19 декабря 2021

The Sun, Ocean and Climate


For almost two years (2003–2005), before printing first materials with conclusions about an active participation of a new kind of radiation (quantum vortex field) in the solar-geospherical processes of the transport and transformation of energy, we (K.Ya. Kondratyev and I) over and over again reverted to a critical analysis of the results of high-mountain observations, to a search of arguments for and against the existence of the solar spiral-vortical radiation (SSVR). Only after analysis of the results of numerous thorough investigations that indirectly and in some works directly supported the idea of the existence of the vortical radiation, were sanctioned the sending of a first problematic paper to the journal “Earth research from Space” (No.3, 2005).

A serious moral support in substantiation of the concept of the SSVR existence has been rendered by results of the field and laboratory studies carried out in the RAS Institute of Physics of the Earth in the period 1984–2003 by a skilled geophysicist-seismologist S.M. Krylov (under the direction of the RAS Corresponding Member G.A. Sobolev). Using the Etvesh advanced variometers (gravivariometers) in numerous field studies, they have discovered vortical (not ELM) fields of natural geophysical origin which could be subdivided into three types (Krylov and Sobolev, 1998): background (at frequencies 0.1–20 Hz), surface-local (ultra low frequencies 0.02–2 Hz), and pulse wideband fields which apparently can be both right-rotating and left-rotating, but the latter are considered as geopathogenic.

These scientists could ascertain that the intensity of the surface-local fields correlates with positions of the Sun and Moon and grows with approaching winter. These features of the surface-local fields have been verified by our results of detection of the vortical radiation from the open magnetic structures of the photosphere. Also of importance is a strong negative correlation of the spectra of synchronous records of the intensity of the surface-local field and geomagnetic pulsations. Really, these spectra practically are precisely mutual reflection to each other, that directly specifies on causal role of solar vortical radiation in formation of geomagnetic pulsations.

The long researches of S.M. Krylov and G.A. Sobolev (1994), J. Weber (1969), S.E. Shnoll et al. (2000), S.F. Timashev (2006), A.L. Tchijevsky (1995), N.A. Kozyrev (1958) and others have favored an appearance of the concept of the control and continuous maintenance by the Sun of “the Earth’s homeostasis” through direct interaction of the SSVR with all kinds of terrestrial matter.

The two subsequent publications by Kondratyev and Nikolsky (2006a,b) have supplemented and developed an idea of the SSVR concept and its role in the life of the biosphere and humankind. Now we shall try to look ahead and to assess probable prospects of development of renewable sources of global energy and, hence, the terrestrial civilization.

Kirill Ya. Kondratyev emphasized a successful beginning of studies of the Earth’s radiation budget (ERB) decadal stability in connection with the cyclic impact of solar activity. Studies were started with an experiment on determination of the vertical structure of radiation fields in the troposphere and stratosphere (up to 30–32 km) under daylight conditions. Note that Kirill Ya. Kondratyev came flying to the military testing area to witness a first balloon launch (14 January 1961) and make sure of reliability of actinometric and meteorological instruments sent to the stratosphere. In light shoes, knee-deep in snow, he observed for one and a half hour the checking and correction of the gauges mounted on 5-m wings of the container with recorders, wishing an exact accomplishment of the flight program.

Briefly about stages of the 50-year studies of the solar-terrestrial connections

On the path to solution of the global problem issued in 1958 by K.Ya. Kondratyev — determination of the main power canal of the impacts of solar activity on weather and climate — experimenters have obviously to meet with serious difficulties since this problem “ripened”, at least 200 years ago. Thousands of competent scientists in different countries have tried to solve it. Therefore now, after the lapse of almost 50 years, it is necessary to re-comprehend the stages of studies, to assess the spent efforts and time, and to show that an approach to solution of this problem resembles rather a classical siege of a fortress than a brave storm.

The first stage, like the subsequent majority, was experimental and aimed at obtaining and study of the real vertical structure (up to 30 km) of the net radiation balance and its short- and long-wave components characteristic of different seasons and different phases of solar activity. The balloon experiment lasted from 1961 to 1970. The launchings totaled 28. During the experiment in some launchings the actinometrical complex was supplemented with the solar spectrometer scanning over a wide spectral band: from 300 nm to 6.5 µm. At the balloon ascent were measured temperature, pressure, air relative humidity, concentration of aerosol (by L.S. Ivlev) and total ozone content above the level of the gauges location (by L.G. Bolshakova). The state of the surface was cyclically photographed. In most of the launchings the radiation-meteorological sections of the atmosphere reached 30 km and sometimes even 33 km. Thus it turns out that in fact, the whole optically active layer of the atmosphere was sounded, which made it possible to obtain extra-atmospheric estimates of the net radiation balance and its components, including direct solar radiation coming out to a surface perpendicular to solar radiation.

Since in most cases of soundings the balloon’s launching was accompanied by its drift at a maximum height, it was possible to determine the current extra-atmospheric values of radiation fluxes and optical thicknesses of the air layer above the level of the balloon’s drift. In the period 1962–1964 these data have made it possible to determine an excess thickness of nitrogen oxides, which took place in the upper stratosphere and confirmed the meridional transport of products of high-altitude nuclear explosions after the 1962 tests.

Between 1962 and 1969, a series of solar constant measurements was obtained, which was the first in the world experience in high-altitude (stratospheric) estimations of the temporal change of this important cosmo physical parameter under conditions of varying solar activity.

The second stage (1963–1977), largely overlapping with the first one was connected with organization of the Radiation Standard of the Leningrad University (Angstrom pyrheliometer No.575), its referencing to the International Pyrheliometric Scale-1956, with organization of the transitional Radiation Scale-1975, with referencing to the Absolute Radiation Scale, and with numerous calibrations of the flight actinometers, pyranometers, and balancemeters (net radiometers).

The third stage (1978–2003) was aimed at searching direct connections between changes in spectral fluxes of solar radiation (under conditions of varying solar activity in cycles Nos. 21, 22, and 23) with temporal variations of the optical parameters of the atmosphere and major weather meteorological parameters, that is, with changes in the optical and synoptic weather. Studies were carried out at mountain stations “Cheget” (3100 m) and “Solar” (Mountain Astronomical station of the RAS Main Astronomical Observatory, 2100 m). At the station “Solar” a base of its own was organized (Solar-2), at which studies were carried out for more than 20 years.

The fourth stage (2002–2007), naturally, overlapping with the third stage, has become a period of comprehension and conceptualization of the whole volume of the obtained results and drawn long-tern studies in the adjacent spheres of physics: physics of the atmosphere, meteorology, solar-terrestrial physics, geophysics, astrophysics, and biophysics.

The last directions developed by Kirill Ya. Kondratyev contain important ideas about study and mastering of the middle and deep space. These ideas apparently follow from the fact of identification of new solar radiation (spiral-vortical field) introducing energy - pulse, and rather substantial pulse momentum. This vortical radiation interacts with substance, transmitting to its structural elements the energy of pulse and angular momentum. The spiral-vortical field passes with some losses through the geoid with an effect of the vortical energy concentration over areas from units to hundreds of meters.

With illumination of the Earth with a collimated beam from the umbra (shadow) of a large sun spot the concentration of energy on a “focal” site (located on or near the surface of the geoid on its night side (Fig. 4.1) becomes destructive leading to serious catastrophes at natural and technogenic objects.

The circuit of impacts of physical fields of the Sun on geospheres
Fig. 4.1. A schematic presentation of the process of formation of a directional flow of spirally vortical radiation (SVR), irradiating the Earth from a big solar spot. Also simulated from the Sun's photosphere are: electromagnetic radiation (EMR), background radiation SVR, magnetic field (MF), solar cosmic rays (SCR) and solar substance eruptions. A gravitational field is originated from the solar body (gravitation). From the solar corona, radial beam fluxes of the solar substance are ejected (the solar wind). The Earth's environment is schematically presented as a number of spherical shells (layers) consisting of various physical substances: magnetosphere, ionosphere, troposphere, hydrosphere, biosphere and techno sphere. SVR easily penetrates the earth's interior, but only up to the upper core boundary. The above-lying hard shell (lithosphere) refracts and reflects SVR very well, thus collecting the collimated radiation at the geoid boundary. The focal spot of SVR, estimated according to the craters' dimensions, is within a few dozens of meters. The focused SVR has a high energy density of the flux. These fluxes are sources of the formation of numerous atmospheric anomalous phenomena (AAP) of various size, form and luminescence intensity. Quite peculiar are the outcomes of toroidal solitons of SVR out of water depths, which were observed from an orbit and looked like huge water pillars. The high volume energy concentration in solitons sometimes is conducive to natural and technogenic catastrophes

Leaving the Earth, the concentrated cone-shaped vortical field possesses a considerable energy and, possibly, captures terrestrial substances moving at rates of dozens of kilometers per second, which can create unpredictable dangerous situations for the manned satellites or vehicles gaining momentum.

Effects and mechanisms of the SSVR-geospheres interaction

Coming to the atmosphere, hydrosphere and other terrestrial spheres the energy of the SSVR field transmits a pulse and angular momentum to all substance particles starting from electrons and then to atoms’ nuclei, molecules, etc. Eight levels of the spiral-vortical radiation/substance interaction have been considered (Table 4.1) but, of course, with different degrees of analysis thoroughness because of a huge diversity and newness of aspects and in connection with complexity of the covered phenomena and processes.

Table 4.1. Levels of interaction of the spiral vortical radiation with substance
Substance Effects
1. Nuclear (within nuclei) Change of the speed of nuclei decay for r/a isotopes
2. Electron-atomic Spontaneous emission of atoms
3. Free electrons Flicker-effect in conducting media
4. Molecular levels Increase of the frequency of vibration-rotation movements of molecules in liquids and gases, diffusion.
5. Meso-molecular level Creation of Brownian movement, pressure and temperature of gases.
6. Macro-level Formation of vortices of different scales, turbulence, failures in engineering, earthquakes, emissions of gases in mimes, explosions, techno-catastrophes, heating of the Earth core and mantle, resonance in a geoid.
7. Astro-level
Formation and rotation of galaxies, “anti-gravitation”.
8. Level of Universe Expansion of the Universe (accelerated but in a slowed way).

Let’s begin with consideration of the interaction at an astro-level as the most urgent aspect, though the SSVR - substance interaction is most efficient at the lowest micro-level, involving then other substance structures up to macro-level. Effects of the SSVR-substance interaction should seemingly manifest themselves at astro-levels most vividly and extensively, since radiation quanta (spirons) are emitted by most of the stars of the Universe at a rate of ~1044 quanta/s and, filling the Universe, pre-determine the prevailing of anti-gravitational – gravitational processes over others, which is manifested in the form of omnipresent spiral-vortical formations, their clusters, and groups.

Indeed, the fact that each emitted vortical quantum (spiron) has the final mass and energy as well as radially directed pulse, determines their propagation in all directions, that is, in fact, their quasi-antigravitation, acting as a general broadening factor. But since energy imparted originally to spiron is final and spent at each, even elementary, interaction with the elements of substance, hence, contrary to a widespread hypothesis, an expansion of the Universe continues but without any excess acceleration and rather with some slowing down. After spending the whole supply of pulse energy and pulse momentum, spirons are transformed into primary elements of dark matter filling the whole Universe.

“Cold” spirons (2.73 K) interact only with galactic gravitational fields, which collect them into clouds and then in spiral formations. Thus there is a transformation of stellar matter into dark matter, which then can participate in the process of creation of the next generation of stars, galaxies, and their associations.

Note that from our estimates, the mass of a spiron (1.2·10-29 g) is about 76 times less than the mass of an electron at rest (9.10956·10-28 g), the spiron’s spin is unity, and initial energy of a spiron at its emission by highly excited nuclei of the atoms of iron and carbon isotopes (at t = 1.5·107 K) constitutes E0s = 1.1·10-8 erg. From our estimates, the spiron’s energy at the level of the photosphere is much lower, ~1·10-12 erg. Hence, luminosity of the Sun by vortical energy is ~1·1032 erg/s, at quantum frequency ~ 6·1014 Hz.

Since the proposed data on the rate of emission and spiron’s parameters, in case of their adequacy, can be rather significant for development of cosmologic theories, apparently, one should immediately estimate possible limits of mass losses by the Sun and changes in the contribution of the vortical energy to radiation balance of the Solar system’s bodies and objects passing close to the Sun. Such ratings are also important to check coordination, estimates of still unsteady parameters axiomatically assumed by the author and other investigators, which is connected with their premature claims due to natural breaks-through and leaps in the development of science.

Comparison of estimates of probable changes in the mass and energetic luminosity of the Sun is complicated by that astronomers and astrophysicists during several centuries re-calculated their values in the process of obtaining new observational data, approximately approaching now exact quantities of the mass and luminosity of the Sun. However, an accumulation of experimental, observed, and modeled data reveals differences in theoretical constructions. An apparent example can be the problem of latent presence in Nature (in the Universe) of the vortical force field repeatedly predicted by the leading scientists of the last century, which is hotly disputed by most of the RAS academicians, which is rather strange and contrary to apparent evidence and actual discoveries. But suffice it to look through a telescope at the Sun or at night at galaxies to be convinced that vortices of different scales suppress the motion of matter. In fact, vortical movements also dominate in the terrestrial environment at all structural levels.

According to our conception, it is necessary to add Ls¤ = 1·1032 erg·s-1 to the known quantity of the Sun luminosity L¤ = 3.826·1033 erg·s-1, then L¤ = 3.93·1033 erg·s-1. Now the mass of the Sun is estimated at M¤ ≈ 2·1033 g. The reactor “eats up” 1.55·1023 g·y-1, and during 5·109 years: 0.775·1033 g. Solar wind takes away during 5·109 years 0.0666·1033 g. The SVR will take away during 5·109 years

1044 × 1.2·10-29 × 5·109 × 3.1·107 = 0.187·1033 g.

Thus a change of the mass of the Sun during its lifetime will constitute

Time: 0 years 5·109 years 1010 years
M¤: 3,029·1033 g 2·1033 g 0,971·1033 g

It follows from these ratios that during ~1010 years the Sun can loose about 68% of its initial mass. However, according to model studies of R. Kippenhann (1987) the lower limit of mass losses for such stars as the Sun is close to 90%, but such losses of the mass cannot be attributed to the Sun even if the assumed estimates for the solar mass taken away by spirons are not sufficient. Thus on this side, arguments against the existence of SSVR and its major role in formation of the basic mass of dark matter in the Universe are not expected.

In this connection it is important to note that for a cold period during the Maunder Minimum a decrease of the Sun luminosity by 0.4–0.7% (Soon and Yaskell, 2004) during a period of 30–50 years is quite sufficient. Bearing in mind that the vortical radiation energy in its interaction with the substance of geospheres somehow or other is transformed into heat, that is, gets included into the ERB, its hypothetic absence practically simultaneously makes the ERB negative. But since now the annual mean radiation budget of the Earth-atmosphere system is positive (+0.85 W·m-2) and has a positive trend (Kondratyev and Krapivin, 2006), hence, the actual quantity of the ERB is even more positive, namely, ~ +1.3 W·m-2. This conclusion indicates that the coming integral energy (electromagnetic and vortical) changes during an 11-year cycle of solar activity not by the known 0.1–0.2% but by 0.5–0.9%. Variations of this latent ERB component are directly connected with changes over the total area of the open magnetic structures in the “royal” zone of the Sun usually “belonging” to the coronal holes in the period of a low solar activity. Thus it was found out that the same mechanism affects a climate change also in the period of a low solar activity.

Now we shall consider the terrestrial macro-level. But first it is necessary to form, at least in general, our idea of the mechanism of SSVR-geospheres interaction. Consider the scheme (Fig. 4.1) giving an idea of the character of propagation of the background and quasi-collimated SSVR (and other solar radiations, for instance, electromagnetic — ELMR) from the source to the Earth and interaction of collimated SSVR with the substance of the lithosphere (focusing). On the night side, the outgoing concentrated spiral vortical field (SVF) on separation from the canal connecting SSVR with the source, is convolved into a spherical or elliptical soliton for hours “traveling” over the “waves” of the background SVF. Effects at contacts with such solitons (well known as anomalous atmospheric phenomena — AAPh) and physical manifestations accompanying an AAPh (recorded) have been systematized in the work of Platov and Rubtsov (1991).

The atmosphere is apparently the most pliable substance for manifestations of the SSVR vortical properties. To some extent, most of the turbulent fluxes and atmospheric vortices of different scales create a SSVR. Kinetic energy of vortical motions is eventually transformed into heat, which should be taken into account in the receipt part of the surface-atmosphere system’s radiation budget and then in the Earth-atmosphere system’s radiation budget.

The heliographic maps of magnetic fields and active regions of the Sun
Fig.4.2. The heliographic maps of magnetic fields and active regions of the Sun for October 23 (b) and October 30 2003 (a). At the left above of maps are submitted number sunspots on Wolf and their total area. The main spot in AR No.249 (agrees to the Pulkovo's catalogue, to NOAA AR10484) has the area S = 2190 mph which was at a maximum just 23.10.03. The AR No.252 still just come out from behind the edge of Sun’s disk. On the right map conducting geoeffective position occupy AR No 252 and No 257. It is obvious, that AR No 257 directs to the Earth the most powerful flows SVR, is especial for October 29, when these two AR were on 13 degrees more to the left. The curve "SC" on Fig.4.3 simultaneously reflects as the relative contribution SVR in a solar energy, coming to the Earth, together with kind of time integration of influence of solar spots (AR10484-10488) on solar emissions during October 19–30. The conducting grandiose spot of AR No 257 has the area S = 2550 mph and brings in the basic contribution to formation of peak at "SC".

Our estimates of the contribution of SSVR to the incoming part of the ERB show that the background income of the vortical energy can reach 1% of solar constant and grow to 10% and more with bursts of solar activity like those observed on 23–30 October 2003 and on 21–26 March 1920. The present-day case of the burst of solar activity (Fig. 4.2) and SSVR impacts on meteoparameters on 19–30 October 2003 (Fig. 4.3) has made it possible to estimate the vortical energy (in power units) based on rise of specific air column. But before calculations it is necessary to consider in detail the present-day case. Consider this case based on the data of direct mountain observations of solar activity variations and accompanying responses of meteoparameters to extreme dynamics of the growth of the leading spot’s area in active regions No. 249 (AR 10484), No. 252, and No. 257 located at a critical moment just near the center of a solar disc (Fig. 4.2).

Variations of surface pressure and temperature
Fig.4.3. Variations of surface pressure and temperature from 3-hour data recorded at the station Shadzhatmas in October 2003. The rightful course of synoptic variations of pressure continuing during first half of month was broken, apparently, by an external forcing factor, since not only the synoptic period changed but also natural thermobaric relationships turned out to be distorted. It can be supposed that during the six days (23–29 Oct.), the SVR-formed pressure hole got filled-in with cold and moist air moving down from the Great Caucasian ridge. The station is located 40 km from Elbrus on the plateau of GCR foothills convenient for air flowing.
For authentic comparison of processes occurring in photosphere and in an atmosphere above "Solar-2" station, on the diagram of the data precision measurements solar constant SC (the "SC" data are submitted in the inverted kind (scale and curve of SC)!), obtained (in a mode of monitoring) on a space platform SOHO. These data allow on set of parameters P, T and "SC" to receive objective performance about time of a beginning and rates of direct influence SSVR on thermodynamic state (P, T) atmosphere evidently reacting to solar power influence, which is ideally described in parameter "SC". Thus, parameter "SC" in main extreme (peak of a helmet-look) simultaneously contains also moment of the maximal total directed influence SSVR from AR NoNo249-257 (AR10484 and accompanying AR10486-10488), and relative maximal value of the contribution of influence SSVR in power of the Earth.

To be convinced of the effect of vortical fluxes on the atmosphere and then to assess the applied power of the vortical radiation, we examine Fig. 4.3, which demonstrates the temporal change (October 2003) of the main meteorological parameters — surface air temperature (T) and air pressure (P) over the plateau where the mountain station “Solar-2” is located. For reliable comparison of processes taking place in the photosphere and atmosphere over Solar-2, the graph provides data of precision measurements of solar constant — SC (for “SC”- quantities the scale and the curve are inversed!) obtained in the monitoring regime at the space-borne platform SOHO.

These data enable one from totality of parameters P, T, and “SC” to obtain an objective notion about of the time of the beginning and rates of direct impact of SSVR on the thermodynamic state (P,T) atmosphere evidently reacting to solar power influence, which is ideally described by the “SC” parameter. Indeed, as confirmed by our observations (Kondratyev and Nikolsky, 2006b), the directed vortical radiation radially comes out of the sunspots’ umbra and, at a geoefficient location of the spot, reaches the Earth after 7–8 hours. Thus the “SC” parameter in the main extreme (the helmet-shaped peak — Fig. 4.3) contains at the same time the moment of maximum total directed forcing of SSVR from ARs Nos. 249-257 (AR 10484 and contiguous AR 10486-10488), and relative maximum quantity of the contribution of the SSVR impact to the Earth’s energy.

Calculation of the surface density of energy applied to the specific air column

From analysis of interrelated variations of near-surface air pressure P and temperature T, observed on 19–28 October 2003 (Fig. 4.3.), a possibility has appeared for the first time to estimate the vortical energy coming from the open magnetic structures of active areas of the Sun.

The surface density of the vortical energy needed to reduce by Δp = 6 hPa (on the night of 24–25 October) the pressure of specific air column located above the level p = 796 hPa, was estimated from barometric formula (for vertically varying T and g) presented in finite increments: Δp/p = −g · Δz / Ra · Tmd, where g is acceleration of gravity, Δz — change of the height of a homogeneous atmosphere (H0), Ra — the gas constant for the air, Tmd — average temperature in the air layer over the station up to the height H0. Pmd = 796 hPa — average pressure level in October 2003 on the plateau Shadzhatmas.

Initial values for account are: Pmd =796 hPa; Δp = 6 hPa; g = 9,8 m · s-2; H0 = 7995,8 m; Ra = 287,05 J/(kg·K); Tmd = 250 K; Δp/p = 7,54 · 10-3; 796 hPa ≈ 796 g·cm-2 (marked as M). To a change of pressure Δp corresponds a change of the height: Δz = Δp · Tmd · Ra / p · g = 55,2 m (at fulfillment of specific work: A = M · g · Δz = 796 · 980 · 5520 = 4,3 · 109 erg·cm-2).

Since a rapid process of pressure reduction by Δp = 6 hPa (on the night of 24–25 October) lasted for 3 hours, specific power of the vortical field functioning in this period reaches W = A / (3 · 3600) = 4·105 erg cm-2 s-1 (astronomical conditions were favorable for focusing).

With the probable trend of the pressure growth in the second half of October taken into account, ?z will be 205 m, and average W for 9 days (from 19 to 28 October) will constitute W = 2·104 erg cm-2 s-1. These values of the SSVR specific power are close to signals recorded by Weber (1969) for which a correlation with the source in the center of Galaxy and with solar activity has been detected (Adamiants, 1972).

During a maximum of the SSVR flux (28–29 October) the pressure could decrease by 23 hPa as a result of the joint impact of SSVF fluxes from two active regions Nos. 252, 257 (according to the Pulkovo catalogue). For this case, W = 6.2·104 erg cm-2 s-1. For the case of extreme values of calculated quantities of the SSVR flux power (2·104 and 4·105), they are assumed as background and burst and are related to the SC as 1.4% and 30%. The latter quantity is apparently realized rarely and for a short time (up to one week), but the background SSVR flux is constant and, hence, should be thoroughly considered.

The contribution of SSVR can be also estimated based on the total area of spots and the power of non-ELM radiation determined by Weber (1969). The areas of the spots for October 2003 were taken from the site [Solar Data, 2003] in millionth parts of the Sun disc (m.p.s.d.). For 30 October, Sd = 13017 m.p.s.d. = 1.98·1010 km2, which corresponds to 1.3% of the Sun disc area (no data for 29 October because of non-flying weather). It might seem that an SC decrease should be the same. However, an SC decrease at the moment of extreme constitutes only 0.34%. The discrepancy is connected mainly with the fact that the penumbra of spots averages 0.6 of the considered area of spots and takes away approximately 0.7 of the photospheric radiation flux passing through it (6000 K). It should be borne in mind that shadows of spots emit as a black body at 4000 K. As a result, the net radiation of spots can be estimated: it constitutes 3.77·1023 W. As for radiation from the area of photosphere overlapped with spots, this radiation constitutes ~0.34%. In this case if, of course, assumed average quantities are realistic, it is possible to assume a relative contribution of facular fields to net radiation: 1.3% − 0.34% − 0.34% = 0.62% for 29 October 2003.

The obtained estimate of excess radiation from facular fields (it can also be obtained in energy units) is apparently great for average conditions of solar activity, but the analyzed period is marked with its abnormally high burst. So, on 28 October and 4 November, record eruptive events took place within AR10486 with coronal outbursts of solar substance and huge outbursts of X-rays. During the whole period of anomalous activity 16 powerful outbursts took place with a series of powerful geomagnetic storms.

To conclude the process of estimation of the vortical energy applied to the mass of the air column over the station in the morning of 29 October 2003, it is also necessary to estimate and then take into account the intra-atmospheric synoptic trend of pressure changes. Figure 4.3. demonstrates the trend of pressure growth predicted from preceding years based on the observed maximum values on 06 and 15 April 2002. An abrupt decrease of pressure on the night of 27–28 October is neglected, since its occurrence apparently should be connected with the effect of focusing and X-ray outburst X17.2/4B in October 28 about 09.2 UT. The assessed effect of SSVR on pressure in the morning of 29 October reached 17 hPa. The order of calculations of the vortex power for some moments of this period of a high solar activity will be given below. For 29 October (maximum SC), the power density of vortex energy will be: W ≈ 7·104 erg cm-2 s-1.

Thus it turns out that the meteorological response takes place as if in connection with sending of negative solar electromagnetic energy precisely reflected by the SC parameter. This fact uniquely indicates that formal sources of SSVR are umbra of spots and, essentially, this energy, like the solar electromagnetic energy, possesses some characteristic features of anti-gravitation, since both kinds of radiation take away from the Sun the energy-pulse. However, it is quite apparent that they differ drastically in this parameter. ELM flux of energy leaving the Sun cannot even disperse particles of solar substance to remove them from the sphere of gravity of our star. The SSVR can solve this problem and not only remove from the Sun but also gradually raise the rate of the solar plasma particles to supersonic.

More substantial is the second difference between SSVR and ELMR: though both fields are vortical, the vector of polarization of the SSVR angular momentum in contrast to that of ELMR, at each half-period reverses the direction of rotation (Fig. 4.4.).

A model presentation of the spiral vortical field
Fig. 4.4. A model presentation of the spiral vortical field at its 100%-modulation by low frequency. The amplitude of the left-rotating constituent of the vector of the field’s angular momentum spin polarization, during the first half-cycle of modulation frequency, changes within 0±180°, with the amplitude of the right-rotating constituent being constant and close to zero. During the second half-cycle, the amplitude of the right-rotating constituent changes within 0±180°, and the left-rotating constituent is close to zero. The carrying frequency of the SVF can change depending on the source conditions but is located mainly in the range 200–500 GHz. The rate of SVF propagation on the sun-illuminated side of the Earth is above 2000 km s-1, but after leaving the lithosphere it varies within 1000 to 100 km s-1. The density of the focused SVF flux (on the night side) can reach 109 erg cm-2 s-1.

Besides, the quantity of the angular momentum of the SSVR field is several orders of magnitude greater than that of ELMR, therefore the SSVR field, interacting with substance, heavily disturbs or even destructs its structure (depending on the composition and structure of the object). The most characteristic and generalizing example of such objects is an interaction of the SSVR field with water as well as with objects and subjects containing water or water solutions.

About water anomaly

Both in the atmosphere and hydrosphere (and, of course, in the biosphere) the transition of SSVR effects from micro- to macro-levels is concentrated on the molecular level. In these spheres, water molecules are the major functioning agent. By its physical properties, water is known to be a highly anomalous compound compared with hydrides of elements adjacent to oxygen in the sixth column of the periodic table.

Anomaly of water
Fig.4.5. Dependence of temperature of boiling (+) and of melting (o) hydrides of elements of the sixth group of the Mendeleev’s table from atomic weight (from Siniukov, 1987). If water were not an abnormal liquid, it would boil at −70° C, and would freeze at −95° C. Twisting of the water molecules by solar spirally vortical radiation with frequency about 3·10¹¹ Hz moves together temperature of the freezing and boiling of water in area of positive temperatures.

As for water, its microphysics, its physical properties differ much from the properties of compounds of the homologous series of the hydrogen molecule. Figure 4.5 demonstrates the dependence of the boiling and melting temperatures of hydrides of the elements of the sixth group of the periodic table. Transformation of water properties compared with properties of compounds-analogues cannot be explained physically without drawing some external forces (field) constantly affecting the water molecules, which turn each original molecule into a highly mobile state and keep it in this state for an infinitely long time, that is, continuously and constantly. The question arises: why did the ice point of water rise by 90° and the boiling point move 170° up the thermodynamic scale? However, the answer seems apparent: only an increase of the frequency of the oscillatory-rotational movement can raise the level of the molecular available power of water, raise substantially the constants of the water vapor heat formation, latent heat of melting, specific heat, and some others, up to abnormally high quantities several times exceeding the constants of substances close in chemical composition and construction. An experimental value of the time of the translation-rotational movements of water molecules constituting 1.5 ps (6.66·1011 Hz) was given above. The time of residence of the molecule as part of the composition of any associate is estimated in fs (10-15 s). Thus it is clear now that water has a super-high dynamic structure, for continuous energetic support to which a force torsion field should exist in the geosphere with frequencies ~1016 Hz. Functions of such a field should be fulfilled by the detected and identified SVF whose quanta (spirons) are emitted at a rate of 1044 s-1 by highly excited nuclei of the atoms of carbon and iron isotopes located in the Sun’s nucleus.

According to our conception, these anomalies of water are explained by specific structure of water molecules easily rotated. The spatial structure of water molecules can be presented in the form of some bended propeller effectively twisted with continuously coming SSVR flux whose carrying frequency is ~3·1011 Hz. That is, the SSVR energy applied to a water molecule imparts to it a rapid rotation (rather somersaults), which then leads to anomalies inherent to water. Most important is that SSVR imparts to 1 g of water 3 Joules of energy (or immediately makes up for its loss), part of which, as experiments show, can be derived in the form of thermal energy (~0.03 Joule / g H2O). This method of extracting thermal energy has been developed by Russian specialists Potapov and Fominski (2000) and realized in the form of the so-called thermal generators of different power (up to 400 kW and more). Most important is the fact that the coefficient of efficiency and transformation of energy in these generators reaches now 1.4. Potapov’s heat generators (PHG) have been technically investigated in the USA and are exported to western countries. Some difficulties in a wide propagation of PHGs are explained by insufficient physical grounds for the process of heat energy accumulation in the internal contour of the heat generator and the process of replenishment of latent (vortical) energy in the working volume of water after its discharge in the vortex diffuser (the heart of the heat generator). Now, with an appearance of the SSVR conception, these difficulties disappeared. The SVF catches up everywhere with weakened molecules of water and restores their frequency (oscillatory-rotational) parameters. So, before humankind’s very eyes, a goldfish emerges from the “oceans of water” in the form of a boundless reservoir of solar energy. Elaborators of a series of heat generators assess possibilities to raise their efficiency to almost a theoretical limit — 3. Here an inexhaustible resource appears for the cardinal improvement of global ecology and raising the life standard of the Earth’s population.

Consequences of the SSVR impacts on the water-containing objects

Now it is assumed that in the process of ice melting not more than 15% of hydrogen bonds get broken and, hence, the share of free water molecules cannot markedly exceed this ratio. The remaining, largest part of molecules combine into transient stable dynamic formations — associates, in which the number of molecules depends on physical characteristics of the medium: temperature and various kinds of radiation penetrating this medium at a given time moment. Under laboratory, comparatively stable, conditions the number of water molecules in an octahedral associate can reach 912, but with an appearance of even low-intensive wave or vortex fields (in different frequency intervals) or corpuscular fluxes, especially with an introduction of mechanic forcing into the stable state of the water volume, the sizes of associates decrease to units or dozens of molecules. Under natural conditions, with all mentioned physical, mechanical, and chemical disturbing factors present, the relative number of free molecules grows, and the sizes of associates do not exceed several dozens of molecules.

As for the participation of water in global energy processes (as a specific accumulator of solar energy) it is important to show that the anomaly of its properties directly testifies to a constant impact of an external factor, which continuously maintains all the global water in the energetically excited state. In connection with highly dynamic associates and constant anomaly of water properties, it should be stated that the water anomaly is connected not with molecular associativity but with deeper dynamic processes taking place at the level of each individual molecule. The time of translation-rotational movements of water molecules is known to constitute 1.5 ps (6.66·1011 Hz) (McGuire and Shen, 2006). Apparently, the open-work structure needed for molecules to be mobile, and the near order in allocation of molecules have resulted from the primary impact of the high-frequency vortical solar radiation on the formation of molecular structures fit for collective motion of molecules in liquids and especially in water. Here we have to confine ourselves to an establishment of already known results and regulations supplemented with logically needed bonding elements with a hope to publish results of respective model constructions and calculations. This explanation, apparently, will not be superfluous in connection with the proposed model presentation of the SVF structure. The black-white image limits markedly the possibility to imagine the features of the structure of the SSVR field and its propagation in space. The emphasis should be placed on a change of direction of rotation of the spin polarization vector taking place in a half-period of the frequency of the modulating signal. Thus the repeated reversal of the direction of rotation of the vortex field spin polarization vector was apparently, the constantly functioning structuring factor in the SSVR field — substance interaction over the period of the origin, development, and existence of the Solar system.

As Koliasnikov (1997) supposes, the initial structural elements of water are left and right tetramers (four molecules combined into a compact tetrahedron) whose external bonds make it possible to equiprobably form both right- and left-spiral sequences (chains). Indeed, in the non-living nature with equal probability can be observed both right- and left-spiral molecules. But in the living nature, in biological tissues and structures, only either left- or right-spiral formations are observed. Apparently, in initial biostructures there are respective features of asymmetry which permit to perceive either left- or right turns of the vectors of the SSVR spin polarization. Note should be taken that only the water consisting of right-spiral tetramers beneficially affects the living organisms, and the left-spiral water is considered biologically low active.

Interaction of the SSVR with water like with any substance is not confined to the molecular and macro-level (Table 4.1). Also, it takes place at the nuclear and electron-atomic levels. The result of the impact at a nuclear level, that is, when the SSVR directly influences the hydrogen atoms in water molecules, manifests itself through formation (existence) of the ortho- and para-spin isomers of water which remain after their division on a special setting only at a very low-temperature freezing (0.1 K). Under normal environmental conditions the content of ortho-isomers in water exceeds 3 times the content of para-isomers. The basic difference between these isomers constitutes in the coordinated (parallel) or anti-parallel (para-isomers) orientation of nuclear spins of H2 in water molecules. Nuclei of the nuclear-polarized molecules (ortho-water) have anisotropic properties (nucleus’ form deformation) and other features. Division of water molecules into ortho- and para-isomers is apparently connected with the presence in individual H2 of differences in orientation parameters f1 and f2 by their relation to left and right direction of rotation of the vector of SSVR spin-polarization.

Quite another effect of the SSVR impact was found out for the nuclei of heavy elements and their unstable isotopes. It has been shown in some studies that changes in the rate of nuclear decay of such elements depend on intensity of the solar activity processes (Shnoll, 1998, 2001). The author (GAN) could detect a direct connection of variations of Ce-144 decay (0.1–0.2%) with passing of two active regions (April, 20–23, 1994) across the central part of the Sun disc. There is no doubt that in these phenomena the SSV field plays the main role of destructive factor, shaking and breaking the intra-nuclear bonds.

Today the SSVR and ocean are of paramount importance

After a short excursus to SSVR impacts on the nuclei of unstable elements, we return to the main object of SSVR impacts on our planet — water, and concentrate on the energy aspect of its significance for successful development of the terrestrial civilization.

Indeed, in connection with the omnipresence of water and its huge supplies on the Earth’s surface (~1.43·109 km3), in the lithosphere (~0.8·109 km3), and in the atmosphere (~1.4·104 km3), water with its high absorptance of EMR and SSVR, high heat capacity, and its disposition towards microphysical transformation, is the centre of the global heat energy, and enormous heat setter functioning for preservation of the Earth’s energy balance at its close contact with space. However, during the last several decades the ERB has acquired the positive sign and positive trend (Hansen et al, 2005; Kondratyev and Krapivin, 2006), which is supposedly connected with the greenhouse effect in the atmosphere and accumulation of thermal energy in the water thickness of the World Ocean. Analysis of the SST maps and a 200-m subsurface layer of the Pacific Ocean for different years, map of variations of the height of the World Ocean level in different regions, testifies to a continuous accumulation of heat energy and an abrupt intensification of its global polar transport (from tropical to high latitudes). Since this transport is largely hidden from objectives of the space-borne radiometers by surface currents, the scale of this process is inadequately considered both in climate-dynamics models and in calculations of ERB changes from measured variations of the ERB components. But the effect of the polar transport is manifested through the growth of the rate of melting of the glaciers of the Antarctic and Greenland during the last years. Maximum rates of glaciers melting are characteristic of the Antarctic, since it is surrounded by the World Ocean, and the polar transport of heat is directed at it from three gigantic oceans: Pacific, Indian, and Atlantic. Possibly, low rates of the deep outflow of heated water masses from the western equatorial Pacific, that is, a comparatively slow polar transport leads to an additional, western-eastern surface transport of the overheated water masses, which is part of the El Nino event. Apparently, there is a connection between the beginning of an appearance of positive annual mean ERB values and the beginning of the quasi-periodic occurrence of El Nino.

Noting the major role of the ocean as an inexhaustible (constantly renewable) reservoir of the ecologically pure energy, we can also consider the ocean as a reservoir of thermal energy, which is constantly renewed due to absorption of part of the SSVR flux in its thickness. Also, it is necessary to mention the Earth’s thickness where the same SSVR flux leaves more than half the power resources both in the daylight and at night, heating the mantle and the core of the Earth. But to day the ocean is more important to us as the most receptive medium, an active and efficient transformer of SSVR into the vortical motion of water and air masses of different scales. Looking at the globe and especially at the Southern Hemisphere, we find out a strange fact that the SH oceans (and also the NH ones but not that efficiently) provide an appearance of vast and mysterious images of our century — pictograms or “crop circles” (Figs. 4.6 through 4.8).

It turns out that the thickness of multi-km water masses of the southern region of the Pacific Ocean plays the role of energetic and “optical” filters for the SSVR beams sent by the “southern” Sun and entering the ocean, for instance, in the region of the Antipodal islands (near New Zealand). Oddly enough but salt water reflects the vortical radiation in the same sine as light. As a result of joint efforts of the ocean and solid spherical shell of the Earth core — lithosphere, on the opposite side of the globe, in the vast fields of English farmers appear (of course, only at night) perfectly made, geometrically accurate and never repeating images — exact reflections of physical processes of the transport and transformation of the vortical radiation both in the ocean and in the lithosphere.

Crop circles (pictograms)

Phenomena known as “crop circles”, “graffiti” and “pictograms” are very spectacular for the analysis of focused SVR structures, and at the same time very attractive. These phenomena are based on geometrically precise pictures of various figures, which mainly consist of combinations of circles, rings, circumferences and spirals of different scales. It is a known fact [Pringle L. (2002)] that multi-meter images over the “canvas” of wheat, rye, barley, and etc. fields appear at night only, during 5–20-sec intervals. In most cases, the circles are filled with spirally located prostrate plants; it is interesting to note that the plants took this position not momentarily, during a single rotation of the angular moment vector of the force field, but during 2–5 such rotations. Another and apparently original feature of the position of the prostrate plants is their alternating direction corresponding to every consecutive rotation of the angular moment vector of the SVR field. To illustrate the diversity, originality and geometric accuracy of pictogram building, we limit ourselves to three photographs out of many thousands of photographs accumulated during the last 30 years. The elegant pattern of the first photograph, when observed thoroughly, lets one make sure visually of the consecutively changing direction of rotation of the spin-polarization vector of the orbital angular moment of the spirally vortical field (SVF) (see Fig. 4.6, photo No.1 — “the bowl”).

“Bowl” pictogram
Fig.4.6. A photograph of one of the most beautiful “Bowl” pictograms is presented. A soliton, coming out of the lithospheric depth, carries 22 wave fronts, altering their direction of rotation by 180° every half-period of the spin polarization. It is amazing how geometrically precise are the figure on the whole and its individual elements, taking into account the impressive size of the figure (its cross-section is 120 m). The scale of the pictogram can easily be assessed judging by human figures inside the central spot and on the outer ring. Nature managed to “locate and portray” an area with intact (standing) wheat, that one has the impression of an amphitheatre with an arena situated much lower than the surrounding field. All the light areas of the pictogram are relevant to regions of horizontally placed (in several layers) and accurately interlaced wheat stems. The crop fields are cultivated in Britain with the help of special tractors with high seats, which move carefully along chosen tracks.

Besides, the pictogram was obviously formed during two passages of twenty two phase fronts of the orbital angular moment of SVF through the plane of the earth's surface and crops, with a very slow axial rotation of polarization vectors (one of which was right-hand-rotating, and the next one — left-hand-rotating), apparently, only due to the translation motion of the soliton upwards from under the earth. This means that in our case vectors shifted by 180° form the SVR spin polarization. The second photograph (Fig. 4.7) shows a pictogram formed by a large-scale SVF soliton with perfectly different parameters and structure of the force field. There, on six quasi-immobile phase fronts of the orbital moment, practically identical chains of tubular SVF structures of various calibers are located, which are filled with a lowly rotating field piling the crops into accurate layers in circles of various diameters.

Pictogram, which has been formed on a crop “sheet” in Britain by a vortical soliton coming out of the earth's interior

Fig.4.7. A photograph of a delicate pictogram is presented, which has been formed on a crop “sheet” in Britain by a vortical soliton coming out of the earth's interior. In this case, the soliton structure contains six wave fronts formed by a lot of different-size vortical tubes (little solitons).

The high-frequency carrier of the SVR field in a tube (~1011 Hz) instantly heats a small zone in the lower part of wheat stems, which simultaneously get bent and twisted. In the tubes, the frequency of rotation of the spin polarization vector is apparently ~0.5 Hz. The change in the twisting direction by 180° occurs every half a spin polarization of the SVR field. The turning of the circles do not acquire an ellipsoidal shape. The third photograph (Fig. 4.8) presents a general view of a trivial size circle with rows of ears stacked at night. The observers present in the field are busy with measuring the superfluous infrared radiation (IR) of the soil inside and on the outside circle.

Blow-up of a field region
Fig.4.8. The figure shows a blow-up of a field region where during the previous night there was an outcome of a typical vortical soliton, whose external ring had a cross-section over 30 m. On the central circle area one can clearly see the spirally vortical structure of the arrangement of plants; their upper layer is twisted counter-clockwise. The employees of the Ministry for Extremal Situations are in the process of measuring thermal radiation at the point of the soliton appearance, comparing it with the thermal emission of the soil in the adjacent regions of the field.

The precision of the formation of pictograms indicates, above all, the high quality of focusing, i.e. the high efficiency of the lithosphere as a transferring medium for SVRS with wavelengths 0.3–3 mm. The great diversity of pictograms is apparently due to the many-sided forms of the structures of SVR sources, partly visualized upon the Sun's surface as magnetic structures, with imposition of the dynamics of the movements of the sources in the photosphere, and relative displacements of the Earth and the Sun during the flight time of SVRS from the source to the pictogram location. But nevertheless, main argument in a variety of pictograms, apparently, is the quantity and arrangement of spiral wave fronts of SVF (see. Fig. 4.6 and Fig. 4.7), arisen at passage of him crystal structures lithosphere, which are located near to output of focal volume on surface of geoids.

During the recent years, in England, where about 80% of cases of crop circles were registered, the observers mark the appearance of luminous discs and spherical formations, which are forerunners if not the causes of the appearance of figures. In reality, the luminous formations are only the subsequent phase of the process of the SVR soliton outcome from the lithosphere. During the first phase, preceding the ionization of the air volume over the circle, the impact of the vortical field (with the carrier frequency of the order of 1011 Hz) takes place upon the structures of the lower part of the ear stems, which lose their rigidity for tenths of a second, which is followed by plants falling prostrate, in accordance with the left- or right-hand direction of rotation of the angular moment vector of the SVR field. The change of the rotation direction occurs periodically with frequencies ranging from the shares of 1 Hz to a few dozens of Hz, representing the frequencies of the spin polarization of the spiron.

It follows from the IR-radiometer readings (used by well-equipped observers) that the outcome of the wave soliton is accompanied by the appearance of the IR radiation emission not only from the area of the circle formed in their presence, but also from the adjacent regions of the field surface. These circumstances indicate that a broad after product of the SVR soliton comes out, at the gradually decreasing field intensity. In the surface soil layer, preserving a sufficient moisture reserve, apart from its heating by a high-frequency field, a deep fragmentation of the initial soil structures and the sub-soil layer takes place, also accompanied by the release of thermal energy.

Quite important is evidence about sound effects accompanying the soliton outcome and registered not by acoustic instruments but by the observers themselves, who reported that they heard some low-tone sounds inside their heads. There is an interesting evidence of a person with imperfect hearing, who lived near a mobile communication center and sometimes could hear phone talks in the GHz carrier frequency range of electromagnetic wavelengths (EMR) in the absence of any kind of instrumentation. The examples presented above seem reliable because, both in the cases of SVRS and EMR, microwave radiation certainly penetrates the human brain, and the low-frequency modulated signal is detected there.

In a Figs. 6–8 the photo images of some pictograms demonstrating complexity and originality of structural plans are submitted the great artist on a name a Nature (and SSVR).

Any more about of the water

Coming back directly to water, to its microphysics, we shall remind, that its physical properties essentially differ from properties of compounds of homological number of a molecule of hydrogen. On Fig. 4.5 the dependence of temperatures of boiling and melting hydrides of elements of VI group of the Mendeleev's table is submitted. Metamorphosis of water properties, in comparison with properties of compounds — analogues, does not give in to a physical explanation without attraction some, constantly working on a water molecule of external forces (fields), which translate everyone a primordial molecule in a highly mobile status and, support it in this status the indefinitely large time, that is, is continuous and is constant. There is a question, valid, of what circumstances temperature of a point of freezing has risen on 90°, and temperature of boiling of water has moved on 170° C upwards on a thermodynamic scale? However answer like is obvious: only increase of frequency of vibration-rotation movements is capable to lift a level of molecular power-armed of water, it is essential to lift constants of vaporization heat, latent melting heat, specific heat capacity and number others, up to is abnormal of high values, in times of an exceeding constant close on chemical composition and structure of substances. The experimental value of time of translation-rotation moving of molecules of water making 1.5 ps (6.66·1011 Hz) was above given. The time of stay of a molecule in structure this or that associate is estimated already in fs (10–15 s). Thus, is found out, that water has over high dynamical structure, for continuous which power support in geosphere there should be a force field of torsion with frequencies ~1016 Hz. Functions of such field can and should carry out, found out and identified by us, spirally vortical field, which quanta (spirons) are emission with speed 1044 s-1 by high-excited nucleuses of atoms of isotopes of carbon and iron which is taking place in a nucleus of the Sun.

We connect the most part of scale changes in environments with intensification of flows SSVR during cycles of solar activity shown in amplification of spirality at all structural levels of these environments. In water environment the growth spirality, as well as in an atmosphere, conducts to reduction of speeds of the ordered currents that is decrease of speed of mass transportation but to local concentration of kinetic energy, to broadening of heat currents and increase of capacity of cyclic processes.

The biosphere in the iron fist of SSVR

Our daytime star has been illuminating with its life-giving rays and warming the Earth for many millions of years; however, it has also been sending us flows of hard quantum of electromagnetic radiation (gamma-, X-ray-, and ultraviolet), as well as fluxes of high-energy particles (electrons, protons and neutrons) which are not at all favorable for the biosphere. But Nature took care of the biosphere, and us and formed around the Earth several protective envelopes, the most important of which are the magnetosphere, ionosphere, ozonosphere and troposphere. These protect reliably enough the biosphere from hard solar radiation (see Fig. 4.1). However, if a supernova star appears not very far away or a “white” 4-B flare happens in the geo-effective position on the Sun, the biosphere “population” will be more or less reduced. Fortunately, the probability of such events is extremely low.

But now we know that there is another unfavorable circumstance for biological communities, also relevant to the Sun: the spirally vortical solar radiation (not known until recently but supposed by some seer-researchers), which is deflected and refracted in the lithosphere thickness and consequently “focused” on the surface of the nocturnal side of the globe.

As has been mentioned above, the energy involved within the focal volume can be estimated according to SSVR impacts upon objects, which happened to be in the focus, or from the luminescence of the air contained in its volume, because a considerable part of the collected energy is expended on the excitation of luminescence. Our estimate of specific energy in a luminous volume is 15 J·cm-3. The influence of an SVR flow with such energy upon the dry substance of vegetative origin can lead to its inflammation (if exposed during 3 sec). So one can see that the impact of focused SSVR on biological and even technological objects is fraught with catastrophic consequences.

On the diurnal side of the Earth, the illumination of biosphere objects by even a collimated SVRS beam is an event which is multiply realized throughout millions of years; evidently, it is not a catastrophic event but its effect is depressive. Since the SSVR wavelength spectrum is in the millimeter range and the basic energy impact takes place at the transmission of the angular and orbital momentums, the affected objects, first of all, appear to be “light” and asymmetric structural elements of biological objects (and, of course, of the atmosphere and hydrosphere), i.e. the molecules of water.

As has been noted, the influence of SSVR upon any macro-object, including a biological one, starts with micro-levels and is transferred, after synchronization of most homogeneous micro-objects, over the entire macro-object (which can be a living creature as a whole or its individual systems or organs). In a human, the following organs are, above all, subjected to the impact of SSVR: the circulatory and lymphatic systems, the brain, eyes, the nervous system and the internal secretion organs. But haematogenic organs and joints remain intact. Therefore, one can state that SVR as well as and microwave electromagnetic fields affect most of all those systems and organs, in whose functional processes water molecules take part being, to some extent, in the unbound phase.

The influence of SVR on the biosphere has been continuing for millions of years, and apparently the biosphere has been developing being dependent on water modified by solar spirally vortical radiation (with anomalous physic-chemical properties). That is why healthy organisms endure the influence of SVR, coming directly from the Sun (i.e. on the diurnal side of the Earth), without any noticeable reactions, even during explosive processes on the Sun. However, for humans suffering from arterioscleroses, chronic diseases or acute infections, nervous or brain disturbances, an abrupt impact of SSVR can have tragic consequences.

But really fatal consequences can result from focused SSVR fields coming out of the Earth's interior in the early morning (3 to 8 a.m.), if a collimated SSVR flow from an active area or a coronal hole situated in a geo-active position come onto the illuminated antipode part of the globe (Fig. 4.1). These early morning hours are characteristic of maximum amounts of lethal cases resulting from the above-described diseases and disturbances.

SVR fields are not perceived directly by human organs of sense, but are felt indirectly, as a result of their influence on the internal organs, in the form of dizziness, head-ache, nausea, sudden weakness, etc. Researchers who collected specimens of vegetation and soil 24 hrs after the outcome of focused SVR beams (crop circles) had such complaints. An elderly researcher, who investigated a crop circle, lost capacity for work for two days because of several symptoms, such as a heavy head, a slowed flow of thought and a loss of concentration; the symptoms are characteristic for a strong poisoning.

In the consideration of biological and physiological effects of solar emissions, one should also take into account potential simultaneous influence of geomagnetic and meteorological factors; according to statistical data, these factors have a specific effect on the human organism; however, their influence is certainly inferior to that of the impact of SSVR.

Cosmological aspects: antigravitation, dark energy and dark matter

Since all stars are capable of emitting some amount of SVR, one of the most important conclusions is that in the Universe there is an antigravitational effect of vortex radiation (extrusion) upon matter masses around the stars, together with the stellar wind driven away by spirally vortical field (SVF). Consideration of contemporary problems of cosmology, viz. of the abstract “dark energy”, leads to the idea that its role belongs to the above-described SVF. In fact, SVR apparently propagates from stellar sources uniformly over the entire Universe, playing the role of quasi-antigravitation concerning masses it comes across on the way of its spreading (the sweeping effect).

The term ”dark energy” (DE) is naturally related to SVR because SVR has been concealed from science under various names (e.g., Z is the Chizhevsky radiation (1995), the Gurvich “bio-field” (1944); N is the Blondlo radiation (1903), etc.) in the absence of any detectors of vortical radiation. However, one finds out that the “dark energy” has no definite form because several versions of this kind of energy are considered. Cosmologists put forward two especially different forms of DE, one of which is characteristic of an increasing negative energy as DE moves into the depths of outer space, and the other — of a decreasing one. The last version of DE, named “quintessence” resembles SVR.

As was already mentioned above, the effects of interaction of spirally vortical radiation with a matter should be shown at astrolevels most scale and visible, as the quanta of radiation (spirons) emitting by the majority of stars of the Universe with speeds  1044 quanta · s-1 and, filling the Universe, predetermine prevailing of antigravitational-gravitational processes above other, that is shown as unique spirally vortical formations, their congestions and groups. Really, the presence at everyone, let out vortical quanta of final mass and energy and, pulse, directed on radius, determines an all-round orientation of their distribution, that is as a matter of fact them quasi-antigravitation, working as the general expanding factor. But, as, attached of spiron at birth the energy is final and is spent at everyone even its elementary interaction with elements of substance, hence, contrary to the widely widespread now hypothesis, the expansion of the Universe proceeds, but without what or superfluous acceleration, and faster even, with some delay. Having spent all stock of energy of a pulse and moment of a pulse, spirons turn to primary elements of a dark matter filling all Universe. “Cold” spirons (2.73 K) cooperate only with galactic gravitational fields assembling them in clouds and further in spiral formations. In a similar way there is a transformation of star substance to a dark matter, which subsequently can participate during creation of the following generation of stars, galaxies and their associations.

In a formal reflection, the spirally vortical field can be presented as a cosmological constant Λ (lambda), introduced by A. Einstein into the General Relativity Theory equations in 1917. However, in 1929 he decided it was a great mistake. But today we should probably assume that Einstein was wrong in 1929, but it was not a great mistake on his part but rather a delusion.

Instead of the conclusion

At increase of distance of an arrangement of bioobject from the Earth (the Sun), the intensity of spirally vortical radiation responsible for speed of rotation of molecules of water is reduced proportionally to square of distance that entails change physical parameters, both water, and water-sated biostructures, for example, in lymph, blood, licuor, and in fabrics of the man, animals and plants. Change of intensity osmosis of these liquids in cell and fabrics and, certainly, reduction of speed of an exchange of ions between blood calf and cells first of all is possible. For example, if at distance of the space ship (SS) from the Earth (the Sun) on its ways there is in those or other forms a substance; at interaction with it the carrying frequency of quantum of spirally vortical radiation is reduced, that even more aggravates the mentioned consequences.

By preparation of flights manned SS on Mars it is necessary beforehand to investigate a degree of influence of distance and presence of substance on ways SS on the vital status of space man. The protection against influence of these factors does not exist; therefore it is possible already now to put forward the assumption, that distant space can be mastered only by electronic-mechanical devices, instead of a cosmonaut, animals or biorobots.

We connect most of large-scale changes in natural media with an intensification of SSVR fluxes in the cycles of solar activity manifesting through an increased vorticity at all structural levels of these media. In the water medium, an increase of vorticity, like in the atmosphere, leads to a decrease of the rates of regulated currents, that is, decrease of the rate of mass transport but to local concentrations of kinetic energy, to broadening of heat fluxes and to an increase of the power of cyclic processes.

The song about SSVR has no the end, as well as it influences on all kinds of a matter.


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