Uloa: rider of queen Elliath, junior weyrwoman at Fort Weyr [CoP]. |
Uncle: blue fire lizard, one of Menolly's bunch [H1]. |
Underwarder: an assitant-manager, the assistant of a warder. |
Upwellings: There are four upwellings in Pern's seas/oceans [DoP/5]. |
Urgent banner: a red striped banner flown at a Hold to indicate an urgent need of a dragonrider RSR]. See also Dragon messengers and Message pennon. |
Ussie: an Artist (decorator) at Hall Domaize and colleague of Iantine who warned him about the Bitrans but had not been specific enough with his warnings according to Iantine [RSR/5:135]. Was not good at portraits and anatomy but better at landscapes and a dab hand at designing heraldry shields and icons [RSR/5:137]. |
Usuai: [DD]. |
Uvor: beastmaster at Keroon Beasthold [RoP]. |