10 января 2022

The Pern Encyclopedia - D

D1: abbreviation used for the first volume in the Dragonriders of Pern series: Dragonflight.
D2: abbreviation used for the second volume in the Dragonriders of Pern series: Dragonquest.
D3: abbreviation used for the third volume in the Dragonriders of Pern series: The White Dragon.
Dag: a herdsman and runner(beast) handler at Ruatha Hold [Mor].

The picture on the right is (part of) a portrait artist Robin Wood made for The People of Pern (1988), the wonderful book with portraits of Pernese people by the same artist.

[Illustration used with permission. © Robin Wood 1988]

Dakin: a miner at Camp Natalon in Crom Hold. Son of Danil, oldest brother of Kindan. Dakin was killed in a cave in (mining accident) [DK].
Dalma: trader in the Sev Ritecamp train [MHoP].
Dalor: apprentice miner at Camp Natalon in Crom Hold. Son of Natalon and Jenella and twin of Nuella. Dalor is nearly the same age as Zenor [DK, Dfire].
Dalova of Igen Weyr: rider of queen Allaneth. Weyrwoman at Igen Weyr [Mor]. In the Dragondexes (not in the book itself) of both the US and UK mmp and (trade) paperback editions of Moreta, Dalova's queen is mistakenly called Perforth, a dragon who doesn't even exist according to the lists in the second edition of the Dragonlover's Guide to Pern [DLG2].
  • Toss dance: [Mor].
  • Two step: there is a slow and a brisk version [RSR/14:343].

Danenth: bronze dragon, rider B'neil, stationed at High Reaches Weyr [Dfire].
Dangel: one of the sons of Lord Leef of Ruatha Hold, brother of Alessan [Mor].
Danil: a miner at Camp Natalon in Crom Hold. Danil's wife died when giving birth to Kindan. He is father of eight boys and one girl and shift leader at Camp Natalon. He was killed (broke his neck) in a cave in (mining accident) [DK, Dfire].
Danja: a violinist at College. Her violin was very old and one of the relics from Landing days. This probably means it was brought to Pern by one of the colonists since it is highly unlikely that it was made on Pern during the first years after Landing [RSR/2:69]. Jemmy was one of her favorite pupils and she was his staunchest champion [RSR/2:71].
Danja is possibly named after Tania Opland, one of the persons that was involved in making the Masterharper of Pern CD.

Dannell: a candidate at Benden Weyr. He came from a minehold at Bitra Minehall [Mor].
Dar: a dolphin of the Moncobay pod [DoP/3:60; 4:83].
Dar, Eba: see Eba Dar.
Dara: a woman at Camp Natalon in Crom Hold. Wife of Tarik. Mother of Cristov. She had not been well since her spouse Tarik was shunned and made nameless, it is said she died of shame (she probably comitted suicide) [DK].
Daraidh Ni Morgana: lieutenant science officer on the Amherst [CoP-Survey].
Darel: son of the Lord Holder of Lemos, blooded to the Hold's watchwher Lemosk whom he handles together with his sister Erla [DK].
Dart: a dolphin [CoP-DB].
Dasha Chernoff: a worker at Bitkim Island [DD].
Dask: mining camp's watchwher at Camp Natalon in Crom Hold. Bonded to Danil. Dask died of ichor loss and exhaustion when trying to save a group of miners, his handler Danil among them, after a cave in (ming accident) [DK, Dfire].
David Caterel: rider of bronze Polenth, one of the first eighteen dragonriders. Later called D'vid. First stationed at Fort Weyr, later at Benden Weyr of which he was a co-founder [DD; CoP/SW]. During the Ninth Pass there still was a dragonrider at Benden Weyr called C'tarel, who got Threadscored in the last Fall before Menolly arrived at Benden Weyr from Half-Circle Sea Hold [H1/10:138]. The special thing about this  is that Anne wrote Dragonsong over ten  years prior to Dragonsdawn, in which David Caterel appears for the first time.
David Jacobsen: enigineer at newly founded Ruatha [CoP-FoRH].
Dawn Sisters: originally believed to be a trio of starts visible from Pern. It was discovered later that these were the three spaceships in which the colonists came to Pern. Also the name of a fishing vessel captained by Masterfisherman Idarolan [DoP].
Day Sisters: an alternate name for the Dawn Sisters. See Dawn Sisters.
D'clan: rider of brown Pranith [AtWoP].
DD: abbreviation used for the book Dragonsdawn.
DE: abbreviation used for the book Dragon's Eye, published in the UK as Red Star Rising : The Second Chronicles of Pern (abbreviation: RSR). In the Pern Encyclopedia the abbreviation RSR is used, since it was this Corgi edition that was used in note taking.
D.E.: notation used by the EEC survey team that visited Pern, to indicate a "dead end" planet. On this tour, the target planet of the fourth system was designated a D.E. [CoP-Survey/1:4]. It seems to be applied to planets which no longer have (or never had) life forms. See also System number four, Flora Asturias.
de Broglie, Maurice: see Maurice de Broglie.
de Broglie, Patrice: see Patrice de Broglie.
de Courci, Pierre: see Pierre de Courci.
de Poel, Corte: see Corte de Poel.
Deadglow: a numbskull, stupid. The term is derived from glow.
Debera: one of the major characters in Red Star Rising/Dragonseye. Rider of green Morath, stationed at Telgar Weyr, daughter of Lavel and Milla, stepdaughter of Gisa. Nicknamed Deb or Deb'ra. Debera became the lover of the Artist Iantine (another major character in RSR/DE). She had a most womanly body, a fine complexion, long and curling bronze-colored hair and green eyes [RSR/3:103-104]. According to Master Trader Jol Liliencamp she looked much like her mother [RSR/8:213]. Debera originated from Balan Hold and had three half sisters, with which she shared a room, and several full brothers [RSR/4:109]. She loved horsebackriding [RSR/4:111]. She had been lonely and lacking in love ever since her mother had died and her oldest full brother had left the family Hold. Impressing Morath remedied this situation [RSR/5:129]. Debera Impresses Morath at the Telgar Weyr Hatching of autumn 257. Her father objected on the grounds that a union was already arranged for her (with Ganmar). He had even planned to keep her at home, even though Debera was Searched and he had received a letter inviting her to attend the Hatching as a candidate. Though she had the right to come he never even showed her the letter. He tried to prevent Impression physically and was wounded by Morath [RSR/3:92-93].
Declan: a candidate at Fort Weyr [Mor].
Deckter of Nabol, Lord: Lord Holder of Nabol Hold, successor of Lord Meron of Nabol. Originally a carterer [H3].
Deece: a Journeyman Harper at Harper Hall [H3].
Deefer: warden at Ruatha Hold [Mor].
Deegan: an apprentice archivist at Landing [AtWoP].
Deelan: milk mother of Jaxom at Ruatha Hold and mother of Dorse, Jaxom's milkbrother. Deelan is the notherly sort, fussy, plump and good-natured, but not overly blessed with intelligence. She has common sense regarding everyday matters but does not look much beyond the present. She is sincerely devoted to her milkson and thus also fosters her own son's dislike of Jaxom. This manifested itself in petty outbursts and wrangles when the boys were younger, and often subtle subversions as they became older and Dorse realized the gap between their stations and abilities. [D3; Wood-PoP:26].

The picture on the right is (part of) a portrait artist Robin Wood made for The People of Pern (1988), the wonderful book with portraits of Pernese people by the same artist.

[Illustration used with permission. © Robin Wood 1988]

Delfi: a dolphin in the Kahrain waters [DoP].
Delky: a pony at Paradise River Hold, ridden by Readis when he ran away from home [DoP].
Delth: blue dragon, rider D'linner, one of the youngest riders at High Reaches; member of D'vin's wing [Dfire].
Dena Andiyar (Telgar): daughter of Tarvi Andiyar and Sallah Telgar. Known as Dena Telgar after her mother's heroic death [DD].
Denol: a worker at Southern Boll. He later lead a group of people that claimed Toric's island [DoP; AtWoP].
Derabal: born Telgar area 2472/2473 (34 Turns old in 2507) [RoP/prologue:15], a Telgar holder. Lord Larad of Telgar Hold tried to carry out the arrangement of her marriage between his sister Thella and Derabal, which had already been planned and agreed upon by the deceased Lord Tarathel [RoP/prologue:15-17]. Thella refused to marry Derabal, calling him "a niggardly, foul-mouthed, snaggle-toothed, senile old man". She also remarked that he was "a minor holder, not even a Lord". In relation to this last remark her brother Larad remarks that Derabal "holds an impressive spread from river to mountain" [RoP/prologue:16]. Derabal later married (probably at Telgar Hold) 2512 a younger, unnamed half-sister of Larad and Thella.
Dermently: a Journeyman Harper (archivist) at Harper Hall [H2/11:230, 232-233]. He was posted to Telgar Smithcrafthall, to assist Starsmith Wansor because he had the finest hand in drafting [H2/11:238].
Desdra: Journeywoman Healer at Fort Hold [Mor; BB].

The picture on the right is (part of) a portrait artist Robin Wood made for The People of Pern (1988), the wonderful book with portraits of Pernese people by the same artist.

[Illustration used with permission. © Robin Wood 1988]

Desi Arthied: colonist, commissary and supercargo/cargomaster of the Yokohama. He was Joel Lilienkamp's second-in-command. Father of Ali Arthied. [DD; CoP-DB].
Destry: holder's son at Waterhole Hold. Thaniel's fourth child. He is the dreamer among Thaniel's kids and aims at Beast Master training [BB].
Deterrents, chemical: See Chemical deterrents.
Dextra: a runner(beast) [Mor].
D'fio: rider of brown Drenth, stationed at Ista Weyr [D3].
D'gan: rider of a bronze ... Weyrleader of Telgar Weyr. D'gan is the Weyrleader who refused transport to Zist, Natalon and Kindan to Fort Hold when they needed to go there to see if it was possible to trade for a new watchwher for Camp Natalon. Has high airs and doesn't like watch-whers and their handlers. He got it in his mind that watch-wher' ate him out of Igen Weyr which he was forced to leave (because there were no moer queen dragons). He moved to Telgar where he soon became Weyrleader. Totally obsessed with the purpose of the dragonriders of Pern, fighting Thread, too much so in fact that he is not above putting the shunned to work at the dangerous job of mining the old type of firestone. He doesn't really care who mines firestone and is prepared to grab anybody (and pretend they're Shunned) as long as the job is done, working both children and adults relentlessly... [DK, Dfire].
Diagram of orbits: a diagram of orbits of the planets and start in Pern's skies was still being kept at College at the start of the Second Pass [RSR/1:45].
Diamonds: various sorts are known on Pern. Most famous are the black Istan diamonds [RSR/1:25]. See also Black diamonds.
Diatis of Tillek, Lord: Lord Holder of Tillek Hold [Mor].
Dieter Clissmann: colonist, a computer specialist, lived at Jordan Hold prior to the Second Crossing [DD]. Ancestor of Clisser, who was Head of College at the end of the First Interval/start of the Second Pass [RSR].
Digital pad: see Calculator, electronic.
Dik: a dolphin swimming the Eastern waters [DoP/5:99].
Dilenth: blue dragon, rider F'duril [Mor].
Dimnal: a runner(beast) [Mor].
Dinghy: a Terran and Pernese name for any type of small rowing boat [DoP/1:11].
Dino Moreno: [DD].
Diona: rider of queen Kilanath. Junior weyrwoman at High Reaches Weyr [Mor].
Direct flight: direct flight means a flight without going between.
Dirzan: a harper, Journeyman Drummer at Harper Hall under Master Olodkey [H3].
Disana: Lady Holder of Far Cry Hold [RoP].
Disaster Saga's, the: [D1/86].
  • Measles: all four children of Lord Chalkin of Bitra had measles in the Winter of 257 [RSR/5:153].
  • Mountain fever: a lung infection of which Iantine suffered after fleeing Bitra Hold. It is possible to be a carrier of this disease without being ill, as the woodsman who passed the sickness to Iantine was [RSR/6:172].
  • Winter fever: many people were killed by this fever in an occurrence at the end of the First Interval [RSR/3:89].

DLG1: abbreviation used for the first edition of the book The Dragonlover's Guide to Pern.
DLG2: abbreviation used for the second, revised edition of the book The Dragonlover's Guide to Pern. This revised edtion has 82 pages more than the first edition and has extra chapters (and many extra sections) called: The End of Thread, Life After Thread, Dolphineers, New Life for the Dragons and lists of dragons and riders as well as a relatively complete overall cast list. Although the lists suffer many (minor) omissions they are useful.
D'linner: rider of blue Delth, one of the youngest riders at High Reaches; member of D'vin's wing. Took part in the individual trials at the All Weyr Games at Crom Hold in 495 but was disqualified after missing a training "Thread" (rope) [Dfire].
D'ltan: a weyrling at Fort Weyr [Mor].
D'miel of Ista: rider of bronze Ronelth. Weyrleader of Ista at the start of the Second Pass [RSR/16:382].
D'nek: rider of bronze Zagenth, stationed at Fort Weyr, probably a Wingleader there. Ever since he was Threaded his Weyrwoman Mardra fought Thread (probably leading D'nek's wing), using a flamthrower at an upper level [D2/68].
D'nol: rider of bronze Valenth. Wingleader at Benden under Weyrleaders R'gul and F'lar [D1].
Dogs: brought to Pern by the colonists but never used as pets. Dogs were used mainly as spit-dogs (walking round in a contraption that makes the spit turn round) and probably as guard dogs. Dogs were later called Canines but in Dragon's Fire, set at the end of the Second Interval, the name dog is still used [Dfire].

See also Cats

Doll-fin(s): see Dolphinkind.
Dolphin(s): see Dolphinkind.
Dolphins' bell: [DoP/7, 39].
  • At Fort: [DoP/7].
  • At Monaco Bay: [DoP/3:58-59].

Dolphin Contract: [DoP/2]. Also called the Bargain by the dolphins [DoP/4:83].
Dolphin music: [DoP/3].
Dolphinkind: [DoP/3:48-56].
The bond between humans and dolphins had already disappeared well before the end of the First Interval. Lord Richud of Ista Hold was an ardent angler whom the dolphins often accompanied on his fishing trips. He claimed that the dolphins understood him but was not believed. Although people with knowledge of the records knew this phenomenon to be right there was no formal contact between the two species anymore. Fishermen did look out for them though and heeded their "warnings and recommendations" concerning currents [RSR/10:245].
  • Communication with: [DoP/3:55].
  • Great Gifts, the: The gifts given to dolphinkind by mankind are called the Great Gifts. The ability to speak is called the Greatest Gift. Other Great Gifts are History and Memory [DoP/4].

Domaize: one of the foremost portraitist on Pern and Master Artist at Hall Domaize, probably a somewhat older man who had to wear half-spectacles. [RSR/5:135, 136]. He had a reputation for letting his students deal with their own mistakes [RSR/5:135]. Master Domaize was the proud master of one of the Private Crafthalls on Pern. See also Hall Domaize.
Domick: Journeyman [MHoP], later Master Harper (composition) at Harper Hall [H2].

The picture on the right is (part of) a portrait artist Robin Wood made for The People of Pern (1988), the wonderful book with portraits of Pernese people by the same artist.

[Illustration used with permission. © Robin Wood 1988]

Donkin: singer (treble) at Harper Hall [MHoP].
DoP: abbreviation used for the book The Dolphins of Pern.
Doral: son of Lord Tolocamp and Lady Pendra of Fort, brother of Nerilka [NS].
Doris of Igen, Lady: Lady Holder of Igen Hold, spouse of Lord Laudey [RoP].
Dorse: milkbrother/foster brother of Jaxom. Son of Deelan, Jaxom's milkmother. Already when both the boys were young, Dorse felt a certain jealousy of Jaxom because of the gap between their stations and abilities. Perversely enough he also admires his foster brother as well as evying him. When push comes to shove Dorse is stoutly behind Jaxom. However, like his mother he's not overly blessed with intelligence and thus he was enticed by the agents of Lord Holder Toric of Southren Hold to go to Southern and settle there [Wood-Pop:26].

The picture on the right is (part of) a portrait artist Robin Wood made for The People of Pern (1988), the wonderful book with portraits of Pernese people by the same artist.

[Illustration used with permission. © Robin Wood 1988]

Dos Muhammed: plastician [DD].
Dowell: born app. 2470, Holder at Ruatha forest (under Lord Kale of Ruatha), forester, woodcrafter, wood joiner, carpenter and woodman [RoP-US/4]. He married app. 2494 (before 2495) Barla (a member of a side-branch of the Ruatha family). Children: Aramina, Pell and Nexa. Dowell was a short tempered man [GWHD/23].
After Lord Fax invaded and occupied Ruatha Hold, slaughtering all the members of the Blood, Dowell and Barla fled their hold (after having been visited by ten of Fax' men, one of whom had his eye on Barla) because they were afraid that it would be discovered that Barla was of the Ruatha Bloodline. In addition to that Dowell did not want to serve under Lord Fax and was rightfully afraid that the man would take an interest in his handsome wife. So Dowell made secret preparations for leaving Ruatha and hid the family wagon and the two dray beasts in a blind valley on the Tillek side of the mountain [GWHD/20]. They had been certain of a welcome elsewhere but there was none because the other Lord Holders did not wish to antagonize Lord Fax at the time [GWHD/19]. They were refused shelter in Tillek, where they got the advice to go further west [GWHD/20]. The news of Fax's death caught up with them just after Nexa was born (at Keroon Beasthold where Dowell was building stables). The family planned to return when Dowell had completed his bond (indenture or contract) with the mastercraftsmen at Keroon. More than a turn later, in 2508, they started the journey home but then Thread began to fall again [GWHD/21]. The family thought their daughter's ability to hear all dragons would see them safe on their journey across the Telgar Plains to Ruatha. Their elation was short lived because the dray beasts ran off during Threadfall and Dowell had to return to Keroon Beasthold on foot and hire out his skill for the next Turn to be able to buy another set of dray beasts to be able to pick up his family [GWHD/22-23]. A Turn later they started the journey again but a miscarriage and fever forced them to take refuge in the Igen Holdless caverns. Expediency and a number of misfortunes, all apparently designed to thwart their return to Ruatha and making Dowell's resolution falter, kept them there for almost two Turns [GWHD/18, 23]. Because of Dowell's skill with woods he was able to purchase (?) a separate alcove toward the rear of the great Igen cavern, which meant they had a place that was cooler in the blazing Igen summer and at other times warmer and sheltered from the winds [GWHD/18].
In the winter of 2519 the family (holdless for fourteen years by that time) left the Igen caverns for the ones at Lemos. Another advantage was that in Lemos there would be wood, so there would probably be more work for him there [GWHD/15]. Although the family was holdless they did own a smallish, hide covered, wagon that could house four people and that was drawn by two dray beasts. It was the same wagon that was made by Dowell himself when they were still living at Ruatha and it was meant for gather visits [GWHD/19]. Nine days later on their journey from Igen to Lemos, with Threadfall imminent, a cotter pin broke and a wheel from the wagon came loose [GWHD/26]. Somehow the blocks they used to prop up the wagon slipped and Dowell was pinned down under it, the blow rendering him unconscious. The dire situation made Aramina call out to any dragon in the vicinity [GWHD/30]. Heth and his rider K'van answered the distress call first [GWHD/31]. Together they got Dowell's body from under the cart [GWHD/33]. The day after the rescue from imminent Threadfall by K'van, T'gellan and Mirrim and their dragons they found shelter in a nearby cave, where the family was visited by K'van (who brought medicines for Dowell) and F'lar of Benden Weyr, who brought more dragonmen and guards from Lemos Hold under the command of their own Lord Asgenar, These were to chase and catch the holdless raiders that were pursuing Dowell's family [GWHD/45-46]. They left two guards with the family [GWHD/49].

See also Aramina.

  • Anatomy: [Just put this in for future use and remembrance when I hit a reference to head-knob on page RSR, page 272].
  • Eating habits: [D1/76-77]. During the first month of their lives they will eat six or seven times a day. After that they settle to three meals a day. By the end of the first Turn they eat a meal twice a week that they will catch themselves [RSR/4:114].
  • Eye colors:
    yellow: anxiety.
  • Eye ridges:
  • Eyes: the many facets are specifically handy when fighting Thread that comes down from all sides. An extra advantage being that the eyes even protrude out from the head [RSR/14:336].
  • First eighteen dragons/riders: [RSR/17:407].
  • Flaming: [D1/199].
  • Genetic engineering: by the start of the Second Pass nobody knew anymore who had done the genetic engineering [RSR/14:336].
  • Green dragons: were valuable for a Weyr for their speed and agility, even if they didn't have the stamina of the larger dragons. A careful wingleader alternated his green riders, resting each at least an hour during a Fall. In the earlier passes green dragons often Impressed female riders. Telgar Weyrleader K'vin’s study of fighting tactics at the end of the First Interval indicated that greens with male riders tended to be more volatile and apt to ignore orders in the excitement of a Fall [RSR/3:88]. See also: Records, sub Books, for a monograph on the advantages of female over male green riders. Concerning the maturing of green dragons Zulaya remarked about green dragons that were part of a tenth-month hatching would not be flying before the fourth-month of the next year [RSR/15:357].
  • Odor: dragon bodies give off a rich, pungent and not unpleasant odor [RSR/15:365].
  • Population: increases rather heavily (larger clutches) when a Pass is coming and the Weyrs start overproducing. There was no shortage of queen dragons in any Weyr just prior to the start of the Second Pass [RSR/3:87].
  • Preference for riders: most queen dragons seemed to prefer women from outside the Weyrs as their riders. Sometimes however a queen dragon chose a Weyrbred woman (e.g. Telgar Weyrwoman Zulaya who was Fort Weyrbred) [RSR/1:33-34].
  • Reproduction: [D1/182].
  • Size: at the end of the First Interval dragons still had not reached their design size. It was doubted by Telgar Weyrleader K'vin that they would in his lifetime. They were only larger than the first dragons by several hands [RSR/3:99].
  • Speech (mindspeech): A dragon can talk to anyone she/he wish to talk to. They talk to persons beside their riders for reasons of their own, which sometimes they do not discuss with their riders. Being talked to by a dragon while not being a its rider or not even a dragonrider at all was considered an immense compliment [RSR/14:336].
  • Transportation by: using the dragons for transportation was reduced to a minimum with the Second Pass coming up. A lot of people grumbled about this and some even had to learn to ride a runnerbeast (among them a lot of the teachers) because they previously had had no reason to do so [RSR/7:193].

Dragon messenger: a rider and dragon that performs the service of a messenger or provides transport for a Lord Holder or other person that needs transportation by dragon. This was a privilege granted the (major?) Holds, though during the Intervals Lord Holders usually started regarding it as a right. When a Hold had need of a dragon messenger they flew a red striped banner (also called urgent banner) [RSR/9:237].
Dragon tribute: [D1/64].
Dragonade: a battle of dragons with thread [D1/205].
Dragonet(s): name used both for fire-lizards, and more common (in later Passes at least) for young dragons (see also: fire-lizards). After Hatching the dragonets, and their new riders, are moved to the weyrling barracks. The main activity of a dragonet is eating and sleeping (they take several naps a day). They have to be bathed and oiled regularly.
  • Eating habits: dragonets eat six or seven times a day during the first month. After that they settle to a usual of three meals a day. By the end of the first year they eat a meal twice a week that they will catch themselves [RSR/4:114].
  • Training: important aspects of a training of dragonets as well as weyrlings are: site-recognition training and making long-range flights to build wing muscle [RSR/15:357].

Dragonlength: a measure.
Dragonman (-men):
Dragonrider: A person who has Impressed a dragon partner. During the first few centuries on Pern Hold people were usually glad to have a child (or children) chosen on Search and becoming dragonriders, because of the advantages of having a dragonrider in the family: the combination of the prestige accrued to the Bloodline as well as the availability of transport. There was also a more narrow minded group that disapproved of and had misconceptions about, especially, the sexual habits of dragonriders, which admittedly, were different from the majority of people on Pern, in order to accommodate their dragon's habits [RSR/3:96].
  • Availability of females for impression: just before and during the start of the second pass there were fewer and fewer girls available for impression (of mainly green dragons) or encouraged to stand on the Hatching Grounds. Parents were often more interested in applying for more land by setting up cotholds for married children. Being a dragonrider did not prevent girls from having children but it did prevent them from owning land. Grandchildren of dragonriders, even the Weyrborn, could claim land although they generally preferred to stay in the Weyr even if they did not impress [RSR/1:29-30].
  • Children of a dragonrider: dragonrider children are children with at least one dragonrider for a parent. Though the option was available, few Weyrbred dragonrider children, reaching puberty, left the Weyr for the grandparental holds even if they failed to impress [RSR/3:97].
  • Landownership by: just before and during the start of the second pass there were fewer and fewer girls available for impression (of mainly green dragons) or encouraged to stand on the Hatching Grounds. Parents were often more interested in applying for more land by setting up cotholds for married children. Being a dragonrider did not prevent girls from having children but it did prevent them, and their children, from owning land. Grandchildren of dragonriders, even the Weyrborn, could claim land although they generally preferred to stay in the Weyr even if they did not impress [RSR/1:29-30].

Dragonsong: First volume of the so called Harper Hall Trilogy, a subseries originally written for a juvenile audience within the series of the Dragonriders of Pern.
Dragonsong, the play: Matthew Hargreaves writes in his Anne McCaffrey bibliography: Over time, many of Anne's novels and some of the short stories have been optioned for film or play development. Several fan-orientated productions have occurred but were usually related to science fiction conventions. Anne mentioned one production of "The Smallest Dragonboy" staged at Milwaukee SF convention when she was Guest of Honor. Mention was also made of an Australian trio's production of "The Smallest Dragonboy". Apparently they took liberties with the story, Anne objected to this, and she never heard from them again. Two productions have been mounted that reaches the public at large. The section in the bibliography meant for this kind of production only holds three "titles": Dragonflight, Dragonsinger and Dragonsong. The first is a professional radio play, produced by the BBC in 1980. If anybody recorded this, I'd be VERY interested! The BBC says Dragonflight was not retained in their records and therefore it no longer exists. The next one is Dragonsinger, of which Michael Hargreaves had no details available when his bibliography of Anne was published, so that leaves us with Dragonsong, the play.

In 1980, the Adventure Theatre in Glen Echo, Maryland produced a children's musical play based on the book Dragonsong. The production was headed by Irene Elliot who also did the adaptation of the book. Final draft approval was made by Anne with only minor changes. Anne did make one major scene change for visual effect. In the original story of Dragonsong, Menolly injured her hand by cutting it severely while gutting fish. To give this important scene a visual impact, Anne changed the scene so Menolly’s father (Yanus) does the damage by breaking her hand. Overall, though, the story line follows the book.The songs that are in the play are: Sea Song, Children’s Game, Menolly’s Song, Teaching Song, Fire Lizard Song and White Winged Craft.

This entry (that further lists the four venues the play was performed at in 1980, 1986 and 1987 (twice) but I know from the internet it was performed many times, as a High School play, in several schools including one on Hawaii) is made extra special by a set of pictures (by E. Pen Stevens), provided especially for Hargreaves’ book by Irene Elliot. Since these pictures are now already over 25 years old I am taking the liberty of reproducing them here without the intention of violating anyone’s copyright etc. etc.

Later the adaptation was printed in a booklet: the official adaptation to stage of Dragonsong by the earlier mentioned Irene Elliot, who also composed the music and the lyrics for the songs mentioned earlier, except the Sea Song, the Teaching Song and White Winged Craft, for which Anne McCaffrey herself wrote the lyrics. The booklet was (is) published by Anchorage Press, New Orleans. First edition dates August 1989. It is published in photo reproduction form (so essentially I guess the first edition was that of 1980). Hargreaves says that “bound book versions” won’t be available until 1990 but as far as I know all editions are stapled and bound versions do not exist. If anybody knows of one, please contact your local Master Archivist.

There was a time that these booklets could simply be ordered on Amazon (shipped within about a week for I think it 6 pounds. Anneli can correct me if I’m wrong, she ordered and one and, more amazing, got it! :) Actually, when I just checked it was still “available” :) [url]http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/0876022948/203-5443864-9611939[/url]Whether it is worth money or not I do think this is a great collectible as it is rather special and even though quite a few could be around, a lot of them will have perished. They certainly don’t show up on eBay and such sites.

The pictures below are the ones mentioned earlier and all copyright E. Pen Stevens.

Menolly and the Seahold children

Menolly and Masterharper Robinton

T'rolt (huh? yes!) and Geleth (sic!) during Impression

T'gellan and Monarth with the Seahold children

Dragon's Tongue: a herb native to Pern. Called "Pern aloe", dragon's tongue is a succulent with a gelatinous leaf that can be used as a burn reliever. Closest Terran equivalent is obviously Aloe. [submitted by Jennifer Quail]. 
Drake Bonneau: shuttle pilot [DD]. Married Svenda Olobushtu [DD]. 
D'ram of Ista: oldtimer, rider of bronze Tiroth. Weyrleader of Ista [D2].
Dray: a low, strong cart without fixed sides, for carrying heavy loads like coal or firestone. There seem to be fancy drays and workdrays as the last are mentioned by name in Dragon's Fire [Dfire].
Dray beasts: oxen-like cartbeasts that pull a cart or wagon [GWHD/17]. They are very strong and have cloven hoofs, straight backs, wide withers, short necks and low-held heads. They are not designed or suitable for riding [GWHD/39].
Drevalla: child at Benden Hold [MHoP].
Drudge: a worker. Usually not intelligent enough to be apprenticed in any craft. They do the menial tasks such as food preparation and cleaning.
During the First Interval/Second Pass Bitran drudges attending the major Hold wore livery [RSR/16:386].

Drum message:
D'say: rider of bronze Kritith. Wingleader at Igen Weyr [Mor]. He had a son by Moreta called M'ray. The name of his dragon is misspelled as Critith in the short story Beyond Between [Mor; BB].

See also Hand-to-hand combat.

Dugall: man of Segoina at Pierie Hold [MHoP].
Dulchenth: queen dragon, rider Empie [Mor].
Dulsay of Telgar, Lady: Lady Holder of Telgar Hold, spouse of Lord Larad [RoP].

The picture on the right is (part of) a portrait artist Robin Wood made for The People of Pern (1988), the wonderful book with portraits of Pernese people by the same artist.

[Illustration used with permission. © Robin Wood 1988]

Dunkirk, the: [DoP/6].
Duquesnes; colonist family [DD].
Duty Song: also called Duty Ballad. Composed by Jemmy, first performed at the Telgar Weyr Hatching of autumn 257 [RSR/3:105-106]. See also Teaching songs.
D'vid: rider of bronze Wieth, stationed at Fort Weyr [CoP-SW].
D'vin: rider of bronze Hurth. Wingleader and later Weyrleader at High Reaches Weyr, successor of B'ralar. Became Wingleader three Turns after Impressing Hurth and was a Wingleader for only 2-3 Turns before becoming Weyrleader [Dfire].
D'wer: rider of blue Trebeth, stationed at Benden Weyr [D2/273-274].