Queen |
Queen dragon: |
Queenrider: |
Queen's Battle: an accident that took place back in the First Pass when all the dragon were still at Fort Weyr in the early days of draginriding when they didn't know the consequences of keeping queens in heat or hatching near to each other. This event is still remembered near the start of the Third Pass and refered to as "the Queen's Battle" [Dfire]. |
Queen's wing: a collection of queen dragons that are involved in fighting Thread, flying at a low level. A queen's wing traditionally stays aloft after Threadfall is over to assist the ground crews [RSR/17:413]. There is evidence that, at least in early times, pregnant female riders rode with the Queen's Wing, since they were not allowed to go between [RSR/3:88]. |
Question Song: |
Queth: bronze dragon, rider O'ney. By the end of the First Interval he was an old dragon. Queth was among the nine dragons involved in the rescue of Telgar Weyr dragonriders M'leng and P'tero who were attacked by lions while on an outing to the Southern Continent during first-month of Turn 258 [RSR/16:373]. |
Quinth: gold dragon at Ista Weyr. Rider Nian, twin to N'ru, rider of bronze Larinth [EtT]. |
Quitrin: Healer at Southern Boll Hold [Mor]. |
Quoarth: brown dragon, rider M'ray [Mor]. |