rewards upon him,
created him Duke and peer of France, and gave him the Government of
Blaye.  My father, much attached to the King, followed him in all his
expeditions, several times commanded the cavalry of the army, was
commander-in-chief of all the arrierebans of the kingdom, and acquired
great reputation in the field for his valour and skill.  With Cardinal
Richelieu he was intimate without sympathy, and more than once, but
notably on the famous Day of the Dupes, rendered signal service to that
minister.  My father used often to be startled out of his sleep in the
middle of the night by a valet, with a taper in his hand, drawing the
curtain--having behind him the Cardinal de Richelieu, who would often
take the taper and sit down upon the bed and exclaim that he was a lost
man, and ask my father's advice upon news that he had received or on
quarrels he had had with the King.  When all Paris was in consternation
at the success of the Spaniards, who had crossed the frontier, taken
Corbie, and seized all the country as far as Compiegne, the King insisted
on my father being present at the council which was then held.  The
Cardinal de Richelieu maintained that the King should retreat beyond the
Seine, and all the assembly seemed of that opinion.  But the King in a
speech which lasted a quarter of an hour opposed this, and said that to
retreat at such a moment would be to increase the general disorder.  Then
turning to my father he ordered him to be prepared to depart for Corbie
on the morrow, with as many of his men as he could get ready.  The
histories and the memoirs of the time show that this bold step saved the
state.  The Cardinal, great man as he was, trembled, until the first
appearance of success, when he grew bold enough to join the King.  This
is a specimen of the conduct of that weak King governed by that first
minister to whom poets and historians have given the glory they have
stripped from his master; as, for instance, all the works of the siege of
Rochelle, and the invention and unheard-of success of the celebrated
dyke, all solely due to the late King!

Louis XIII. loved my father; but he could scold him at times.  On two
occasions he did so.  The first, as my father has related to me, was on
account of the Duc de Bellegarde.  The Duke was in disgrace, and had been
exiled.  My father, who was a friend of his, wished to write to him one
day, and for want of other leisure, being then much occupied, took the
opportunity of the King's momentary absence to carry out his desire.
Just as he was finishing his letter, the King came in; my father tried to
hide the paper, but the eyes of the King were too quick for him.  "What
is that paper?"  said he.  My father, embarrassed, admitted that it was a
few words he had written to M. de Bellegarde.

"Let me see it," said the King; and he took the paper and read it.
"I don't find fault with you," said he, "for writing to your friends,
although in disgrace, for I know you will write nothing improper; but
what displeases me is, that you should fail in the respect you owe to a
duke and peer, in that, because he is exiled, you should omit to address
him as Monseigneur;" and then tearing the letter in two, he added, "Write
it again after the hunt, and put, Monseigneur, as you ought."  My father
was very glad to be let off so easily.

The other reprimand was upon a more serious subject.  The King was really
enamoured of Mademoiselle d'Hautefort.  My father, young and gallant,
could not comprehend why he did not gratify his love.  He believed his
reserve to arise from timidity, and under this impression proposed one
day to the King to be his ambassador and to bring the affair to a
satisfactory conclusion.  The King allowed him to speak to the end, and
then assumed a severe air.  "It is true," said he, "that I am enamoured
of her, that I feel it, that I seek her, that I speak of her willingly,
and think of her still more willingly; it is true also that I act thus in
spite of myself, because I am mortal and have this weakness; but the more
facility I have as King to gratify myself, the more I ought to be on my
guard against sin and scandal.  I pardon you this time, but never address
to me a similar discourse again if you wish that I should continue to
love you."  This was a thunderbolt for my father; the scales fell from
his eyes; the idea of the King's timidity in love disappeared before the
display of a virtue so pure and so triumphant.

My father's career was for a long time very successful, but unfortunately
he had an enemy who brought it to an end.  This enemy was M. de Chavigny:
he was secretary of state, and had also the war department.  Either from
stupidity or malice he had left all the towns in Picardy badly supported;
a circumstance the Spaniards knew well how to profit by when they took
Corbie in 1636.  My father had an uncle who commanded in one of these
towns, La Capelle, and who had several times asked for ammunition and
stores without success.  My father spoke upon this subject to Chavigny,
to the Cardinal de Richelieu, and to the King, but with no good effect.
La Capelle, left without resources, fell like the places around.  As I
have said before, Louis XIII. did not long allow the Spaniards to enjoy
the advantages they had gained.  All the towns in Picardy were soon
retaken, and the King, urged on by Chavigny, determined to punish the
governors of these places for surrendering them so easily.  My father's
uncle was included with the others.  This injustice was not to be borne.
My father represented the real state of the case and used every effort,
to save his uncle, but it was in vain.  Stung to the quick he demanded
permission to retire, and was allowed to do so.  Accordingly, at the
commencement of 1637, he left for Blaye; and remained there until the
death of Cardinal Richelieu.  During this retirement the King frequently
wrote to him, in a language they had composed so as to speak before
people without being understood; and I possess still many of these
letters, with much regret that I am ignorant of their contents.

Chavigny served my father another ill turn.  At the Cardinal's death my
father had returned to the Court and was in greater favour than ever.
Just before Louis XIII. died he gave my father the place of first master
of the horse, but left his name blank in the paper fixing the
appointment.  The paper was given into the hands of Chavigny.  At the
King's death he had the villainy, in concert with the Queen-regent, to
fill in the name of Comte d'Harcourt, instead of that the King had
instructed him of.  The indignation of my father was great, but, as he
could obtain no redress, he retired once again to his Government of
Blaye.  Notwithstanding the manner in which he had been treated by the
Queen-regent, he stoutly defended her cause when the civil war broke out,
led by M. le Prince.  He garrisoned Blaye at his own expense, incurring
thereby debts which hung upon him all his life, and which I feel the
effects of still, and repulsed all attempts of friends to corrupt his
loyalty.  The Queen and Mazarin could not close their eyes to his
devotion, and offered him, while the war was still going on, a marechal's
baton, or the title of foreign prince.  But he refused both, and the
offer was not renewed when the war ended.  These disturbances over, and
Louis XIV. being married, my father came again to Paris, where he had
many friends.  He had married in 1644, and had had, as I have said, one
only daughter.  His wife dying in 1670, and leaving him without male
children, he determined, however much he might be afflicted at the loss
he had sustained, to marry again, although old.  He carried out his
resolution in October of the same year, and was very pleased with the
choice he had made.  He liked his new wife so much, in fact, that when
Madame de Montespan obtained for her a place at the Court, he declined it
at once.  At his age--it was thus he wrote to Madame de Montespan, he had
taken a wife not for the Court, but for himself.  My mother, who was
absent when the letter announcing the appointment was sent, felt much
regret, but never showed it.

Before I finish this account of my father, I will here relate adventures
which happened to him, and which I ought to have placed before his second
marriage.  A disagreement arose between my father and M. de Vardes, and
still existed long after everybody thought they were reconciled.  It was
ultimately agreed that upon an early day, at about twelve o'clock, they
should meet at the Porte St. Honore, then a very deserted spot, and that
the coach of M. de Vardes should run against my father's, and a general
quarrel arise between masters and servants.  Under cover of this quarrel,
a duel could easily take place, and would seem simply to arise out of the
broil there and then occasioned.  On the morning appointed, my father
called as usual upon several of his friends, and, taking one of them for
second, went to the Porte St. Honore.  There everything fell out just as
had been arranged.  The coach of M. de Vardes struck against the other.
My father leaped out, M. de Vardes did the same, and the duel took place.
M. de Vardes fell, and was disarmed.  My father wished to make him beg
for his life; he would not do this, but confessed himself vanquished.
My father's coach being the nearest, M. de Vardes got into it.  He
fainted on the road.  They separated afterwards like brave people, and
went their way.  Madame de Chatillon, since of Mecklenburg, lodged in one
of the last houses near the Porte St. Honore, and at the noise made by
the coaches, put, her head to the window, and coolly looked at the whole
of the combat.  It soon made a great noise.  My father was complimented
everywhere.  M. de Vardes was sent for ten or twelve days to the
Bastille.  My father and he afterwards became completely reconciled to
each other.

The other adventure was of gentler ending.  The Memoirs of M. de la
Rochefoucauld appeared.  They contained certain atrocious and false
statements against my father, who so severely resented the calumny, that
he seized a pen, and wrote upon the margin of the book, "The author has
told a lie."  Not content with this, he went to the bookseller, whom he
discovered with some difficulty, for the book was not sold publicly at
first.  He asked to see all the copies of the work, prayed, promised,
threatened, and at last succeeded in obtaining them.  Then he took a pen
and wrote in all of them the same marginal note.  The astonishment of the
bookseller may be imagined.  He was not long in letting M. de la
Rochefoucauld know what had happened to his books: it may well be
believed that he also was astonished.  This affair made great noise.  My
father, having truth on his side, wished to obtain public satisfaction
from M. de la Rochefoucauld.  Friends, however, interposed, and the
matter was allowed to drop.  But M. de la Rochefoucauld never pardoned my
father; so true it is that we less easily forget the injuries we inflict
than those that we receive.

My father passed the rest of his long life surrounded by friends, and
held in high esteem by the King and his ministers.  His advice was often
sought for by them, and was always acted upon.  He never consoled himself
for the loss of Louis XIII., to whom he owed his advancement and his
fortune.  Every year he kept sacred the day of his death, going to Saint-
Denis, or holding solemnities in his own house if at Blaye.  Veneration,
gratitude, tenderness, ever adorned his lips every time he spoke of that

After having paid the last duties to my father I betook myself to Mons to
join the Royal Roussillon cavalry regiment, in which I was captain.  The
King, after stopping eight or ten days with the ladies at Quesnoy, sent
them to Namur, and put himself at the head of the army of M. de
Boufflers, and camped at Gembloux, so that his left was only half a
league distant from the right of M. de Luxembourg.  The Prince of Orange
was encamped at the Abbey of Pure, was unable to receive supplies, and
could not leave his position without having the two armies of the King to
grapple with: he entrenched himself in haste, and bitterly repented
having allowed himself to be thus driven into a corner.  We knew
afterwards that he wrote several times to his intimate friend the Prince
de Vaudemont, saying that he was lost, and that nothing short of a
miracle could save him.

We were in this position, with an army in every way infinitely superior
to that of the Prince of Orange, and with four whole months before us to
profit by our strength, when the King declared on the 8th of June that he
should return to Versailles, and sent off a large detachment of the army
into Germany.  The surprise of the Marechal de Luxembourg was without
bounds.  He represented the facility with which the Prince of Orange
might now be beaten with one army and pursued by another; and how
important it was to draw off detachments of the Imperial forces from
Germany into Flanders, and how, by sending an army into Flanders instead
of Germany, the whole of the Low Countries would be in our power.  But
the King would not change his plans, although M. de Luxembourg went down
on his knees and begged him not to allow such a glorious opportunity to
escape.  Madame de Maintenon, by her tears when she parted from his
Majesty, and by her letters since, had brought about this resolution.

The news had not spread on the morrow, June 9th.  I chanced to go alone
to the quarters of M. de Luxembourg, and was surprised to find not a soul
there; every one had gone to the King's army.  Pensively bringing my
horse to a stand, I was ruminating on a fact so strange, and debating
whether I should return to my tent or push on to the royal camp, when up
came M. le Prince de Conti with a single page and a groom leading a
horse.  "What are you doing there?" cried he, laughing at my surprise.
Thereupon he told me he was going to say adieu to the King, and advised
me to do likewise.  "What do you mean by saying Adieu?"  answered I.
He sent his servants to a little distance, and begged me to do the same,
and with shouts of laughter told me about the King's retreat, making
tremendous fun of him, despite my youth, for he had confidence in me.
I was astonished.  We soon after met the whole company coming back;
and the great people went aside to talk and sneer.  I then proceeded to
pay my respects to the King, by whom I was honourably received.
Surprise, however, was expressed by all faces, and indignation by some.

The effect of the King's retreat, indeed, was incredible, even amongst
the soldiers and the people.  The general officers could not keep silent
upon it, and the inferior officers spoke loudly, with a license that
could not be restrained.  All through the army, in the towns, and even at
Court, it was talked about openly.  The courtiers, generally so glad to
find themselves again at Versailles, now declared that they were ashamed
to be there; as for the enemy, they could not contain their surprise and
joy.  The Prince of Orange said that the retreat was a miracle he could
not have hoped for; that he could scarcely believe in it, but that it had
saved his army, and the whole of the Low Countries.  In the midst of all
this excitement the King arrived with the ladies, on the 25th of June, at

We gained some successes, however, this year.  Marechal de Villeroy took
Huy in three days, losing only a sub-engineer and some soldiers.  On the
29th of July we attacked at dawn the Prince of Orange at Neerwinden, and
after twelve hours of hard fighting, under a blazing sun, entirely routed
him.  I was of the third squadron of the Royal Roussillon, and made five
charges.  One of the gold ornaments of my coat was torn away, but I
received no wound.  During the battle our brigadier, Quoadt, was killed
before my eyes.  The Duc de Feuillade became thus commander of the
brigade.  We missed him immediately, and for more than half an hour saw
nothing of him; he had gone to make his toilette.  When he returned he
was powdered and decked out in a fine red surtotxt, embroidered with
silver, and all his trappings and those of his horse were magnificent; he
acquitted himself with distinction.

Our cavalry stood so well against the fire from the enemy's guns, that
the Prince of Orange lost all patience, and turning away, exclaimed--
"Oh, the insolent nation!"  He fought until the last, and retired with
the Elector of Hanover only when he saw there was no longer any hope.
After the battle my people brought us a leg of mutton and a bottle of
wine, which they had wisely saved from the previous evening, and we
attacked them in good earnest, as may be believed.

The enemy lost about twenty thousand men, including a large number of
officers; our loss was not more than half that number.  We took all their
cannon, eight mortars, many artillery waggons, a quantity of standards,
and some pairs of kettle-drums.  The victory was complete.

Meanwhile, the army which had been sent to Germany under the command of
Monseigneur and of the Marechal de Lorges, did little or nothing.  The
Marechal wished to attack Heilbronn, but Monseigneur was opposed to it;
and, to the great regret of the principal generals and of the troops, the
attack was not made.  Monseigneur returned early to Versailles.

At sea we were more active.  The rich merchant fleet of Smyrna was
attacked by Tourville; fifty vessels were burnt or sunk, and twenty-seven
taken, all richly freighted.  This campaign cost the English and Dutch
dear.  It is believed their loss was more than thirty millions of ecus.

The season finished with the taking of Charleroy.  On the 16th of
September the Marechal de Villeroy, supported by M. de Luxembourg, laid
siege to it, and on the 11th of October, after a good defence, the place
capitulated.  Our loss was very slight.  Charleroy taken, our troops went
into winter-quarters, and I returned to Court, like the rest.  The roads
and the posting service were in great disorder.  Amongst other adventures
I met with, I was driven by a deaf and dumb postillion, who stuck me fast
in the mud when near Quesnoy.  At Pont Saint-Maxence all the horses were
retained by M. de Luxembourg.  Fearing I might be left behind, I told the
postmaster that I was governor (which was true), and that I would put him
in jail if he did not give me horses.  I should have been sadly puzzled
how to do it; but he was simple enough to believe me, and gave the
horses.  I arrived, however, at last at Paris, and found a change at the
Court, which surprised me.

Daquin--first doctor of the King and creature of Madame de Montespan--had
lost nothing of his credit by her removal, but had never been able to get
on well with Madame de Maintenon, who looked coldly upon all the friends
of her predecessor.  Daquin had a son, an abbe, and wearied the King with
solicitations on his behalf.  Madame de Maintenon seized the opportunity,
when the King was more than usually angry with Daquin, to obtain his
dismissal: it came upon him like a thunderbolt.  On the previous evening
the King had spoken to him for a long time as usual, and had never
treated him better.  All the Court was astonished also.  Fagon, a very
skilful and learned man, was appointed in his place at the instance of
Madame de Maintenon.

Another event excited less surprise than interest.  On Sunday, the 29th
of November, the King learned that La Vauguyon had killed himself in his
bed, that morning, by firing twice into his throat.  I must say a few
words about this Vauguyon.  He was one of the pettiest and poorest
gentlemen of France: he was well-made, but very swarthy, with Spanish
features, had a charming voice, played the guitar and lute very well, and
was skilled in the arts of gallantry.  By these talents he had succeeded,
in finding favour with Madame de Beauvais, much regarded at the Court as
having been the King's first mistress.  I have seen her--old, blear-eyed,
and half blind,--at the toilette of the Dauphiness of Bavaria, where
everybody courted her, because she was still much considered by the King.
Under this protection La Vauguyon succeeded well; was several times sent
as ambassador to foreign countries; was made councillor of state, and to
the scandal of everybody, was raised to the Order in 1688.  Of late
years, having no appointments, he had scarcely the means of living, and
endeavoured, but without success, to improve his condition.

Poverty by degrees turned his brain; but a long time passed before it was
perceived.  The first proof that he gave of it was at the house of Madame
Pelot, widow of the Chief President of the Rouen parliament.  Playing at
brelan one evening, she offered him a stake, and because he would not
accept it bantered him, and playfully called him a poltroon.  He said
nothing, but waited until all the rest of the company had left the room;
and when he found himself alone with Madame Pelot, he bolted the door,
clapped his hat on his head, drove her up against the chimney, and
holding her head between his two fists, said he knew no reason why he
should not pound it into a jelly, in order to teach her to call him
poltroon again.  The poor woman was horribly frightened, and made
perpendicular curtseys between his two fists, and all sorts of excuses.
At last he let her go, more dead than alive.  She had the generosity to
say no syllable of this occurrence until after his death; she even
allowed him to come to the house as usual, but took care never to be
alone with him.

One day, a long time after this, meeting, in a gallery, at Fontainebleau,
M. de Courtenay, La Vauguyon drew his sword, and compelled the other to
draw also, although there had never been the slightest quarrel between
them.  They were soon separated and La Vauguyon immediately fled to the
King, who was just then in his private closet, where nobody ever entered
unless expressly summoned.  But La Vauguyon turned the key, and, in spite
of the usher on guard, forced his way in.  The King in great emotion
asked him what was the matter.  La Vauguyon on his knees said he had been
insulted by M. de Courtenay and demanded pardon for having drawn his
sword in the palace.  His Majesty, promising to examine the matter, with
great trouble got rid of La Vauguyon.  As nothing could be made of it, M.
de Courtenay declaring he had been insulted by La Vauguyon and forced to
draw his sword, and the other telling the same tale, both were sent to
the Bastille.  After a short imprisonment they were released, and
appeared at the Court as usual.

Another adventure, which succeeded this, threw some light upon the state
of affairs.  Going to Versailles, one day, La Vauguyon met a groom of the
Prince de Conde leading a saddled horse, he stopped the man, descended
from his coach, asked whom the horse belonged to, said that the Prince
would not object to his riding it, and leaping upon the animal's back,
galloped off.  The groom, all amazed, followed him.  La Vauguyon rode on
until he reached the Bastille, descended there, gave a gratuity to the
man, and dismissed him: he then went straight to the governor of the
prison, said he had had the misfortune to displease the King, and begged
to be confined there.  The governor, having no orders to do so, refused;
and sent off an express for instructions how to act.  In reply he was
told not to receive La Vauguyon, whom at last, after great difficulty, he
prevailed upon to go away.  This occurrence made great noise.  Yet even
afterwards the King continued to receive La Vauguyon at the Court, and to
affect to treat him well, although everybody else avoided him and was
afraid of him.  His poor wife became so affected by these public
derangements, that she retired from Paris, and shortly afterwards died.
This completed her husband's madness; he survived her only a month, dying
by his own hand, as I have mentioned.  During the last two years of his
life he carried pistols in his carriage, and frequently pointed them at
his coachman and postilion.  It is certain that without the assistance of
M. de Beauvais he would often have been brought to the last extremities.
Beauvais frequently spoke of him to the King; and it is inconceivable
that having raised this man to such a point; and having always shown him
particular kindness, his Majesty should perseveringly have left him to
die of hunger and become mad from misery.

The year finished without any remarkable occurrence.

My mother; who had been much disquieted for me during the campaign,
desired strongly that I should not make another without being married.
Although very young, I had no repugnance to marry, but wished to do so
according to my own inclinations.  With a large establishment I felt very
lonely in a country where credit and consideration do more than all the
rest.  Without uncle, aunt, cousins-German, or near relatives, I found
myself, I say, extremely solitary.

Among my best friends, as he had been the friend of my father; was the
Duc de Beauvilliers.  He had always shown me much affection, and I felt a
great desire to unite myself to his family: My mother approved of my
inclination, and gave me an exact account of my estates and possessions.
I carried it to Versailles, and sought a private interview with M. de
Beauvilliers.  At eight o'clock the same evening he received me alone in
the cabinet of Madame de Beauvilliers.  After making my compliments to
him, I told him my wish, showed him the state of my affairs, and said
that all I demanded of him was one of his daughters in marriage, and that
whatever contract he thought fit to draw up would be signed by my mother
and myself without examination.

The Duke, who had fixed his eyes upon me all this time, replied like a
man penetrated with gratitude by the offer I had made.  He said, that of
his eight daughters the eldest was between fourteen and fifteen years
old; the second much deformed, and in no way marriageable; the third
between twelve and thirteen years of age, and the rest were children: the
eldest wished to enter a convent, and had shown herself firm upon that
point.  He seemed inclined to make a difficulty of his want of fortune;
but, reminding him of the proposition I had made, I said that it was not
for fortune I had come to him, not even for his daughter, whom I had
never seen; that it was he and Madame de Beauvilliers who had charmed me,
and whom I wished to marry!

"But," said he, "if my eldest daughter wishes absolutely to enter a

"Then," replied I, "I ask the third of you."  To this he objected, on the
ground that if he gave the dowry of the first to the third daughter, and
the first afterwards changed her mind and wished to marry, he should be
thrown into an embarrassment.  I replied that I would take the third as
though the first were to be married, and that if she were not, the
difference between what he destined for her and what he destined for the
third, should be given to me.  The Duke, raising his eyes to heaven,
protested that he had never been combated in this manner, and that he was
obliged to gather up all his forces in order to prevent himself yielding
to me that very instant.

On the next day, at half-past three, I had another interview with M. de
Beauvilliers.  With much tenderness he declined my proposal, resting his
refusal upon the inclination his daughter had displayed for the convent,
upon his little wealth, if, the marriage of the third being made, she
should change her mind--and upon other reasons.  He spoke to me with much
regret and friendship, and I to him in the same manner; and we separated,
unable any longer to speak to each other.  Two days after, however, I had
another interview with him by his appointment.  I endeavoured to overcome
the objections that he made, but all in vain.  He could not give me his
third daughter with the first unmarried, and he would not force her, he
said, to change her wish of retiring from the world.  His words, pious
and elevated, augmented my respect for him, and my desire for the
marriage.  In the evening, at the breaking up of the appointment, I could
not prevent myself whispering in his ear that I should never live happily
with anybody but his daughter, and without waiting for a reply hastened
away.  I had the next evening, at eight o'clock, an interview with Madame
de Beauvilliers.  I argued with her with such prodigious ardor that she
was surprised, and, although she did not give way, she said she would be
inconsolable for the loss of me, repeating the same tender and flattering
things her husband had said before, and with the same effusion of

I had yet another interview with M. de Beauvilliers.  He showed even more
affection for me than before, but I could not succeed in putting aside
his scruples.  He unbosomed himself afterwards to one of our friends, and
in his bitterness said he could only console himself by hoping that his
children and mine might some day intermarry, and he prayed me to go and
pass some days at Paris, in order to allow him to seek a truce to his
grief in my absence.  We both were in want of it.  I have judged it
fitting to give these details, for they afford a key to my exceeding
intimacy with M. de Beauvilliers, which otherwise, considering the
difference in our ages, might appear incomprehensible.

There was nothing left for me but to look out for another marriage.  One
soon presented itself, but as soon fell to the ground; and I went to La
Trappe to console myself for the impossibility of making an alliance with
the Duc de Beauvilliers.

La Trappe is a place so celebrated and so well known, and its reformer so
famous, that I shall say but little about it.  I will, however, mention
that this abbey is five leagues from La Ferme-au-Vidame, or Arnold, which
is the real distinctive name of this Ferme among so many other Fetes in
France, which have preserved the generic name of what they have been,
that is to say, forts or fortresses ('freitas').  My father had been very
intimate with M. de la Trappe, and had taken me to him.

Although I was very young then, M. de la Trappe charmed me, and the
sanctity of the place enchanted me.  Every year I stayed some days there,
sometimes a week at a time, and was never tired of admiring this great
and distinguished man.  He loved me as a son, and I respected him as
though he were any father.  This intimacy, singular at my age, I kept
secret from everybody, and only went to the convent clandestinely.

On my return from La Trappe, I became engaged in an affair which made a
great noise, and which had many results for me.

M. de Luxembourg, proud of his successes, and of the applause of the
world at his victories, believed himself sufficiently strong to claim
precedence over seventeen dukes, myself among the number; to step, in
fact, from the eighteenth rank, that he held amongst the peers, to the
second.  The following are the names and the order in precedence of the
dukes he wished to supersede:

The Duc d'Elboeuf; the Duc de Montbazon; the Duc de Ventadour; the Duc de
Vendome; the Duc de la Tremoille; the Duc de Sully; the Duc de Chevreuse,
the son (minor) of the Duchesse de Lesdiguieres-Gondi; the Duc de
Brissac; Charles d'Albert, called d'Ailly; the Duc de Richelieu; the Duc
de Saint-Simon; the Duc de la Rochefoucauld; the Duc de la Force; the Duc
de Valentinois; the Duc de Rohan; the Duc de Bouillon.

To explain this pretension of M. de Luxembourg, I must give some details
respecting him and the family whose name he bore.  He was the only son of
M. de Bouteville, and had married a descendant of Francois de Luxembourg,
Duke of Piney, created Peer of France in 1581.  It was a peerage which,
in default of male successors, went to the female, but this descendant
was not heir to it.  She was the child of a second marriage, and by a
first marriage her mother had given birth to a son and a daughter, who
were the inheritors of the peerage, both of whom were still living.  The
son was, however, an idiot, had been declared incapable of attending to
his affairs, and was shut up in Saint Lazare, at Paris.  The daughter had
taken the veil, and was mistress of the novices at the Abbaye-aux-Bois.
The peerage had thus, it might almost be said, become extinct, for it was
vested in an idiot, who could not marry (to prevent him doing so, he had
been made a deacon, and he was bound in consequence to remain single),
and in a nun, who was equally bound by her vows to the same state of

When M. de Bouteville, for that was his only title then, married, he took
the arms and the name of Luxembourg.  He did more.  By powerful
influence--notably that of his patron the Prince de Conde--he released
the idiot deacon from his asylum, and the nun from her convent, and
induced them both to surrender to him their possessions and their titles.
This done, he commenced proceedings at once in order to obtain legal
recognition of his right to the dignities he had thus got possession of.
He claimed to be acknowledged Duc de Piney, with all the privileges
attached to that title as a creation of 1581.  Foremost among these
privileges was that of taking precedence of all dukes whose title did not
go back so far as that year.  Before any decision was given either for or
against this claim, he was made Duc de Piney by new letters patent,
dating from 1662, with a clause which left his pretensions to the title
of 1581 by no means affected by this new creation.  M. de Luxembourg,
however, seemed satisfied with what he had obtained, and was apparently
disposed to pursue his claim no further.  He was received as Duke and
Peer in the Parliament, took his seat in the last rank after all the
other peers, and allowed his suit to drop.  Since then he had tried
successfully to gain it by stealth, but for several years nothing more
had been heard of it.  Now, however, he recommenced it, and with every
intention, as we soon found, to stop at no intrigue or baseness in order
to carry his point.

Nearly everybody was in his favour.  The Court, though not the King, was
almost entirely for him; and the town, dazzled by the splendour of his
exploits, was devoted to him.  The young men regarded him as the
protector of their debauches; for, notwithstanding his age, his conduct
was as free as theirs.  He had captivated the troops and the general

In the Parliament he had a staunch supporter in Harlay, the Chief
President, who led that great body at his will, and whose devotion he had
acquired to such a degree, that he believed that to undertake and succeed
were only the same things, and that this grand affair would scarcely cost
him a winter to carry.

Let me say something more of this Harlay.

Descended from two celebrated magistrates, Achille d'Harlay and
Christopher De Thou, Harlay imitated their gravity, but carried it to a
cynical extent, affected their disinterestedness and modesty, but
dishonoured the first by his conduct, and the second by a refined pride
which he endeavoured without success to conceal.  He piqued himself,
above all things, upon his probity and justice, but the mask soon fell.
Between Peter and Paul he maintained the strictest fairness, but as soon
as he perceived interest or favour to be acquired, he sold himself.  This
trial will show him stripped of all disguise.  He was learned in the law;
in letters he was second to no one; he was well acquainted with history,
and knew how, above all, to govern his company with an authority which
suffered no reply, and which no other chief president had ever attained.

A pharisaical austerity rendered him redoubtable by the license he
assumed in his public reprimands, whether to plaintiffs, or defendants,
advocates or magistrates; so that there was not a single person who did
not tremble to have to do with him.  Besides this, sustained in all by
the Court (of which he was the slave, and the very humble servant of
those who were really in favour), a subtle courtier, a singularly crafty
politician, he used all those talents solely to further his ambition, his
desire of domination and his thirst of the reputation of a great man.
He was without real honour, secretly of corrupt manners, with only
outside probity, without humanity even; in one word, a perfect hypocrite;
without faith, without law, without a God, and without a soul; a cruel
husband, a barbarous father, a tyrannical brother, a friend of himself
alone, wicked by nature--taking pleasure in insulting, outraging, and
overwhelming others, and never in his life having lost an occasion to do
so.  His wit was great, but was always subservient to his wickedness.
He was small, vigorous, and thin, with a lozenge-shaped face, a long
aquiline nose--fine, speaking, keen eyes, that usually looked furtively
at you, but which, if fixed on a client or a magistrate, were fit to make
him sink into the earth.  He wore narrow robes, an almost ecclesiastical
collar and wristband to match, a brown wig mimed with white, thickly
furnished but short, and with a great cap over it.  He affected a bending
attitude, and walked so, with a false air, more humble than modest, and
always shaved along the walls, to make people make way for him with
greater noise; and at Versailles worked his way on by a series of
respectful and, as it were, shame-faced bows to the right and left.  He
held to the King and to Madame de Maintenon by knowing their weak side;
and it was he who, being consulted upon the unheard-of legitimation of
children without naming the mother, had sanctioned that illegality in
favour of the King.

Such was the man whose influence was given entirely to our opponent.

To assist M. de Luxembourg's case as much as possible, the celebrated
Racine, so known by his plays, and by the order he had received at that
time to write the history of the King, was employed to polish and
ornament his pleas.  Nothing was left undone by M. de Luxembourg in order
to gain this cause.

I cannot give all the details of the case, the statements made on both
sides, and the defences; they would occupy entire volumes.  We maintained
that M. de Luxembourg was in no way entitled to the precedence he
claimed, and we had both law and justice on our side.  To give
instructions to our counsel, and to follow the progress of the case,
we met once a week, seven or eight of us at least, those best disposed
to give our time to the matter.  Among the most punctual was M. de la
Rochefoucauld.  I had been solicited from the commencement to take part
in the proceedings, and I complied most willingly, apologising for so
doing to M. de Luxembourg, who replied with all the politeness and
gallantry possible, that I could not do less than follow an example my
father had set me.

The trial having commenced, we soon saw how badly disposed the Chief
President was towards us.  He obstructed us in every way, and acted
against all rules.  There seemed no other means of defeating his evident
intention of judging against us than by gaining time, first of all; and
to do this we determined to get the case adjourned, There were, however,
only two days at our disposal, and that was not enough in order to comply
with the forms required for such a step.  We were all in the greatest
embarrassment, when it fortunately came into the head of one of our
lawyers to remind us of a privilege we possessed, by which, without much
difficulty, we could obtain what we required.  I was the only one who
could, at that moment, make use of this privilege.  I hastened home, at
once, to obtain the necessary papers, deposited them with the procureur
of M. de Luxembourg, and the adjournment was obtained.  The rage of M. de
Luxembourg was without bounds.  When we met he would not salute me, and
in consequence I discontinued to salute him; by which he lost more than
I, in his position and at his age, and furnished in the rooms and the
galleries of Versailles a sufficiently ridiculous spectacle.  In addition
to this he quarrelled openly with M. de Richelieu, and made a bitter
attack upon him in one of his pleas.  But M. de Richelieu, meeting him
soon after in the Salle des Gardes at Versailles, told him to his face
that he should soon have a reply; and said that he feared him neither on
horseback nor on foot--neither him nor his crew--neither in town nor at
the Court, nor even in the army, nor in any place in the world; and
without allowing time for a reply he turned on his heel.  In the end, M.
de Luxembourg found himself so closely pressed that he was glad to
apologise to M. de Richelieu.

After a time our cause, sent back again to the Parliament, was argued
there with the same vigour, the same partiality, and the same injustice
as before: seeing this, we felt that the only course left open to us was
to get the case sent before the Assembly of all the Chambers, where the
judges, from their number, could not be corrupted by M. de Luxembourg,
and where the authority of Harlay was feeble, while over the Grand
Chambre, in which the case was at present, it was absolute.  The
difficulty was to obtain an assembly of all the Chambers, for the power
of summoning them was vested solely in Harlay.  However, we determined to
try and gain his consent.  M. de Chaulnes undertook to go upon this
delicate errand, and acquitted himself well of his mission.  He pointed
out to Harlay that everybody was convinced of his leaning towards M. de
Luxembourg, and that the only way to efface the conviction that had gone
abroad was to comply with our request; in fine, he used so many
arguments, and with such address, that Harlay, confused and thrown off
his guard, and repenting of the manner in which he had acted towards us
as being likely to injure his interests, gave a positive assurance to M.
de Chaulnes that what we asked should be granted.

We had scarcely finished congratulating ourselves upon this unhoped-for
success, when we found that we had to do with a man whose word was a very
sorry support to rest upon.  M. de Luxembourg, affrighted at the promise
Harlay had given, made him resolve to break it.  Suspecting this, M. de
Chaulnes paid another visit to the Chief President, who admitted, with
much confusion, that he had changed his views, and that it was impossible
to carry out what he had agreed to.  After this we felt that to treat any
longer with a man so perfidious would be time lost; and we determined,
therefore, to put it out of his power to judge the case at all.

According to the received maxim, whoever is at law with the son cannot be
judged by the father.  Harlay had a son who was Advocate-General.  We
resolved that one among us should bring an action against him.

After trying in vain to induce the Duc de Rohan, who was the only one of
our number who could readily have done it, to commence a suit against
Harlay's sort, we began to despair of arriving at our aim.  Fortunately
for us, the vexation of Harlay became so great at this time, in
consequence of the disdain with which we treated him, and which we openly
published, that he extricated us himself from our difficulty.  We had
only to supplicate the Duc de Gesvres in the cause (he said to some of
our people), and we should obtain what we wanted; for the Duc de Gesvres
vas his relative.  We took him at his word.  The, Duc de Gesvres received
in two days a summons on our part.  Harlay, annoyed with himself for the
advice he had given, relented of it: but it was too late; he was declared
unable to judge the cause, and the case itself was postponed until the
next year.

Meanwhile, let me mention a circumstance which should have found a place
before, and then state what occurred in the interval which followed until
the trial recommenced.

It was while our proceedings were making some little stir that fresh
favours were heaped upon the King's illegitimate sons, at the instance of
the King himself, and with the connivance of Harlay, who, for the part he
took in the affair, was promised the chancellorship when it should become
vacant.  The rank of these illegitimate sons was placed just below that
of the princes, of the blood, and just above that of the peers even of
the oldest creation.  This gave us all exceeding annoyance: it was the
greatest injury the peerage could have received, and became its leprosy
and sore.  All the peers who could, kept themselves aloof from the
parliament, when M. du Maine, M. de Vendome, and the Comte de Toulouse,
for whom this arrangement was specially made, were received there.

There were several marriages at the Court this winter and many very fine
balls, at which latter I danced.  By the spring, preparations were ready
for fresh campaigns.  My regiment (I had bought one at the close of the
last season) was ordered to join the army of M. de Luxembourg; but, as I
had no desire to be under him, I wrote to the King, begging to be
exchanged.  In a short time, to the great vexation, as I know, of M. de
Luxembourg, my request was granted.  The Chevalier de Sully went to
Flanders in my place, and I to Germany in his.  I went first to Soissons
to see my regiment, and in consequence of the recommendation of the King,
was more severe with it than I should otherwise have been.  I set out
afterwards for Strasbourg, where I was surprised with the magnificence of
the town, and with the number, beauty, and grandeur of its
fortifications.  As from my youth I knew and spoke German perfectly, I
sought out one of my early German acquaintances, who gave me much
pleasure.  I stopped six days at Strasbourg and then went by the Rhine to
Philipsburg.  On the next day after arriving there, I joined the cavalry,
which was encamped at Obersheim.

After several movements--in which we passed and repassed the Rhine--but
which led to no effective result, we encamped for forty days at Gaw-
Boecklheim, one of the best and most beautiful positions in the world,
and where we had charming weather, although a little disposed to cold.
It was in the leisure of that long camp that I commenced these memoirs,
incited by the pleasure I took in reading those of Marshal Bassompierre,
which invited me thus to write what I should see in my own time.

During this season M. de Noailles took Palamos, Girone, and the fortress
of Castel-Follit in Catalonia.  This last was taken by the daring of a
soldier, who led on a small number of his comrades, and carried the place
by assault.  Nothing was done in Italy; and in Flanders M. de Luxembourg
came to no engagement with the Prince of Orange.


After our long rest at the camp of Gaw-Boecklheim we again put ourselves
in movement, but without doing much against the enemy, and on the 16th of
October I received permission to return to Paris.  Upon my arrival there
I learnt that many things had occurred since I left.  During that time
some adventures had happened to the Princesses, as the three illegitimate
daughters of the King were called for distinction sake.  Monsieur wished
that the Duchesse de Chartres should always call the others "sister," but
that the others should never address her except as "Madame."  The
Princesse de Conti submitted to this; but the other (Madame la Duchesse,
being the produce of the same love) set herself to call the Duchesse de
Chartres "mignonne."  But nothing was less a mignonne than her face and
her figure; and Monsieur, feeling the ridicule, complained to the King.
The King prohibited very severely this familiarity.

While at Trianon these Princesses took it into their heads to walk out
at night and divert themselves with crackers.  Either from malice or
imprudence they let off some one night under the windows of Monsieur,
rousing him thereby out of his sleep.  He was so displeased, that he
complained to the King, who made him many excuses (scolding the
Princesses), but had great trouble to appease him.  His anger lasted a
long time, and the Duchesse de Chartres felt it.  I do not know if the
other two were very sorry.  Madame la Duchesse was accused of writing
some songs upon the Duchesse de Chartres.

The Princesse de Conti had another adventure, which made considerable
noise, and which had great results.  She had taken into her favour
Clermont, ensign of the gensdarmes and of the Guard.  He had pretended to
be enamoured of her, and had not been repelled, for she soon became in
love with him.  Clermont had attached himself to the service of M. de
Luxembourg, and was the merest creature in his hands.  At the instigation
of M. de Luxembourg, he turned away his regards from the Princesse de
Conti, and fixed them upon one of her maids of honour--Mademoiselle
Choin, a great, ugly, brown, thick-set girl, upon whom Monseigneur had
lately bestowed his affection.  Monseigneur made no secret of this, nor
did she.  Such being the case, it occurred to M. de Luxembourg (who knew
he was no favourite with the King, and who built all his hopes of the
future upon Monseigneur) that Clermont, by marrying La Choin, might thus
secure the favour of Monseigneur, whose entire confidence she possessed.
Clermont was easily persuaded that this would be for him a royal road to
fortune, and he accordingly entered willingly into the scheme, which had
just begun to move, when the campaign commenced, and everybody went away
to join the armies.

The King, who partly saw this intrigue, soon made himself entirely master
of it, by intercepting the letters which passed between the various
parties.  He read there the project of Clermont and La Choin to marry,
and thus govern Monseigneur; he saw how M. de Luxembourg was the soul of
this scheme, and the marvels to himself he expected from it.  The letters
Clermont had received from the Princesse de Conti he now sent to
Mademoiselle la Choin, and always spoke to her of Monseigneur as their
"fat friend."  With this correspondence in his hands, the King one day
sent for the Princesse de Conti, said in a severe tone that he knew of
her weakness for Clermont; and, to prove to her how badly she had placed
her affection, showed her her own letters to Clermont, and letters in
which he had spoken most contemptuously of her to La Choin.  Then, as a
cruel punishment, he made her read aloud to him the whole of those
letters.  At this she almost died, and threw herself, bathed in tears, at
the feet of the King, scarcely able to articulate.  Then came sobs,
entreaty, despair, and rage, and cries for justice and revenge.  This was
soon obtained.  Mademoiselle la Choin was driven away the next day; and
M. de Luxembourg had orders to strip Clermont of his office, and send him
to the most distant part of the kingdom.  The terror of M. de Luxembourg
and the Prince de Conti at this discovery may be imagined.  Songs
increased the notoriety of this strange adventure between the Princess
and her confidant.

M. de Noyon had furnished on my return another subject for the song-
writers, and felt it the more sensibly because everybody was diverted at
his expense, M. de Noyon was extremely vain, and afforded thereby much
amusement to the King.  A Chair was vacant at the Academic Francaise.
The King wished it to be given to M. de Noyon, and expressed himself to
that effect to Dangeau, who was a member.  As may be believed, the
prelate was elected without difficulty.  His Majesty testified to the
Prince de Conde, and to the most distinguished persons of the Court, that
he should be glad to see them at the reception.  Thus M. de Noyon was the
first member of the Academia chosen by the King, and the first at whose
reception he had taken the trouble to invite his courtiers to attend.

The Abbe de Caumartin was at that time Director of the Academie.  He knew
the vanity of M. de Noyon, and determined to divert the public at his
expense.  He had many friends in power, and judged that his pleasantry
would be overlooked, and even approved.  He composed, therefore, a
confused and bombastic discourse in the style of M. de Noyon, full of
pompous phrases, turning the prelate into ridicule, while they seemed to
praise him.  After finishing this work, he was afraid lest it should be
thought out of all measure, and, to reassure himself, carried it to M. de
Noyon himself, as a scholar might to his master, in order to see whether
it fully met with his approval.  M. de Noyon, so far from suspecting
anything, was charmed by the discourse, and simply made a few corrections
in the style.  The Abbe de Caumartin rejoiced at the success of the snare
he had laid, and felt quite bold enough to deliver his harangue.

The day came.  The Academie was crowded.  The King and the Court were
there, all expecting to be diverted.  M. de Noyon, saluting everybody
with a satisfaction he did riot dissimulate, made his speech with his
usual confidence, and in his usual style.  The Abbe replied with a modest
air, and with a gravity and slowness that gave great effect to his
ridiculous discourse.  The surprise and pleasure were general, and each
person strove to intoxicate M. de Noyon more and more, making him believe
that the speech of the Abbe was relished solely because it had so
worthily praised him.  The prelate was delighted with the Abbe and the
public, and conceived not the slightest mistrust.

The noise which this occurrence made may be imagined, and the praises M.
de Noyon gave himself in relating everywhere what he had said, and what
had been replied to him.  M. de Paris, to whose house he went, thus
triumphing, did not like him, and endeavoured to open his eyes to the
humiliation he had received.  For some time M. de Noyon would not be
convinced of the truth; it was not until he had consulted with Pere la
Chaise that he believed it.  The excess of rage and vexation succeeded
then to the excess of rapture he had felt.  In this state he returned to
his house, and went the next day to Versailles.  There he made the most
bitter complaints to the King, of the Abbe de Caumartin, by whose means
he had become the sport and laughing-stock of all the world.

The King, who had learned what had passed, was himself displeased.  He
ordered Pontchartrain (who was related to Caumartin) to rebuke the Abbe,
and to send him a lettre de cachet, in order that he might go and ripen
his brain in his Abbey of Busay, in Brittany, and better learn there how
to speak and write.  Pontchartrain executed the first part of his
commission, but not the second.  He pointed out to the King that the
speech of the Abbe de Caumartin had been revised and corrected by M. de
Noyon, and that, therefore, this latter had only himself to blame in the
matter.  He declared, too, that the Abbe was very sorry for what he had
done, and was most willing to beg pardon of M. de Noyon.  The lettre de
cachet thus fell to the ground, but not the anger of the prelate.  He was
so outraged that he would not see the Abbe, retired into his diocese to
hide his shame, and remained there a long time.

Upon his return to Paris, however, being taken ill, before consenting to
receive the sacraments, he sent for the Abbe, embraced him, pardoned him,
and gave him a diamond ring, that he drew from his finger, and that he
begged him to keep in memory of him.  Nay, more, when he was cured, he
used all his influence to reinstate the Abbe in the esteem of the King.
But the King could never forgive what had taken place, and M. de Noyon,
by this grand action, gained only the favour of God and the honour of the

I must finish the account of the war of this year with a strange
incident.  M. de Noailles, who had been so successful in Catalonia, was
on very bad terms with Barbezieux, secretary of state for the war
department.  Both were in good favour with the King; both high in power,
both spoiled.  The successes in Catalonia had annoyed Barbezieux.  They
smoothed the way for the siege of Barcelona, and that place once taken,
the very heart of Spain would have been exposed, and M. de Noailles would
have gained fresh honours and glory.  M. de Noailles felt this so
completely that he had pressed upon the King the siege of Barcelona; and
when the fitting time came for undertaking it, sent a messenger to him
with full information of the forces and supplies he required.  Fearing
that if he wrote out this information it might fall into the hands of
Barbezieux, and never reach the King, he simply gave his messenger
instructions by word of mouth, and charged him to deliver them so.  But
the very means he had taken to ensure success brought about failure.
Barbezieux, informed by his spies of the departure of the messenger,
waylaid him, bribed him, and induced him to act with the blackest
perfidy, by telling the King quite a different story to that he was
charged with.  In this way, the project for the siege of Barcelona was
entirely broken, at the moment for its execution, and with the most
reasonable hopes of success; and upon M. de Noailles rested all the
blame.  What a thunderbolt this was for him may easily be imagined.  But
the trick had been so well played, that he could not clear himself with
the King; and all through this winter he remained out of favour.

At last he thought of a means by which he might regain his position.  He
saw the inclination of the King for his illegitimate children; and
determined to make a sacrifice in favour of one of them; rightly judging
that this would be a sure means to step back into the confidence he had
been so craftily driven from.  His scheme, which he caused to be placed
before the King, was to go into Catalonia at the commencement of the next
campaign, to make a semblance of falling ill immediately upon arriving,
to send to Versailles a request that he might be recalled, and at the
same time a suggestion that M. de Vendome (who would then be near Nice,
under Marechal Catinat) should succeed him.  In order that no time might
be lost, nor the army left without a general, he proposed to carry with
him the letters patent; appointing M. de Vendome, and to send them to him
at the same time that he sent to be recalled.

It is impossible to express the relief and satisfaction with which this
proposition was received.  The King was delighted with it, as with
everything tending to advance his illegitimate children and to put a
slight upon the Princes of the blood.  He could not openly have made this
promotion without embroiling himself with the latter; but coming as it
would from M. de Noailles, he had nothing to fear.  M. de Vendome, once
general of an army, could no longer serve in any other quality; and would
act as a stepping-stone for M. du Maine.

From this moment M. de Noailles returned more than ever into the good
graces of the King.  Everything happened as it had been arranged.  But
the secret was betrayed in the execution.  Surprise was felt that at the
same moment M. de Noailles sent a request to be recalled, he also sent,
and without waiting for a reply, to call M. de Vendame to the command.
What completely raised the veil were the letters patent that he sent
immediately after to M. de Vendome, and that it was known he could not
have received from the King in the time that had elapsed.  M. de Noailles
returned from Catalonia, and was received as his address merited.  He
feigned being lame with rheumatism, and played the part for a long time,
but forgot himself occasionally, and made his company smile.  He fixed
himself at the Court, and gained there much more favour than he could
have gained by the war; to the great vexation of Barbezieux.

M. de Luxembourg very strangely married his daughter at this time to the
Chevalier de Soissons (an illegitimate son of the Comte de Soissons),
brought out from the greatest obscurity by the Comtesse de Nemours, and
adopted by her to spite her family: M. de Luxembourg did not long survive
this fine marriage.  At sixty-seven years of age he believed himself
twenty-five, and lived accordingly.  The want of genuine intrigues, from
which his age and his face excluded him, he supplied by money-power; and
his intimacy, and that of his son, with the Prince de Conti and
Albergotti was kept up almost entirely by the community of their habits,
and the secret parties of pleasure they concocted together.  All the
burden of marches, of orders of subsistence, fell upon a subordinate.
Nothing could be more exact than the coup d'oeil of M. de Luxembourg--
nobody could be more brilliant, more sagacious, more penetrating than he
before the enemy or in battle, and this, too, with an audacity, an ease,
and at the same time a coolness, which allowed him to see all and foresee
all under the hottest fire, and in the most imminent danger: It was at
such times that he was great.  For the rest he was idleness itself.  He
rarely walked unless absolutely obliged, spent his time in gaming, or in
conversation With his familiars; and had every evening a supper with a
chosen few (nearly always the same); and if near a town, the other sex
were always agreeably mingled with them.  When thus occupied, he was
inaccessible to everybody, and if anything pressing happened, it was his
subordinate who attended to it.  Such was at the army the life of this
great general, and such it was at Paris, except that the Court and the
great world occupied his days, and his pleasures the evenings.  At last,
age, temperament, and constitution betrayed him.  He fell ill at
Versailles.  Given over by Fagon, the King's physician, Coretti, an
Italian, who had secrets of his own, undertook his cure, and relieved
him, but only for a short time.  His door during this illness was
besieged by all the Court.  The King sent to inquire after him, but it
was more for appearance' sake than from sympathy, for I have already
remarked that the King did not like him.  The brilliancy of his
campaigns, and the difficulty of replacing him, caused all the
disquietude.  Becoming worse, M. de Luxembourg received the sacraments,
showed some religion and firmness, and died on the morning of the 4th of
January, 1695, the fifth day of his illness, much regretted by many
people, but personally esteemed by none, and loved by very few.

Not one of the Dukes M. de Luxembourg had attacked went to see him during
his illness.  I neither went nor sent, although at Versailles; and I must
admit that I felt my deliverance from such an enemy.

Here, perhaps, I may as well relate the result of the trial in which we
were engaged, and which, after the death of M. de Luxembourg, was
continued by his son.  It was not judged until the following year.
I have shown that by our implicating the Duc de Gesvres, the Chief
President had been declared incapable of trying the case.  The rage he
conceived against us cannot be expressed, and, great actor that he was,
he could not hide it.  All his endeavour afterwards was to do what he
could against us; the rest of the mask fell, and the deformity of the
judge appeared in the man, stripped of all disguise.

We immediately signified to M. de Luxembourg that he must choose between
the letters patent of 1581 and those of 1662.  If he abandoned the first
the case fell through; in repudiating the last he renounced the certainty
of being duke and peer after us; and ran the risk of being reduced to an
inferior title previously granted to him.  The position was a delicate
one; he was affrighted; but after much consultation he resolved to run
all risks and maintain his pretensions.  It thus simply became a question
of his right to the title of Duc de Piney, with the privilege attached to
it as a creation of 1581.

In the spring of 1696 the case was at last brought on, before the
Assembly of all the Chambers.  Myself and the other Dukes seated
ourselves in court to hear the proceedings.  The trial commenced.
All the facts and particulars of the cause were brought forward.
Our advocates spoke, and then few doubted but that we should gain the
victory.  M. de Luxembourg's advocate, Dumont, was next heard.  He was
very audacious, and spoke so insolently of us, saying, in Scripture
phraseology, that we honoured the King with our lips, whilst our hearts
were far from him, that I could not contain myself.  I was seated between
the Duc de la Rochefoucauld and the Duc d'Estrees.  I stood up, crying
out against the imposture of this knave, and calling for justice on him.
M. de la Rochefoucauld pulled me back, made me keep silent, and I plunged
down into my seat more from anger against him than against the advocate.
My movement excited a murmur.  We might on the instant have had justice
against Dumont, but the opportunity had passed for us to ask for it, and
the President de Maisons made a slight excuse for him.  We complained,
however, afterwards to the King, who expressed his surprise that Dumont
had not been stopped in the midst of his speech.

The summing up was made by D'Aguesseau, who acquitted himself of the task
with much eloquence and impartiality.  His speech lasted two days.  This
being over, the court was cleared, and the judges were left alone to
deliberate upon their verdict.  Some time after we were called in to hear
that verdict given.  It was in favour of M. de Luxembourg in so far as
the title dating from 1662 was concerned; but the consideration of his
claim to the title of 1581 was adjourned indefinitely, so that he
remained exactly in the same position as his father.

It was with difficulty we could believe in a decree so unjust and so
novel, and which decided a question that was not under dispute.  I was
outraged, but I endeavoured to contain myself.  I spoke to M. de la
Rochefoucauld; I tried to make him listen to me, and to agree that we
should complain to the King, but I spoke to a man furious, incapable of
understanding anything or of doing anything.  Returning to my own house,
I wrote a letter to the King, in which I complained of the opinion of the
judges.  I also pointed out, that when everybody had been ordered to
retire from the council chamber, Harlay and his secretary had been
allowed to remain.  On these and other grounds I begged the King to grant
a new trial.

I carried this letter to the Duc de la Tremoille, but I could not get him
to look at it.  I returned home more vexed if possible than when I left.
The King, nevertheless, was exceedingly dissatisfied with the judgment.
He explained himself to that effect at his dinner, and in a manner but
little advantageous to the Parliament, and prepared himself to receive
the complaints he expected would be laid before him.  But the obstinacy
of M. de la Rochefoucauld, which turned into vexation against himself,
rendered it impossible for us to take any steps in the matter, and so
overwhelmed me with displeasure, that I retired to La Trappe during
Passion Week in order to recover myself.

At my return I learned that the King had spoken of this judgment to the
Chief President, and that that magistrate had blamed it, saying the cause
was indubitably ours, and that he had always thought so!  If he thought
so, why oppose us so long?  and if he did not think so, what a
prevaricator was he to reply with this flattery, so as to be in accord
with the King?  The judges themselves were ashamed of their verdict, and
excused themselves for it on the ground of their compassion for the state
in which M. de Luxembourg would have been placed had he lost the title of
1662, and upon its being impossible that he should gain the one of 1581,
of which they had left him the chimera.  M. de Luxembourg was accordingly
received at the Parliament on the 4th of the following May, with the rank
of 1662.  He came and visited all of us, but we would have no intercourse
with him or with his judges.  To the Advocate-General, D'Aguesseau, we
carried our thanks.


Thus ended this long and important case; and now let me go back again to
the events of the previous year.

Towards the end of the summer and the commencement of the winter of 1695,
negotiations for peace were set on foot by the King.  Harlay, son-in-law
of our enemy, was sent to Maestricht to sound the Dutch.  But in
proportion as they saw peace desired were they less inclined to listen to
terms.  They had even the impudence to insinuate to Harlay, whose
paleness and thinness were extraordinary, that they took him for a sample
of the reduced state of France!  He, without getting angry, replied
pleasantly, that if they would give him the time to send for his wife,
they would, perhaps, conceive another opinion of the position of the
realm.  In effect, she was extremely fat, and of a very high colour.  He
was rather roughly dismissed, and hastened to regain our frontier.

Two events followed each other very closely this winter.  The first was
the death of the Princess of Orange, in London, at the end of January.
The King of England prayed our King to allow the Court to wear no
mourning, and it was even prohibited to M. de Bouillon and M. de Duras,
who were both related to the Prince of Orange.  The order was obeyed, and
no word was said; but this sort of vengeance was thought petty.  Hopes
were held out of a change in England, but they vanished immediately, and
the Prince of Orange appeared more accredited there and stronger than
ever.  The Princess was much regretted, and the Prince of Orange, who
loved her and gave her his entire confidence, and even most marked
respect, was for some days ill with grief.

The other event was strange.  The Duke of Hanover, who, in consequence of
the Revolution, was destined to the throne of England after the Prince
and Princess of Orange and the Princess of Denmark, had married his
cousin-german, a daughter of the Duke of Zell.  She was beautiful, and he
lived happily with her for some time.  The Count of Koenigsmarck, young
and very well made, came to the Court, and gave him some umbrage.  The
Duke of Hanover became jealous; he watched his wife and the Count, and at
length believed himself fully assured of what he would have wished to
remain ignorant of all his life.  Fury seized him: he had the Count
arrested and thrown into a hot oven.  Immediately afterwards he sent his
wife to her father, who shut her up in one of his castles, where she was
strictly guarded by the people of the Duke of Hanover.  An assembly of
the Consistory was held in order to break off his marriage.  It was
decided, very singularly, that the marriage was annulled so far as the
Duke was concerned, and that he could marry another woman; but that it
remained binding on the Duchess, and that she could not marry.  The
children she had had during her marriage were declared legitimate.  The
Duke of Hanover did not remain persuaded as to this last article.

The King, entirely occupied with the aggrandisement of his natural
children, had heaped upon the Comte de Toulouse every possible favour.
He now (in order to evade a promise he had made to his brother, that the
first vacant government should be given to the Duc de Chartres) forced M.
de Chaulnes to give up the government of Brittany, which he had long
held, and conferred it upon the Comte de Toulouse, giving to the friend
and heir of the former the successorship to the government of Guyenne, by
way of recompense.

M. de Chaulnes was old and fat, but much loved by the people of Brittany.
He was overwhelmed by this determination of the King, and his wife, who
had long been accustomed to play the little Queen, still more so; yet
there was nothing for them but to obey.  They did obey, but it was with a
sorrow and chagrin they could not hide.

The appointment was announced one morning at the rising of the King.
Monsieur, who awoke later, heard of it at the drawing of his curtains,
and was extremely piqued.  The Comte de Toulouse came shortly afterwards,
and announced it himself.  Monsieur interrupted him, and before everybody
assembled there said, "The King has given you a good present; but I know
not if what he has done is good policy."  Monsieur went shortly
afterwards to the King, and reproached him for giving, under cover of a
trick, the government of Brittany to the Comte de Toulouse, having
promised it to the Duc de Chartres.  The King heard him in silence: he
knew well how to appease him.  Some money for play and to embellish Saint
Cloud, soon effaced Monsieur's chagrin.

All this winter my mother was solely occupied in finding a good match for
me.  Some attempt was made to marry me to Mademoiselle de Royan.  It
would have been a noble and rich marriage; but I was alone, Mademoiselle
de Royan was an orphan, and I wished a father-in-law and a family upon
whom I could lean.  During the preceding year there had been some talk of
the eldest daughter of Marechal de Lorges for me.  The affair had fallen
through, almost as soon as suggested, and now, on both sides, there was a
desire to recommence negotiations.  The probity, integrity, the freedom
of Marechal de Lorges pleased me infinitely, and everything tended to
give me an extreme desire for this marriage.  Madame de Lorges by her
virtue and good sense was all I could wish for as the mother of my future
wife.  Mademoiselle de Lorges was a blonde, with a complexion and figure
perfect, a very amiable face, an extremely noble and modest deportment,
and with I know not what of majesty derived from her air of virtue, and
of natural gentleness.  The Marechal had five other daughters, but I
liked this one best without comparison, and hoped to find with her that
happiness which she since has given me.  As she has become my wife, I
will abstain here from saying more about her, unless it be that she has
exceeded all that was promised of her, and all that I myself had hoped.

My marriage being agreed upon and arranged the Marechal de Lorges spoke
of it to the King, who had the goodness to reply to him that he could not
do better, and to speak of me very obligingly.  The marriage accordingly
took place at the Hotel de Lorges, on the 8th of April, 1695, which I
have always regarded, and with good reason, as the happiest day of my
life.  My mother treated me like the best mother in the world.  On the
Thursday before Quasimodo the contract was signed; a grand repast
followed; at midnight the cure of Saint Roch said mass, and married us in
the chapel of the house.  On the eve, my mother had sent forty thousand
livres' worth of precious stones to Mademoiselle de Lorges, and I six
hundred Louis in a corbeille filled with all the knick-knacks that are
given on these occasions.

We slept in the grand apartment of the Hotel des Lorges.  On the morrow,
after dinner, my wife went to bed, and received a crowd of visitors, who
came to pay their respects and to gratify their curiosity.  The next
evening we went to Versailles, and were received by Madame de Maintenon
and the King.  On arriving at the supper-table, the King said to the new
Duchess:--"Madame, will you be pleased to seat yourself?"

His napkin being unfolded, he saw all the duchesses and princesses still
standing; and rising in his chair, he said to Madame de Saint-Simon--
"Madame, I have already begged you to be seated;" and all immediately
seated themselves.  On the morrow, Madame de Saint-Simon received all the
Court in her bed in the apartment of the Duchesse d'Arpajon, as being
more handy, being on the ground floor.  Our festivities finished by a
supper that I gave to the former friends of my father, whose acquaintance
I had always cultivated with great care.

Almost immediately after my marriage the second daughter of the Marechal
de Lorges followed in the footsteps of her sister.  She was fifteen years
of age, and at the reception of Madame de Saint-Simon had attracted the
admiration of M. de Lauzun, who was then sixty-three.  Since his return
to the Court he had been reinstated in the dignity he had previously
held.  He flattered himself that by marrying the daughter of a General he
should re-open a path to himself for command in the army.  Full of this
idea he spoke to M. de Lorges, who was by no means inclined towards the
marriage.  M. de Lauzun offered, however, to marry without dowry; and M.
de Lorges, moved by this consideration, assented to his wish.  The affair
concluded, M. de Lorges spoke of it to the King.  "You are bold," said
his Majesty, "to take Lauzun into your family.  I hope you may not repent
of it."

The contract was soon after signed.  M. de Lorges gave no dowry with his
daughter, but she was to inherit something upon the death of M. Fremont.
We carried this contract to the King, who smiled and bantered M. de
Lauzun.  M. de Lauzun replied, that he was only too happy, since it was
the first time since his return that he had seen the King smile at him.
The marriage took place without delay: there were only seven or eight
persons present at the ceremony.  M. de Lauzun would undress himself
alone with his valet de chambre, and did not enter the apartment of his
wife until after everybody had left it, and she was in bed with the
curtains closed, and nobody to meet him on his passage.  His wife
received company in bed, as mine had done.  Nobody was able to understand
this marriage; and all foresaw that a rupture would speedily be brought
about by the well-known temper of M. de Lauzun.  In effect, this is what
soon happened.  The Marechal de Lorges, remaining still in weak health,
was deemed by the King unable to take the field again, and his army given
over to the command of another General.  M. de Lauzun thus saw all his
hopes of advancement at an end, and, discontented that the Marechal had
done nothing for him, broke off all connection with the family, took away
Madame de Lauzun from her mother (to the great grief of the latter; who
doted upon this daughter), and established her in a house of his own
adjoining the Assumption, in the Faubourg Saint-Honore.  There she had to
endure her husband's continual caprices, but little removed in their
manifestation from madness.  Everybody cast blame upon him, and strongly
pitied her and her father and mother; but nobody was surprised.

A few days after the marriage of M. de Lauzun, as the King was being
wheeled in his easy chair in the gardens at Versailles, he asked me for
many minute particulars concerning the family of the Marechal de Lorges.
He then set himself to joke with me upon the marriage of M. de Lauzun--
and upon mine.  He said to me, in spite of that gravity which never
quitted him, that he had learnt from the Marechal I had well acquitted
myself, but that he believed the Marechal had still better news.

The loss of two illustrious men about this time, made more noise than
that of two of our grand ladies.  The first of these men was La Fontaine,
so well known by his "Fables" and stories, and who, nevertheless, was so
heavy in conversation.  The other was Mignard--so illustrious by his
pencil: he had an only daughter--perfectly beautiful: she is repeated in
several of those magnificent historical pictures which adorn the grand
gallery of Versailles and its two salons, and which have had no slight
share in irritating all Europe against the King, and in leaguing it still
more against his person than his realm.

At the usual time the armies were got ready for active service, and
everybody set out to join them.  That of the Rhine, in which I was, was
commanded by the Marechal de Lorges.  No sooner had we crossed the river
and come upon the enemy, than the Marechal fell ill.  Although we were in
want of forage and were badly encamped, nobody complained--nobody wished
to move.  Never did an army show so much interest in the life of its
chief, or so much love for him.  M. de Lorges was, in truth, at the last
extremity, and the doctors that had been sent for from Strasbourg gave
him up entirely.  I took upon myself to administer to him some "English
Drops."  One hundred and thirty were given him in three doses: the effect
was astonishing; an eruption burst out upon the Marechal's body, and
saved his life.  His illness was not, however, at an end; and the army,
although suffering considerably, would not hear of moving until he was
quite ready to move also.  There was no extremity it would not undergo
rather than endanger the life of its chief.

Prince Louis of Baden offered by trumpets all sorts of assistance--
doctors and remedies, and gave his word that if the army removed from its
General, he and those who remained with him should be provided with
forage and provisions--should be unmolested and allowed to rejoin the
main body in perfect safety, or go whithersoever they pleased.  He was
thanked, as he merited, for those very kind offers, which we did not
wish, however, to profit by.

Little by little the health of the General was reestablished, and the
army demonstrated its joy by bonfire's all over the camp, and by salvos,
which it was impossible to prevent.  Never was seen testimony of love so
universal or so flattering.  The King was much concerned at the illness
of the Marechal; all the Court was infinitely touched by it.  M. de
Lorges was not less loved by it than by the troops.  When able to support
the fatigues of the journey, he was removed in a coach to Philipsburg,
where he was joined by the Marechal, who had come there to meet him.  The
next day he went to Landau, and I, who formed one of his numerous and
distinguished escort, accompanied him there, and then returned to the
army, which was placed under the command of the Marechal de Joyeuse.

We found it at about three leagues from Ketsch, its right at Roth, and
its left at Waldsdorff.  We learned that the Marechal de Joyeuse had lost
a good occasion of fighting the enemy; but as I was not in camp at the
time, I will say no more of the matter.  Our position was not good:
Schwartz was on our left, and the Prince of Baden on our right, hemming
us in, as it were, between them.  We had no forage, whilst they had
abundance of everything, and were able to procure all they wanted.  There
was a contest who should decamp the last.  All our communications were
cut off with Philipsburg, so that we could not repass the Rhine under the
protection of that place.  To get out of our position, it was necessary
to defile before our enemies into the plain of Hockenun, and this was a
delicate operation.  The most annoying circumstance was, that M. de
Joyeuse would communicate with nobody, and was so ill-tempered that none
dared to speak to him.  At last he determined upon his plans, and I was
of the detachment by which they were to be carried out.  We were sent to
Manheim to see if out of the ruins of that place (burned in 1688 by M. de
Louvois) sufficient, materials could be found to construct bridges, by
which we might cross the Rhine there.  We found that the bridges could be
made, and returned to announce this to M. de Joyeuse.  Accordingly, on
the 20th of July, the army put itself in movement.  The march was made in
the utmost confusion.  Everything was in disorder; the infantry and
cavalry were huddled together pell-mell; no commands could be acted upon,
and indeed the whole army was so disorganised that it could have been
easily beaten by a handful of men.  In effect, the enemy at last tried to
take advantage of our confusion, by sending a few troops to harass us.
But it was too late; we had sufficiently rallied to be able to turn upon
them, and they narrowly escaped falling into our hands.  We encamped that
night in the plain on the banks of the Necker--our rear at Manheim, and
our left at Seckenheim, while waiting for the remainder of the army,
still very distant.  Indeed, so great had been the confusion, that the
first troops arrived at one o'clock at night, and the last late in the
morning of the next day.

I thought that our headquarters were to be in this village of Seckenheim,
and, in company with several officers took possession of a large house
and prepared to pass the night there.  While we were resting from the
fatigues of the day we heard a great noise, and soon after a frightful
uproar.  It was caused by a body of our men, who, searching for water,
had discovered this village, and after having quenched their thirst had,
under the cover of thick darkness, set themselves to pillage, to violate,
to massacre, and to commit all the horrors inspired by the most unbridled
licence: La Bretesche, a lieutenant-general, declared to me that he had
never seen anything like it, although he had several times been at
pillages and sackings.  He was very grateful that he had not yielded to
my advice, and taken off his wooden leg to be more at ease; for in a
short time we ourselves were invaded, and had some trouble to defend
ourselves.  As we bore the livery of M. de Lorges, we were respected,
but those who bore that of M. de Joyeuse were in some cases severely
maltreated.  We passed the rest of the night as well as we could in this
unhappy place, which was not abandoned by our soldiers until long after
there was nothing more to find.  At daylight we went to the camp.

We found the army beginning to move: it had passed the night as well as
it could without order, the troops constantly arriving, and the last
comers simply joining themselves on to the rest.  Our camp was soon,
however, properly formed, and on the 24th July, the bridges being ready,
all the army crossed the Rhine, without any attempt being made by the
enemy to follow us.  On the day after, the Marechal de Joyeuse permitted
me to go to Landau, where I remained with the Marechal and the Marechale
de Lorges until the General was again able to place himself at the head
of his army.

Nothing of importance was done by our other armies; but in Flanders an
interesting adventure occurred.  The Prince of Orange, after playing a
fine game of chess with our army, suddenly invested Namur with a large
force, leaving the rest of his troops under the command of M. de
Vaudemont.  The Marechal de Villeroy, who had the command of our army in
Flanders, at once pressed upon M. de Vaudemont, who, being much the
weaker of the two, tried hard to escape.  Both felt that everything was
in their hands: Vaudemont, that upon his safety depended the success of
the siege of Namur; and Villeroy, that to his victory was attached the
fate of the Low Countries, and very likely a glorious peace, with all the
personal results of such an event.  He took his measures so well that on
the evening of the 13th of July it was impossible for M. de Vaudemont to
escape falling into his hands on the 14th, and he wrote thus to the King.
At daybreak on the 14th M. de Villeroy sent word to M. du Maine to
commence the action.  Impatient that his orders were not obeyed, he sent
again five or six times.  M. du Maine wished in the first instance to
reconnoitre, then to confess himself, and delayed in effect so long that
M. de Vaudemont was able to commence his retreat.  The general officers
cried out at this.  One of them came to M. du Maine and reminded him of
the repeated orders of the Marechal de Villeroy, represented the
importance of victory, and the ease with which it could be obtained: with
tears in his eyes he begged M. du Maine to commence the attack.  It was
all in vain; M. du Maine stammered, and could not be prevailed upon to
charge, and so allowed M. de Vaudemont's army to escape, when by a single
movement it might have been entirely defeated.

All our army was in despair, and officers and soldiers made no scruple of
expressing their anger and contempt.  M. de Villeroy, more outraged than
anybody else, was yet too good a courtier to excuse himself at the
expense of M. du Maine.  He simply wrote to the King, that he had been
deceived in those hopes of success which appeared certain the day before,
entered into no further details, and resigned himself to all that might
happen.  The King, who had counted the hours until news of a great and
decisive victory should reach him, was very much surprised when this
letter came: he saw at once that something strange had happened of which
no intelligence had been sent: he searched the gazettes of Holland; in
one he read of a great action said to have been fought, and in which M.
du Maine had been grievously wounded; in the next the news of the action
was contradicted, and M. du Maine was declared to have received no wounds
at all.  In order to learn what had really taken place, the King sent for
Lavienne, a man he was in the habit of consulting when he wanted to learn
things no one else dared to tell him.

This Lavienne had been a bath-keeper much in vogue in Paris, and had
become bath-keeper to the King at the time of his amours.  He had pleased
by his drugs, which had frequently put the King in a state to enjoy
himself more, and this road had led Lavienne to become one of the four
chief valets de chambre.  He was a very honest man, but coarse, rough,
and free-spoken; it was this last quality which made him useful in the
manner I have before mentioned.  From Lavienne the King, but not without
difficulty, learned the truth: it threw him into despair.  The other
illegitimate children were favourites with him, but it was upon M. du
Maine that all his hopes were placed.  They now fell to the ground, and
the grief of the King was insupportable: he felt deeply for that dear son
whose troops had become the laughing stock of the army; he felt the
railleries that, as the gazettes showed him, foreigners were heaping upon
his forces; and his vexation was inconceivable.

This Prince, so equal in his manners, so thoroughly master of his
lightest movements, even upon the gravest occasions, succumbed under this
event.  On rising from the table at Marly he saw a servant who, while
taking away the dessert, helped himself to a biscuit, which he put in his
pocket.  On the instant, the King forgets his dignity, and cane in hand
runs to this valet (who little suspected what was in store for him),
strikes him; abuses him, and breaks the cane upon his body!  The truth
is, 'twas only a reed, and snapped easily.  However, the stump in his
hand, he walked away like a man quite beside himself, continuing to abuse
this valet, and entered Madame de Maintenon's room, where he remained
nearly an hour.  Upon coming out he met Father la Chaise.  "My father,"
said the King to him, in a very loud voice, "I have beaten a knave and
broken my cane over his shoulders, but I do not think I have offended
God."  Everybody around trembled at this public confession, and the poor
priest muttered a semblance of approval between his teeth, to avoid
irritating the King more.  The noise that the affair made and the terror
it inspired may be imagined; for nobody could divine for some time the
cause; and everybody easily understood that that which had appeared could
not be the real one.  To finish with this matter, once for all, let us
add here the saying of M. d'Elboeuf.  Courtier though he was, the upward
flight of the illegitimate children weighed upon his heart.  As the
campaign was at its close and the Princes were about to depart, he begged
M. du Maine before everybody to say where he expected to serve during the
next campaign, because wherever it might be he should like to be there

After being pressed to say why, he replied that "with him one's life was
safe."  This pointed remark made much noise.  M. du Maine lowered his
eyes, and did not reply one word.  As for the Marechal de Villeroy he
grew more and more in favour with the King and with Madame de Maintenon.
The bitter fruit of M. du Maine's act was the taking of Namur, which
capitulated on August 4th (1695).  The Marechal de Villeroy in turn
bombarded Brussels, which was sorely maltreated.  The Marechal de
Boufflers, who had defended Namur, was made Duke, and those who had
served under him were variously rewarded.  This gave occasion for the
Prince of Orange to say, that the King recompensed more liberally the
loss of a place than he could the conquest of one.  The army retired into
winter-quarters at the end of October, and the Generals went to Paris.

As for me, I remained six weeks at Landau with M. and Madame de Lorges.
At the end of that time, the Marechal, having regained his health,
returned to the army, where he was welcomed with the utmost joy: he soon
after had an attack of apoplexy, and, by not attending to his malady in
time, became seriously ill again.  When a little recovered, he and Madame
de Lorges set out for Vichy, and I went to Paris.


Before speaking of what happened at Court after my return, it will be
necessary to record what had occurred there during the campaign.

M. de Brias, Archbishop of Cambrai, had died, and the King had given that
valuable preferment to the Abbe de Fenelon, preceptor of the children of
France.  Fenelon was a man of quality, without fortune, whom the
consciousness of wit--of the insinuating and captivating kind--united
with much ability, gracefulness of intellect, and learning, inspired with
ambition.  He had been long going about from door to door, knocking for
admission, but without success.  Piqued against the Jesuits, to whom he
had addressed himself at first, as holding all favours in their hands,
and discouraged because unable to succeed in that quarter, he turned next
to the Jansenists, to console himself by the reputation he hoped he
should derive from them, for the loss of those gifts of fortune which
hitherto had despised him.

He remained a considerable time undergoing the process of initiation, and
succeeded at last in being of the private parties that some of the
important Jansenists then held once or twice a week at the house of the
Duchesse de Brancas.  I know not if he appeared too clever for them, or
if he hoped elsewhere for better things than he could get among people
who had only sores to share; but little by little his intimacy with them
cooled; and by dint of turning around Saint Sulpice, he succeeded in
forming another connection there, upon which he built greater
expectations.  This society of priests was beginning to distinguish
itself, and from a seminary of a Paris parish to extend abroad.
Ignorance, the minuteness of their practices, the absence of all patrons
and of members at all distinguished in any way, inspired them with a
blind obedience to Rome and to all its maxims; with a great aversion for
everything that passed for Jansenism, and made them so dependent upon the
bishops that they began to be considered an acquisition in many dioceses.
They appeared a middle party, very useful to the prelates; who equally
feared the Court, on account of suspicions of doctrine, and the Jesuits
for as soon as the latter had insinuated themselves into the good graces
of the prelates, they imposed their yoke upon them, or ruined them
hopelessly;--thus the Sulpicians grew apace.  None amongst them could
compare in any way with the Abbe de Fenelon; so that he was able easily
to play first fiddle, and to make for himself protectors who were
interested in advancing him, in order that they might be protected in

His piety, which was all things to all men, and his doctrine that he
formed upon theirs (abjuring, as it were, in whispers, the impurities he
might have contracted amongst those he had abandoned)--the charms, the
graces, the sweetness, the insinuation of his mind, rendered him a dear
friend to this new congregation, and procured for him what he had long
sought, people upon whom he could lean, and who could and would serve.
Whilst waiting opportunities, he carefully courted these people, without
thinking, however, of positively joining them, his views being more
ambitious; so that he ever sought to make new acquaintances and friends.
His was a coquettish mind, which from people the most influential down to
the workman and the lackey sought appreciation and was determined to
please; and his talents for this work perfectly seconded his desires.

At this time, and while still obscure, he heard speak of Madame Guyon,
who has since made so much noise in the world, and who is too well known
to need that I should dwell upon her here.  He saw her.  There was an
interchange of pleasure between their minds.  Their sublimes amalgamated.
I know not if they understood each other very clearly in that system, and
that new tongue which they hatched subsequently, but they persuaded
themselves they did, and friendship grew up between them.  Although more
known than he, Madame Guyon was nevertheless not much known, and their
intimacy was not perceived, because nobody thought of them; Saint Sulpice
even was ignorant of what was going on.

The Duc de Beauvilliers became Governor of the children of France almost
in spite of himself, without having thought of it.  He had to choose a
preceptor for Monseigneur le Duc de Bourgogne.  He addressed himself to
Saint Sulpice, where for a long time he had confessed, for he liked and
protected it.  He had heard speak of Fenelon with eulogy: the Sulpicians
vaunted his piety, his intelligence, his knowledge, his talents; at last
they proposed him for preceptor.  The Duc de Beauvilliers saw him, was
charmed with him, and appointed him to the office.

As soon as installed, Fenelon saw of what importance it would be to gain
the entire favour of the Duc de Beauvilliers, and of his brother-in-law
the Duc de Chevreuse, both very intimate friends, and both in the highest
confidence of the King and Madame de Maintenon.  This was his first care,
and he succeeded beyond his hopes, becoming the master of their hearts
and minds, and the director of their consciences.

Madame de Maintenon dined regularly once a week at the house of one or
other of the two Dukes, fifth of a little party, composed of the two
sisters and the two husbands,--with a bell upon the table, in order to
dispense with servants in waiting, and to be able to talk without
restraint.  Fenelon was at last admitted to this sanctuary, at foot of
which all the Court was prostrated.  He was almost as successful with
Madame de Maintenon as he had been with the two Dukes.  His spirituality
enchanted her: the Court soon perceived the giant strides of the
fortunate Abbe, and eagerly courted him.  But, desiring to be free and
entirely devoted to his great object, he kept himself aloof from their
flatteries--made for himself a shield with his modesty and his duties of
preceptor--and thus rendered himself still more dear to the persons he
had captivated, and that he had so much interest in retaining in that

Among these cares he forgot not his dear Madame Guyon; he had already
vaunted her to the two Dukes and to Madame de Maintenon.  He had even
introduced her to them, but as though with difficulty and for a few
moments, as a woman all in God, whose humility and whose love of
contemplation and solitude kept her within the strictest limits, and
whose fear, above all, was that she should become known.  The tone of her
mind pleased Madame de Maintenon extremely; her reserve, mixed with
delicate flatteries, won upon her.  Madame de Maintenon wished to hear
her talk upon matters of piety; with difficulty she consented to speak.
She seemed to surrender herself to the charms and to the virtue of Madame
de Maintenon, and Madame de Maintenon fell into the nets so skilfully
prepared for her.

Such was the situation of Fenelon when he became Archbishop of Cambrai;
increasing the admiration in which he was held by taking no step to gain
that great benefice.  He had taken care not to seek to procure himself
Cambrai; the least spark of ambition would have destroyed all his
edifice; and, moreover, it was not Cambrai that he coveted.

Little by little he appropriated to himself some distinguished sheep of
the small flock Madame Guyon had gathered together.  He only conducted
them, however, under the direction of that prophetess, and, everything
passed with a secrecy and mystery that gave additional relish to the
manna distributed.

Cambrai was a thunderbolt for this little flock.  It was the
archbishopric of Paris they wished.  Cambrai they looked upon with
disdain as a country diocese, the residence in which (impossible to avoid
from time to time) would deprive them of their pastor.  Their grief was
then profound at what the rest of the world took for a piece of amazing
luck, and the Countess of Guiche was so affected as to be unable to hide
her tears.  The new prelate had not neglected such of his brethren as
made the most figure; they, in turn, considered it a distinction to
command his regard.  Saint Cyr, that spot so valuable and so
inaccessible, was the place chosen for his consecration; and M. de Meaux,
dictator then of the episcopacy and or doctrine, consecrated him.  The
children of France were among the spectators, and Madame de Maintenon was
present with her little court of familiars.  No others were invited; the
doors were closed to those who sought to pay their court.

The new Archbishop of Cambrai, gratified with his influence over Madame
de Maintenon and with the advantages it had brought him, felt that unless
he became completely master of her, the hopes he still entertained could
not be satisfied.  But there was a rival in his way--Godet, Bishop of
Chartres, who was much in the confidence of Madame de Maintenon, and had
long discourses with her at Saint Cyr.  As he was, however, of a very ill
figure, had but little support at Court, and appeared exceedingly simple,
M. de Cambrai believed he could easily overthrow him.  To do this, he
determined to make use of Madame Guyon, whose new spirituality had
already been so highly relished by Madame de Maintenon.  He persuaded
this latter to allow Madame Guyon to enter Saint Cyr, where they could
discourse together much more at their ease than at the Hotel de Chevreuse
or Beauvilliers.  Madame Guyon went accordingly to Saint Cyr two or three
times.  Soon after, Madame de Maintenon, who relished her more and more,
made her sleep there, and their meetings grew longer.  Madame Guyon
admitted that she sought persons proper to become her disciples, and in a
short time she formed a little flock, whose maxims and language appeared
very strange to all the rest of the house, and, above all, to M. de
Chartres.  That prelate was not so simple as M. de Cambrai imagined.
Profound theologian and scholar, pious, disinterested, and of rare
probity, he could be, if necessary, a most skilful courtier; but he
rarely exerted this power, for the favour of Madame de Maintenon sufficed
him of itself.  As soon as he got scent of this strange doctrine, he
caused two ladies, upon whom he could count, to be admitted to Saint Cyr,
as if to become disciples of Madame Guyon.  He gave them full
instructions, and they played their parts to perfection.  In the first
place they appeared to be ravished, and by degrees enchanted, with the
new doctrine.  Madame Guyon, pleased with this fresh conquest, took the
ladies into her most intimate confidence in order to gain them entirely.
They communicated everything to M. de Chartres, who quietly looked on,
allowed things to take their course, and, when he believed the right
moment had arrived, disclosed all he had learnt to Madame de Maintenon.
She was strangely surprised when she saw the extraordinary drift of the
new doctrine.  Troubled and uncertain, she consulted with M. de Cambrai,
who, not suspecting she had been so well instructed, became, when he
discovered it, embarrassed, and thus augmented her suspicions.

Suddenly Madame Guyon was driven away from Saint Cyr, and prohibited from
spreading her doctrine elsewhere.  But the admiring disciples she had
made still gathered round her in secret, and this becoming known, she was
ordered to leave Paris.  She feigned obedience, but in effect went no
further than the Faubourg Saint Antoine, where, with great secrecy, she
continued to receive her flock.  But being again detected, she was sent,
without further parley, to the Bastille, well treated there, but allowed
to see nobody, not even to write.  Before being arrested, however, she
had been put into the hands of M. de Meaux, who used all his endeavours
to change her sentiments.  Tired at last of his sermons, she feigned
conviction, signed a recantation of her opinions, and was set at liberty.
Yet, directly after, she held her secret assemblies in the Faubourg Saint
Antoine, and it was in consequence of this abuse of freedom that she was
arrested.  These adventures bring me far into the year 1696, and the
sequel extends into the following year.  Let us finish this history at
once, and return afterwards to what happened meanwhile.

Monsieur de Cambrai, stunned but not overpowered by the reverse he had
sustained, and by his loss of favour with Madame de Maintenon, stood firm
in his stirrups.  After Madame Guyon's abuse of her liberty, and the
conferences of Issy, he bethought himself of confessing to M. de Meaux,
by which celebrated trick he hoped to close that prelate's mouth.  These
circumstances induced M. de Meaux to take pen in hand, in order to expose
to the public the full account of his affair, and of Madame Guyon's
doctrine; and he did so in a work under the title of 'Instruction sur les
Etats d'Oyaison'.

While the book was yet unpublished, M. de Cambrai was shown a copy.  He
saw at once the necessity of writing another to ward off the effect of
such a blow.  He must have had a great deal of matter already prepared,
otherwise the diligence he used would be incredible.  Before M. de
Meaux's book was ready, M. de Cambrai's, entitled 'Maximes des Saints',
was published and distributed.  M. de Chevreuse, who corrected the
proofs, installed himself at the printer's, so as to see every sheet as
soon as printed.

This book, written in the strangest manner, did M. de Cambrai little
service.  If people were offended to find it supported upon no authority,
they were much more so with its confused and embarrassed style, its
precision so restrained and so decided, its barbarous terms which seemed
as though taken from a foreign tongue, above all, its high-flown and far-
fetched thoughts, which took one's breath away, as in the too subtle air
of the middle region.  Nobody, except the theologians, understood it, and
even they not without reading it three or four times.  Connoisseurs found
in it a pure Quietism, which, although wrapped up in fine language, was
clearly visible.  I do not give my own judgment of things so much beyond
me, but repeat what was said everywhere.  Nothing else was talked about,
even by the ladies; and a propos of this, the saying of Madame de Sevigne
was revived: "Make religion a little more palpable; it evaporates by dint
of being over-refined."

Not a word was heard in praise of the book; everybody was opposed to it,
and it was the means of making Madame de Maintenon more unfavourable to
M. de Cambrai than ever.  He sent the King a copy, without informing her.
This completed her annoyance against him.  M. de Cambrai, finding his
book so ill-received by the Court and by the prelates, determined to try
and support it on the authority of Rome, a step quite opposed to our
manners.  In the mean time, M. de Meaux's book appeared in two volumes
octavo, well written, clear, modest, and supported upon the authority of
the Scriptures.  It was received with avidity, and absolutely devoured.
There was not a person at the Court who did not take a pleasure in
reading it, so that for a long time it was the common subject of
conversation of the Court and of the town.

These two books, so opposed in doctrine and in style, made such a stir on
every side that the King interposed, and forced M. de Cambrai to submit
his work to an examination by a council of prelates, whom he named.
M. de Cambrai asked permission to go to Rome to defend his cause in
person, but this the King refused.  He sent his book, therefore, to the
Pope, and had the annoyance to receive a dry, cold reply, and to see
M. de Meaux's book triumph.  His good fortune was in effect at an end.
He remained at Court some little time, but the King was soon irritated
against him, sent him off post-haste to Paris, and from there to his
diocese, whence he has never returned.  He left behind him a letter for
one of his friends, M. de Chevreuse it was generally believed, which
immediately after became public.  It appeared like the manifesto of a man
who disgorges his bile and restrains himself no more, because he has
nothing more to hope.  The letter, bold and bitter in style, was besides
so full of ability and artifice, that it was extremely pleasant to read,
without finding approvers; so true it is that a wise and disdainful
silence is difficult to keep under reverses.


Aptitude did not come up to my desire
Believed that to undertake and succeed were only the same things
Exceeded all that was promised of her, and all that I had hoped
He had pleased (the King) by his drugs
King was being wheeled in his easy chair in the gardens
Less easily forget the injuries we inflict than those received
Make religion a little more palpable
Manifesto of a man who disgorges his bile
Mightily tired of masters and books
More facility I have as King to gratify myself
My wife went to bed, and received a crowd of visitors
People who had only sores to share
Persuaded themselves they understood each other
Received all the Court in her bed
Saw peace desired were they less inclined to listen to terms
Spark of ambition would have destroyed all his edifice
The safest place on the Continent
Wise and disdainful silence is difficult to keep under reverses
With him one's life was safe

End of this Project Gutenberg Etext of Memoirs of Louis XIV. and Regency, v1
by the Duc de Saint-Simon